What is Feminine Energy? 6 Ways to Be More Feminine

Most of us have some idea of what it’s like to be around someone who exudes a lot of feminine energy. But what exactly is feminine energy, and what does it mean to be feminine?

Here’s everything you need to know about becoming more feminine and reconnecting with your feminine side.

Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits that are thought to be the polar opposite of masculine energy.

When you’re working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward, your masculine side comes out.

When you go with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play, and pay attention to your internal process, your feminine side comes out.

Importantly, none of these characteristics are associated with gender. The characteristics we’ve come to define as “feminine” stem from the expectations we’ve placed on women throughout history to behave a certain way.

Similarly, the characteristics associated with being “masculine” are characteristics that we used to associate with men. Today, we know that people of all genders can have any combination of these traits, and that no trait is inherent to or should be expected of any gender.

Nonetheless, the terms “feminine” and “masculine” can be useful in describing two distinct and opposing ways of being.

For people of all genders, embodying both feminine and masculine energy is necessary in order to feel whole. Men are typically encouraged to identify with masculine energy, but there is great joy in being able to let go and be adaptable. (In fact, raising boys without gender stereotypes is more important than ever!)

Similarly, many women are still raised with the expectation of being feminine, but there are numerous advantages to being direct, directive, and progressive. It feels good to have outlets for both our masculine and feminine energies.

Why are so Many of Us Disconnected from Our Feminine Energy Traits?

In our culture, masculine energy is “valued” more than feminine energy because it is often about progress and moving forward. This creates a sense of being off-kilter, both personally and culturally.

When we overvalue masculinity, we spend the majority of our time working and very little time resting, vacationing, and connecting with others on the spur of the moment.

Overvaluing masculinity also causes us to become overly reliant on man-made objects, such as smartphones and laptop computers, and to spend less time in nature and expressing our creative selves.

Being overly masculine and under-feminine leaves many of us yearning for something different—something revitalizing, wild, resourceful, and spontaneous. It’s the female!

1. Compel Yourself to Change.

Some of us think of the feminine as calm and rejuvenating, but that’s only half the picture. Feminine energy is also fearless—it is a transformative force.

If something in your life is no longer serving you, feminine energy will surge to make a change. This can be quite dramatic! Destruction precedes creation; we must say goodbye to the old in order to welcome the new.

While the transformation process can be unruly and frightening at times, it is necessary. After all, we are constantly evolving.

We would remain stagnant without the powerful movement of feminine energy, which is both soothing and unsettling. That is something no one wants.

2. Consider Spontaneity and Play.

Let’s face it: we don’t place as much value on vacation, connection, downtime, or rest as we should! We’re overworked (over-masculinized), and as a result, we don’t often experience life’s spontaneous joys.

Too many of us put off feeling relaxed and playful until our next vacation. Don’t put it off any longer! Every day can be a mini-vacation. Make downtime and relaxation time a priority. Read books, listen to music, practice yoga, and simply live in the moment. You’ll feel more like yourself once you’ve recovered from your overworked state.

3. Develop Your Emotional Expression

The masculine is defined by logic, whereas the feminine is defined by emotions. We all have emotional selves, but many of us haven’t been taught how to recognize and manage them.

Don’t worry if you’re confused about your emotional process; you can learn to be more in tune with yourself. This is accomplished by paying attention to how you feel and increasing your emotional intelligence. As you become more familiar with your emotional states, you will naturally begin to feel more whole.

4. Be Inventive

The feminine is the driving force behind creation. Femininity has historically been used to describe women, and many women have bodies that are designed to create life. However, creation can take many forms, including artistic expression, writing, dancing, painting, and dreaming up new ideas. Consider what you want to create. Anything that reflects your natural flow is considered feminine.

5. Explore Nature

Places can be classified as masculine or feminine based on their overall characteristics. The feminine represents life force energy. Natural feminine energy abounds in places such as the forest, jungle, parks, and the ocean. When you’re feeling out of sorts and in need of a pick-me-up, go there.


6. Reflect

Many of us are so preoccupied with our daily lives that we rarely take the time to listen to what’s going on inside of us. When we constantly act in an extroverted manner, we create a schism within ourselves. We become disconnected from our deeper selves.

This is easily adaptable. All you have to do is connect internally to who you are. Starting therapy is an excellent way to accomplish this. Working with a therapist to explore your thoughts and feelings is like diving into your deeper, internal, feminine side.

It’s easy to lose touch with your feminine side, but as you can see, it’s an important part of your identity.

If you’re feeling tired, overworked, fragmented, or exhausted, you need feminine energy to restore, inspire, and enliven you.

Implement these practices, and the feminine will resurrect you. Consider exploring your connection to the Divine Feminine if you want to get spiritual with it.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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