What is Ramneek Sidhu’s Educational Background?

Have you been searching for who Ramneek Sidhu is and what he does? Do you want to know about Ramneek Sidhu’s educational background? This post will give you more information about Ramneek Sidhu’s educational background and more.

Ramneek Sidhu is a successful businessman. Also, he started Digital Kings, a company that helps celebrities and artists connect.

He has also teamed up with Hollywood and Bollywood stars, and together they have created amazing projects.

Also, Ramneek provides clients with website design, advertising, film marketing, and other services to help them grow their digital assets.

Interestingly, he is known for his inspirational life stories, especially the ones he posts on Twitter.

Ramneek makes a lot of money every month through his social media account and digital marketing. Currently, he has a net worth of about $3 million. 

Also, Ramneek is very good at helping businesses increase their online traffic, sales, and brand recognition.

In addition, he has helped hundreds of companies do this, and he’s also a frequent blogger and speaker. He is a philanthropist and loves to share his skills with others.

Interestingly, Ramneek likes spending time with his spouse and two children in his free time. He also enjoys traveling and discovering new places.

What is Ramneek Sidhu’s Educational Background?

Ramneek Sidhu was born on January 2nd, 1995, in Punjab, India. He finished his schooling at Golden Bells Public School in Punjab. After that, he earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from .

Also, Ramneek earned a three-year in Marketing and Advertising from Punjab University.

After he graduated from school, he moved to the since he has a passion for everything social media.

He worked as a digital marketer for a company for a few years before creating his company. Interestingly, a few years later he opened his company called ‘Digital Kings’.

This was the breaking point of his career where he got to do many collaborations with top celebrities.

Over the years, Digital Kings has gained a reputation for managing celebrities’ social media accounts and promoting brands.

Ramneek is from a family of people from Punjab, India. He enjoys watching TV shows and traveling to new places. He also likes to do adventurous things, like working in an office.

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