When New Year Resolution Doesn’t Make Sense

By just guessing, for a month thereabout now, I could tell one of your thoughts is NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. Just like the years before, you’re going to pick up a piece of paper, rightly cut, and you’ll unveil the plans for the New Year.

While you’re writing, something might ask you, ‘Are you sure this is going to work?’ Instead of listening to that still small voice, you’re probably going to write those self-fulfilling lists: I wanna be better me; I wanna be more sensitive this year; I wanna drop this and that; I wanna accomplish my goals unlike the yesteryears and all the ‘wannabes’ Now as you write, everything seems perfect and ready for execution.

I could imagine you smiling and gulping down some saliva to whet your new made mandate’s appetite. But wait, is anything asking you, ‘WHAT ABOUT LAST YEAR? What about the inability and the limitations that surrounded your getting things done? What about those things you were sure you’ll do but couldn’t just do?’

Without doubt, someone who’s so sensitive would be opened to the reality that most of his plans for the year were not accomplished. Now comes the question of ‘What went wrong?’ If the above hit you and you’re now able to profer a solution, then Congratulations in advance. But for those who are still left appaled by that question, let me help you.

You see, we live in a generation where almost everything is not working: the goverment and individuals being at loggerheads over taking some measures for change. The more this takes root, the more defeat we meet by the day. We see individuals who mentally queue for a change that could have been done by themselves.

People go about their daily businesses with attitudes that do not meet the moral standard. If I may ask, ‘What about your Attitude to Change and how excellent is your habit? Are you a fan of discipline? These are the pillars that either makes or mar resolution taking: if you don’t get them working, nothing is going to work in your life.

ATTITUDE Like I’ve read, attitude is everything.
A business person wants to increase income by 500percent has attitude to business reading 0.5percent. How could this be possible! Lateness to place of business and attitude to change are sad stories to tell.

He wants to lose weight, so he resolves to choose his foods carefully and then make sure he does enough exercise every morning.
He looks at the mirror and sees his new him but his discipline meter reads Zero. Such man shouldn’t deceive Himself that it’s going to work without discipline. Discipline to me, is the heart of resolution.

He is a student and promised himself he’s going to be a better one the next year. I could imagine him writing, ‘No more lateness to School, no more aimlessness, but to keep a workable reading timetable’ If you’re a student, that could start ringing some alert bells in you, and that’s it! The only thing you might not have done is the resolution around your H-A-B-I-T.

You sleep for 8hours every day, watches home videos after school and goes out with friends later in the evening. On weekends, you play video games and chat endlessly and then you want to keep up with your resolution? Pls don’t! Behind every working Resolution are Attitude, Discipline and Habit. Any resolution without these perfectly working will meet its waterloo.

And New Year Resolution doesn’t make sense when these are not rightly attended to. My advice then is, make sure you consider these and set goals to keep them working if you want to share the testimony of how it went well in December.

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