What You Should Know Before Taking a Sabbatical 2020 Update

What You Should Know Before Taking a Sabbatical 2020 Update

If you are committed to your job but have started to feel burnt out or uninspired, or if you’ve always dreamed of continuing your studies or immersing yourself in a different culture, then a sabbatical may be the answer.

In this article, we will show you all you should know before taking a sabbatical.

What Is a Sabbatical?

Sabbaticals are a way for employees to take a period of extended leave from work without quitting their job. They can bring benefits to both employer and employee, but they require careful planning and negotiation to ensure the arrangement works for everyone.

A sabbatical can last from a couple of months up to a year. Most sabbaticals are unpaid, although a few employers do offer paid versions. Crucially, sabbaticals are not just a long holiday and should have a sense of purpose to them that is in some way related to your work (we’ll discuss this in more detail later).

Common Reasons for Taking a Sabbatical

There isn’t one correct reason to take a sabbatical — people from all walks of life, in all stages of their careers and from all different circumstances take sabbaticals. Some of the more common reasons include:

  • Travel purpose
  • Wanting to take a break or recharge
  • To spend time with family
  • Volunteer
  • Training for a new career
  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery

The extended time off that sabbaticals provide is a great way to explore the options above. Alternatively, you could also consider taking an extended vacation, requesting a more flexible schedule or going on medical or FMLA leave — it’s all up to you, and what you think is best for your life and your career.

How to Ask for a Sabbatical

The first step is tocheck if your company allows employees to take sabbaticals. This may be mentioned in your contract, company handbook or intranet. Generally, it is larger corporations or public sector employers who offer formal (usually unpaid) sabbaticals, although some smaller companies do too.

If your employer does have a formal policy on sabbaticals, you will need to check the conditions to find out if you are eligible to apply. They will usually stipulate that employees must have worked for the organisation for a minimum period.

Other terms may include freezing your pension and salary, and a stipulation that you do not undertake paid work for another company while you are on leave.

If you are eligible and have a plan for your sabbatical that fits with the terms of their policy, speak to your line manager or HR manager about how to apply.

Even if your company has no policy on sabbaticals and no record of offering them, you may still be able to negotiate one for yourself. In this case, you will need to be very clear on your reasons for taking a sabbatical and how they will benefit all parties, but you must also be willing to compromise.

Tips to Applying for a Sabbatical Leave

The following tips should help you to secure a positive response:

  • Test the water. Don’t present your plans for a sabbatical as a done deal, as this leaves your boss with no room for negotiation. Start by discussing the idea as something you are considering, and gauge their response to your proposal.
  • Focus on the positives. Don’t complain about being so stressed or burnt out that you need time off. Instead emphasise the benefits that taking a sabbatical could bring to the company, in terms of the new mindset, skills and experience you will return with.
  • Consider any financial incentives. Your company might save money by not paying your salary while you’re on sabbatical. And if you were to choose to quit instead, it could be costly to hire someone new (although be wary of making this sound like a threat).
  • Prepare your case. If you decide to go ahead with a formal request, make sure you have a clear outline of what you want to do during your sabbatical, how much time off you will need and the advantages to your employer. Be specific when presenting the business case – for example, by spending time in another country you will develop language skills and cultural experience that will help your company secure more overseas customers.
  • Be flexible. Although you must present a clear plan, you may also need to compromise. You may want to take your sabbatical at a certain time or for a certain period, but be prepared to consider adapting your plans to fit with the company’s needs. For instance, they may only be able to spare you for a few months rather than a full year, or they may ask you to delay your sabbatical until a quieter period at work.


Why is sabbatical important?

Going on a sabbatical has benefits both for the employee as well as their employer. For employees, it can reduce stress and increase overall wellbeing. For organizations, it is the occasion to stress test their succession planning and prepares teams for unexpected absences.

What does a sabbatical leave policy look like?

Key elements to cover in a sabbatical policy are eligibility, whether or not the leave paid or unpaid, what the application process is, the purpose of the company’s sabbatical policy and the duration of the leave.

What are the Benefits of Taking a Sabbatical

While there are many considerations worth taking into account before deciding to go on a sabbatical, there are undoubtedly benefits to it as well. Many of those who have taken sabbaticals come to treasure the memories they’ve made traveling, volunteering or pursuing their personal passion projects. 

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