What is Your Greatest Strength Answer Samples for An Interview in 2022

– What is Your Greatest Strength Answer Samples –

What is your greatest strength answer samples? During the interview process, they may ask you to describe your personal strengths and weaknesses. Many job candidates are unsure about how to approach this question. However, this post contains detailed information on what is your greatest strength answer samples.

Preparing for this question ahead of time is a good way to spend your time before the interview.

Even if you aren’t directly asked about your strengths and limitations, knowing your response to this typical topic can provide you with a frank yet compelling summary of what you bring to the table and how you hope to grow in the future.

You’ll be able to successfully answer many typical interview questions if you have these answers on hand.

In the sections below, you’ll find example answers, example strengths and weaknesses and tips on how to prepare your response.

Table of Contents

How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength?”

Being put on the spot and asked to brag about you in the interview is never easy. There are, however, a few steps you may take to ensure that you provide a strong answer that interviewers will like.

Here are some key rules to remember when answering, “What is your greatest strength?” in an interview;

1. Pick One Strength

If you just pick one strength, it will be much easier to deliver a clear, short interview answer (which is usually a good thing!).

So pick one issue, keep your response short, and concentrate on making that one point and describing your one significant strength.

If you aren’t sure what strength to choose, keep reading. We’ll cover that in the next step

2. Know what you’re going to Say Ahead of Time

Don’t just “wing it” when you go in. Even a half-decent answer is preferable to make one up at the moment.

Doing this right now will give you a significant advantage. As a result, make sure you know which strength you’ll discuss ahead of time.

3. Choose a Strength that Relates to Their Job

“What is your greatest strength?” when asked. It’s advisable to choose anything that will assist you in your profession. This increases the chances of the interviewer offering you the job.

So consider which of your skills will be most useful in the position you’ve applied for.

Examine the job description to determine what the position entails or what is most important to the organization.

Consider whether the job requires a lot of technical knowledge. Is there any leadership involved, or would you be working on your own? Are you going to interact with customers or not? Is the job more creative or logical?

Before deciding which qualities to offer, you should check over the job description and ask yourself those questions.

Because the goal is to demonstrate a strength that will persuade the firm that you are a valuable candidate who should be hired for the position.

4. Explain Why This Strength Will Help You Succeed in Their Job

After you’ve shared your strength, explain how they will assist you to succeed in your job. For instance, you might say:

“My greatest strength is attention to detail. I’ve always been detail-oriented in my work, and it’s something I enjoy. I saw in your job description that this role involves a lot of detail-oriented work, which is one reason I applied.”


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5. Provide Specific Proof

After you’ve told them about your best strength and why it will benefit them in their career, try to back it up with evidence.

How? Tell a narrative or give an example of how you’ve used this strength in the past, for example, to assist a prior employer.

Giving a specific example is 10-20 times more effective than simply stating that you’re skilled at something. So, tell me about a time when you used this strength to accomplish something specific.

Using the example answer we just looked at above, you might continue and say:

In my last job, I was frequently required to manage 8-10 client projects at a time and often had 75 different tasks going on in those different projects.

Being detail-oriented allowed me to deliver 100% of my projects on time to our clients. In fact, I finished 45% of my assigned projects early.

The important thing to remember here is that when answering questions regarding your skills, it’s always best to be specific and detailed.

When you become specific and cite genuine results and data like the sample answer above, your answer (and previous work) will appear far more impressive to the interviewer.

What is Your Greatest Strength?

Are you not certain what your top qualities are? Here is a rundown of probably the best qualities you can use during an interview depending on your position and industry.

Logical Jobs Strengths

Going after a job as an investigator, programming designer, data set expert, or anything in the middle?

Think about utilizing the accompanying qualities (as long as you can uphold them with models, obviously):

➣ Critical thinking

➣ Analytical thinking

➣ Problem-tackling

➣ Detail-arranged

➣ Logical

Innovative Jobs Strengths

Working in the innovative business? You can say that your most prominent strength is:

➣ Creativity

➣ Originality

➣ Open-mindedness

➣ Detail-arranged

➣ Curiosity

➣ Flexibility

➣ Versatility

The Board Jobs Strengths

Conceived pioneer, functioning as an administrator? Utilize a portion of these qualities to flaunt your administrative abilities:

➣ Leadership

➣ Organization

➣ Communication abilities

➣ Persuasion

➣ Teamwork

➣ Detail-arranged

➣ Diplomatic

➣ Responsible

Active Jobs Strengths

Working in retail? Administration industry?  You can say that you are:

➣ Hard-working

➣ Detail-arranged

➣ Motivated

➣ Good at performing multiple tasks

➣ Problem-tackling

➣ Punctual

Correspondence Jobs Strengths

At last, if your work includes deals, client service, or something like that, you can specify that your most prominent strength is any of the accompanyings:

➣ Charisma

➣ Communication abilities

➣ Energetic

➣ Persuasion

➣ Witty

➣ Social

What is Your Greatest Strength Answer Samples

When the interviewer asks what your greatest strength is, you now know how to respond effectively. Let’s have a look at some sample answers to see how you can come up with your own.

First, here’s the answer you’d get if you combine the pieces we looked at in the steps above;

➣ Sample Answer 1:

“My greatest strength is attention to detail. I’ve always been detail-oriented in my work, and it’s something I enjoy. I saw in your job description that this role involves a lot of detail-oriented work, which is one reason I applied.

In my last job, I was frequently required to manage 8-10 client projects at a time and often had 75 different tasks going on in those different projects.

Being detail-oriented allowed me to deliver 100% of my projects on time to our clients. In fact, I finished 45% of my assigned projects ahead of schedule.”

Now let’s look at some other good answer samples for your greatest strength. 

➣ Sample Answer 2

“My greatest professional strength is the ability to handle pressure and work under a tight deadline. I think that would help me succeed in this position because of the large number of clients and deadlines I’d be working with here.

In my last position, I handled difficult projects on short notice for a number of our top clients like Coca Cola and Microsoft.

I completed 100% of the projects I was assigned and this resulted in us winning $2 million in additional business from these clients.”

Sample Answer 3 for Student or Recent Graduate

I work pretty well under pressure. When I was studying at University X, I’ve had several situations where I had to come up with a solution to some problem or another with a very limited time frame.

During a class on Databases, we had to come up with a relational database for a fake business. Our team lead turned out to be extremely unorganized – he organized a single meeting, gave us some vague tasks, and we never heard from him again. 

I already had some experience working with databases, so I did my part in advance and started waiting for the rest of the team.

I was in charge of doing the design, and the team was supposed to translate the schema into an actual database. 

Around a week before the deadline, I saw that no one was doing anything, so I organized a sync meeting. 

Turns out the rest of the team didn’t do anything, and the team lead was out of town. So, I had to take charge of the team and make sure we had the project ready by the deadline.

I personally helped each of my teammates’ help do their part, and also organized 2 more sync meetings to make sure we did everything right.

Eventually, we ended up submitting the project on time AND getting an A.

Sample Answer 4 for Service Industry

I’m very communicative and really get along with people.

After 3 years of experience in the service industry, I have no problem with building instant rapport and actively engaging with customers. 

I’m also pretty good at performing under pressure. At Restaurant X, there was constant chaos, especially during peak season.

The place was completely packed at all times, and the whole thing felt like a race against time. I actually enjoyed the experience, though.

Sample Answer 6 for University Admissions

I would say that it’s my time-management skill by far. 

During my senior year, I managed to maintain a 3.7 GPA, while at the same time doing a ton of different extracurricular activities.

Specifically, I’ve volunteered, was part of the student council, and was part of the managing team of the business club.

I’m a huge fan of scheduling pretty much everything I do. I need to know what I’m doing, when, and how long it’s going to take me. This way, I’ve never missed a deadline, assignment, or any other responsibility.

On the other hand, you could also say that that’s my weakness, haha. If the organization or team is unorganized, I’m not going to be too happy working with them.

➣  Sample Answer 7 for Experienced Professional

I’m a very good writer.

My last 2 jobs were 99% copywriting. So far, I’ve done pretty much everything writing-related: email marketing, website copy, blog posts, I’ve even ghost-written an e-book for a client.

I’ve also guest-posted on several popular blogs, such as Blog X and Blog Y.

NOTE: Always remember, the number one thing a hiring manager wants to know is how you’ll help the company make money or be more successful. 

What Can Your Strengths Do for Them?

That’s exactly what we’re doing in the examples above. You’re not just describing your greatest strength; you’re also explaining why it will benefit THEM, and you’re demonstrating this by describing how it has benefited your prior employers.

In any form of an interview, whether it’s a first phone interview or a face-to-face interview, that’s the general method for answering the question, “What is your biggest strength?”

So, when asked, “What are your biggest professional strengths?” it’s not only a chance to brag; it’s also an opportunity to show you can benefit the firm! That’s what will land you a job.


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Mistakes to Avoid When Answering, “What Is Your Greatest Strength?”

Let’s talk about some pitfalls to avoid in your answer now that you know how to answer questions regarding your greatest strengths and have seen two complete answer samples for this question!

To begin, you should never say “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know.” Always have one unique response prepared for each firm you’re interviewing with.

The second mistake to avoid is sounding disorganized or listing too many advantages. As previously said, it is ideal to focus on just one strength at a time.

If you really want to, you can go up to two strengths, but won’t name them anymore.

The third and final big mistake to avoid is coming across as excessively humble or bashful. There is a time and place for humility, and there is a time and place for confidence and bragging about oneself.

This is an interview question where you must feel comfortable bragging about your own abilities.

So make sure you practise sounding confident when you give your answer.

Other Examples of Greatest Strengths

When you’re interviewing for a customer service position, make sure to mention all the important skills and strengths that someone who works with the public should have.

Employers hire customer service representatives to represent their company’s image, values, and products and services to the public. To be successful, place a strong emphasis on the main qualities that make you a good fit for the job.

Examples of Strengths for a Customer Service Interview


A key strength in a customer service position is that of patience. You may be dealing with people who are lost, angry, frustrated, have multiple questions and expect you to be able to solve all of their problems.

Demonstrate your ability to be a calming force in your response to this query. 


I’m a patient person by nature, but when it comes to working with customers and clients, I always put myself in the other person’s position and treat them the way I’d want to be treated.

Whether someone just wants straightforward information or simple assistance, or they’re trying to deal with a multifaceted problem, my goal is to provide attentive, detailed service so the customer feels cared for and appreciated.

Problem-Solving Ability

Customer service agents are tasked with solving problems for customers, so having the skills to assess a situation and develop viable options for resolving issues is paramount in the role.

Emphasize your approach to drilling down and dissecting a customer’s issue and come up with a range of suitable options to recommend. 


I assess each customer’s needs and develop a strategy for providing them with what I consider to be the best options.

If a customer is trying to maximise a coupon or discount, struggling to make a return or they have a major product malfunction, my objective is to give them choices.


Being able to recognise the frustration of a customer, and acknowledge it, can go a long way in ensuring the customer has a favourable image of the business. Explain how you use this trait to provide exceptional service.


Regardless of the situation, I always acknowledge what the customer is feeling. Letting them know, in a sincere way, that I recognise their frustration is real, goes a long way toward helping find a resolution.

➣ Engaging Personality

Not all customer service positions are for troubleshooting customer problems. Some are simply a matter of providing people with an exceptional experience.

This often starts with having an upbeat, engaging personality. Be animated and energetic during your interview, make eye contact and use examples, where possible, to show the https://innaija.com.ng/interviews/what-is-your-greatest-strength-answer-samples/degree of customer care you provide.


I worked at an upscale resort where many people came for family vacations and honeymoons.

To make their holiday memorable and enjoyable, I made a habit of learning their names, and I used them every time I saw them around the property.

If I knew they were interested in a tour, I’d give them a courtesy call to ask if they wanted me to plan; if I knew they were excited about a sunset cruise, I collected brochures and sent them to their rooms.

I tried to ensure no fun element of their trip was overlooked.”

➣ Knowledge of Company Policy

Of course, to effectively give customers options, you have to be familiar with company policy so you can provide accurate information. Explain to your interviewer how you do this to show your approach.


If I know company policy is to allow 30-day cash-back refunds with a receipt or exchanges at any time, I’m able to advise the customer of those options.

If I know a customer is angry that a coupon doesn’t actually begin until the following day, I’ll suggest we put a “hold” on their merchandise for 24 hours so they can still get the discount.

For me, it’s all about using the company’s existing policies to create the best experience for the customer.

Customer service is all about being a stellar representative of the company you work for. Demonstrate your strengths in an interview by showcasing these key traits.

Accountant Job Interview: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Sample answers to “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” interview question for accountants

Attention to Detail and Excellent Math Skills are my Greatest Strengths

At least everything I’ve experienced so far during my studies and professional career suggests so. Just like everyone else, however, I have my weaknesses.

I am impatient at times, and I definitely have to improve my communication skills. Because I understand that a good accountant cannot only record each transaction properly.

They have to be able to communicate their findings and suggestions to the managers of the company.

But I really hope that working in an international corporation like this one, I will be forced, in good means, to improve on my communication skills, simply by having more interactions with others.

My Experience is my Greatest Strength

I’ve had my own accounting business for over a decade, with dozens of clients. Companies and freelancers from all sorts of industries, having all sorts of activities.

Both local and international transactions, investment, cryptocurrency, payroll, you name it. I had to learn a lot, and I believe that I have faced almost every challenge an accountant can face in their practice.

This gives me some edge over other job applicants or at least I fancy my chances.

On the other hand, I have never worked in a corporate environment and may find it hard to fit into the place, with everything that belongs to a typical corporate culture.

This is definitely my weakness, but I believe I will be able to eventually overcome it. I am up for the challenge to say the least.

My Greatest Strengths are Motivation and Willingness to Learn

This is my first job application, but I have all motivation in the world to learn from more experienced colleagues, and eventually become an excellent accountant.

My weakness is my lack of experience. Of course, I’ve earned my https://innaija.com.ng/interviews/what-is-your-greatest-strength-answer-samples/degree in Economics and we did a lot of accounting at the college, and I have always excelled in my accounting exams.

But I also realize that there’s a big gap between the theory at school and the real practice of an accountant, and I have to learn a lot to bridge this gap. It is definitely my weakness, but I see it as something temporary.

100% Focus on Results is Perhaps my Greatest Strength

The role of an accountant isn’t simply to record every transaction correctly and make sure that the tax return is in order. That’s just a mere plateau, the very basic level.

But I aspire to do much more than that for my employer. I always strive to find creative ways of cutting tax expenses or saving my employer money in some other way. Few accountants have such an attitude to work.

In terms of weaknesses, I would pick perfectionism, and sometimes also expecting too much from myself, which can easily lead to a crisis of motivation or even mental health issues.

I’ve been there before, and I know that I cannot be so hard on myself if I am to enjoy life and my career, and achieve my best for my employer going forward.

One thing I definitely struggle with are computers

I am an old school accountant. Having had this job for over thirty years, I can count everything with the help of pen and paper and a basic calculator.

Depending on your perspective, it is a strength or a weakness. Because when someone relies only on computers to do their job, at the moment the computer stops working, or they lose their data, or simply cannot use the computer for any other reason, they are lost, and won’t do anything.

I am aware of it, computers make our work much easier and faster, and also more accurate. And I should definitely rely on them. Well, I believe I’m not too old yet to cannot learn something new.

Hence I try with the computers, I am getting better it is definitely my disadvantage when you compare me with younger applicants.

I believe I can compensate for it with my vast experience and excellent face-to-face communication skills.

I’d Say my Biggest Strength is Working as a Cost Accountant for Four Years Ylready

I won’t start from scratch in the field. I’ve been doing the same job for years, and understand the ins and outs of the profession.

What’s more, I enjoy my work immensely, which is something I believe you cannot say about that many accountants.

My weakness, or at least what I observed as such over those four years is that I sometimes over-complicate things, digging too deep, which means that it often takes me longer to get the job done.

But I am trying to improve on my weakness and find the right balance, that means paying attention to detail but at the same time working effectively.

Because I am Never Quite Satisfied with my skills, or Even With my Results

I always try to improve on everything I do, be it at work or outside of it. So I may be too critical of myself because I do not think I am a great accountant at the moment.

I still have to learn a lot to consider myself as such. But I’ve achieved good results in my former job, and perhaps my former managers would point out certain strengths, or they even see my accounting skills in a different light.

However, I want to continue in my pursuit of perfection, and hence I do not want to boast here about my strengths. It’s just not my attitude to work or life.

How to Talk About Strengths in your Nursing Interview

Preparing yourself to talk about your strengths can help you plan successful answers during a nursing interview. Follow this guide to learn how to talk about your strengths during a nursing interview:

Brainstorm and Categorise Your Strengths

When preparing for a nursing interview, try to reflect on your strengths as a nurse and how to effectively communicate them to hiring managers.

Sometimes categorising your strengths can help you understand your strongest areas more clearly. Consider sorting your strengths into the following categories:

➣ Knowledge-based strengths: Knowledge-based skills may include computer knowledge, technical abilities, aptitude in current nursing practices, languages, and the ability to train others.

➣ Transferable skills: Transferable skills may include problem-solving, effective communication and organization abilities and leadership skills.

➣ Personal traits: Personal traits may include being a team player, having a strong work ethic, being honest and remaining calm under pressure.

Tailor Your Strengths

When discussing your strengths during a nursing interview, consider tailoring your descriptions to match the job requirements of the nursing opportunity.

Reflect on ways your strengths could apply and add value to future scenarios within the position and include this information in the descriptions of your strengths.

Doing this may help hiring managers understand how your strengths make you the perfect fit for the job.

Use the following list of common nursing strengths when reflecting how they apply to your desired role:

➣ Compassion for patients

➣ Ability to solve problems quickly

➣ Strong stress management skills

➣ Team player

➣ Leadership abilities

➣ Flexibility

Be Confident While Remaining Humble

While describing your strengths, it’s important to do so confidently without sounding arrogant. Often, hiring managers look for confidence paired with a willingness to learn and improve.

Bragging about your accomplishments can appear as a sign that you’re too proud to receive and apply feedback, an important part of being a successful nurse.

To avoid this, try to keep your tone neutral and describe your strengths in a respectful, concise manner.

Nursing Greatest Strength Sample Answers

Below are some examples of successful answers to questions about strengths during a nursing interview:

➣ Example 1

“I think my greatest strength is my compassion for patients. I know that this opportunity involves working with pediatric patients and their families, and I believe my dedication to providing compassionate care and support to children and their loved one’s makes me a qualified candidate for this position.”

➣ Example 2

“This opportunity as an emergency room nurse requires advanced stress management skills and an ability to work well under pressure.

I think one of my most notable strengths as a nurse is my ability to think clearly and maintain efficiency while experiencing varying levels of stress.”

➣ Example 3

“Working as an operating room nurse involves an extreme level of attention to detail, a trait I believe to be one of my strengths as a nurse.

In the workplace, I often notice slight changes in a patient’s condition that may otherwise go unnoticed.”

What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses Sample Answers

You may be asked about your strengths and weaknesses in the same question or in two distinct ones. If you’re asked about both your strengths and flaws at the same time, start with the weakness so you can end on a good note.

When addressing your weaknesses, use examples from either your skills/habits or your personality qualities.

Depending on the type of job you’re applying for, you may want to focus on one or the other. Discussing a skill or habit, for example, could be quite useful in a technical role.

Your interviewer may be more interested in hearing about your personality qualities if you’re applying for a sales or customer service position.

Neither option is strictly correct or incorrect. Reread the job description for hints on what matters most in this particular position.

The formula for your answer is easy to follow: First, state your weakness. Second, add additional context and a specific example or story of how this trait has emerged in your professional life.

That context will give potential employers insight into your level of self-awareness and commitment to professional growth. In the example answers below, you’ll see the weakness followed by context sentences in italics:

➣ Sample Weakness 1: Self-Critical

“I can be too critical of myself. A pattern I’ve noticed throughout my career is that I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I’ve done well.

Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk. One solution I’ve implemented over the last three years is to actively pause and celebrate my achievements.

Not only has this helped my own self-esteem, but it has also helped me genuinely appreciate and recognize my team and other support systems.”

➣ Sample Weakness 2: Lacking Confidence

“I’m naturally shy. From high school and into my early professional interactions, it prevented me from speaking up.

After being a part of a workgroup that didn’t meet our strategic goals two quarters in a row, I knew I owed it to my team and myself to confidently share my ideas.

I joined an improv acting class, it’s fun and has really helped me overcome my shyness. I learned practical skills around leading discussions and sharing diverse perspectives.

Now, in group settings, I always start conversations with the quieter folks. I know exactly how they feel, and people can be amazing once they start talking.”

➣ Sample Weakness 3: Difficulty Asking Questions

“I default to believing that I can solve any problem on my own. This works well in some situations, but in many cases, I need the help of others to overcome factors beyond my control.

In one instance last year, I was spearheading a client event that had a lot of moving parts. It wasn’t until after the event that I realized how narrowly I had pulled it off.

I was trying to manage everything from the strategic plan down to the tiniest details, like table settings. I did a lot of self-reflection afterwards.

Since then, I’ve been training myself to take a step back before diving into problem-solving mode and identify people or groups that can be resources to me.”

➣ Sample Weakness 4: Lacking Experience

“I’m not familiar with the latest version of [insert name of non-critical software]. Instead, I’ve focused on [insert name of preferred software] because user-centric design has become a strong passion of mine.

In my last few jobs, that’s where I’ve spent time learning and growing.”

➣ Sample Weakness 5: Procrastination

“I’ve always been a procrastinator. I used to think it wasn’t such a bad habit because I was only creating stress for myself.

But when I was working for XYZ Company several years ago, I was on a group project where I could see how my putting things off to the last minute created stress for everyone else.

It was a wake-up call. I started creating daily schedules that hold me accountable to my team, and I broke the habit. It was hard at first, but using the Agile process was a real breakthrough in my workflow and mindset.”

➣ Sample Weakness 6: Perfectionism

“I tend to be a perfectionist and can linger on the details of a project which can threaten deadlines. Early on in my career, when I worked for ABC Inc., that very thing happened.

I was labouring over the details and in turn, caused my manager to be stressed when I almost missed the deadline on my deliverables.

I learned the hard way back then, but I did learn. Today I’m always aware of how what I’m doing affects my team and management. I’ve learned how to find the balance between perfect and very good and being timely.”

➣ Sample Weakness 7: Difficulty with an Area of Expertise

“Math wasn’t my strongest subject in school. To be honest, as a student, I didn’t understand how it would be applicable in my adult life.

Within a few years of being in the working world, though, I realized I wanted to take my career in a more analytical direction.

At first, I wasn’t sure where to begin, but I found some free online courses that refreshed the important basics for me.

In my most recent job, this new foundation has enabled me to do my goal setting and tracking. Actually, getting over the math anxiety I had when I was younger has been incredibly empowering.”

Of course, you’ll need to personalise the above examples according to your personal weakness and how you’re adapting and improving yourself.

Finally, you may tell a unique tale about who you are and where you want to go if you take the time to prepare a meaningful response.

Turn your weaknesses into challenges you’ve overcome and your strengths into why you’re a great fit for the job when you prepare your answers.


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