When One Door Closes a Window Opens Quotes

When one door closes, another window opens. This famous saying is best used as a reminder that no matter how hard things seem at the moment and how bad things might get, you should never think about giving up and resigning yourself to your current situation.

Always keep reminding yourself that even though sometimes it can seem like you’re trapped, there will come a time when the situation will improve and change for the better.

Life is full of ups and downs. When one opportunity closes, another one will always come forth and that’s exactly what these hen one door closes a window opens quotes shed light on. Check them out.

In life, everything happens for a reason, and there is always something better waiting for you on the other side. When one door closes, a window opens, but it’s up to you whether or not you want to walk through the new window or stay where you are because life is full of surprises!

1. If one door closes, another one opens. If one window is broken, a new one will soon be there. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

2. When one door closes, a window opens. And with it, new opportunities to explore and celebrate life. Explore your options and make the most of every day.

3. Keep your head up and move on from rejection. They’ve opened a window for you to do something bigger, better, and brighter.

4. One door closes, and another window opens. And so it goes…we never know what lies ahead. But we do know this: life is good.

5. Sometimes, when a door closes on your dreams, a window opens, and you’re one step closer to your new path.

6. There will always be another door open for you if one closes. And there’s always a window to look out of if one doesn’t have a door.

7. Keep your head up and move on from rejection. They’ve opened a window for you to do something bigger, better, and brighter.

8. Challenges and obstacles are stepping stones to success. When one door closes, another window opens.

9. Life is full of surprises—good, bad and flat-out ugly. When something ends, that doesn’t mean it’s the end. It’s time to move forward looking good.

10. When the door closes on something, somewhere, a window opens. Look for it. Reach for it. There is no such thing as a closed door. Only a window that has not been opened yet.

11. The universe is constantly opening & closing doors for us—the challenge is to remain conscious of this so we can be prepared to walk through when it happens. ~Oprah Winfrey

12. There will always be new beginnings and windows to open.

13. Don’t let a closed door hold you back. Reach for windows when they open

14. Climb on through that window because you’re a winner.

15. Setbacks are only temporary. You should never be discouraged by a single failure. If, at first, you don’t succeed, try and try again until…well, you get it!

16. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. If we never try, we’ll never know what we’re capable of.

17. When things don’t go your way, remember that nothing ever goes the way you expect it to—except for when it does.

18. You can’t always control the situation you’re in, but you can control how you respond to it

19. Sometimes, what you’re looking for is right under your nose. Good things come to those who wait.

20. We all know this feeling, and it doesn’t have to be negative – there will always be something better waiting

21. Climb on through that window because you’re a winner.

22. It’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters.

23. When one door closes, another window opens. So don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy the little moments!

24. Life is full of ups and downs. When one door closes, a window opens and here are quotations to inspire you when you’ve lost an opportunity.

25. Whenever the time comes that you miss an opportunity, never stop your way, as better opportunities lie ahead of you when you don’t give up and keep striving.

26. We all have setbacks—that doesn’t mean we need to stay down. When one door closes, a window opens.

27. When one door closes, a window opens. When a door closes, look for a window. In fact, more than one.

28. As they say, one door closes, and another opens; a window opens.

29. Sometimes, when a door closes on your dreams, a window opens, and you’re one step closer to your new path.

30. There will always be another door open for you if one closes. And there’s always a window to look out of if one doesn’t have a door.

31. When one door closes, another window opens. Make sure you’re looking through your own windows or doors.

32. Create your own windows, and don’t let anyone tell you that they’re wrong.

33. Life is full of questions, and the only answer is to go through the door.

34. Life is about moving on and making the most of what you have. Even when one door closes, another window opens.

35. And when the window opens, you see a beautiful view inside. #youarebeautiful

36. If one door closes another window opens. So don’t sit on your laurels there’s still time to do more.

37. You never know what you might find when a door closes, and a window opens.

38. One door closes, and another opens. Sometimes the window is even bigger.

39. When one door closes, a window opens. And with it, new opportunities to explore and celebrate life. Explore your options and make the most of every day.

40. There’s an open window for you somewhere in this city.

41. One door closes, and another window opens. And so it goes…we never know what lies ahead. But we do know this: life is good

42. Don’t let a closed door hold you back. Reach for windows when they open

43. When one door closes another window opens. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

44. Climb on through that window because you’re a winner.

45. New opportunities are always popping up, so don’t give up when one door closes. In fact, look for an open window nearby.

46. We all have doors in our lives that close—but out of those, we just have to find a way to open some new windows.

47. New beginnings, fresh perspectives—open up.

48. You can’t always control the situation you’re in, but you can control how you respond to it.

49. Start each day with a carpe diem attitude, and come what may—you’ll get through it all.

50. Keep your chin up. You never know when you’re going to stumble upon another opportunity. In life, when one door closes, another one opens.

51. Sometimes, what you’re looking for is right under your nose. Good things come to those who wait.

52. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars

53. Smile and wave as you turn the page to a brighter tomorrow.

54. When one door closes, another window opens. And you have to throw yourself through that window.

55. We all have setbacks—that doesn’t mean we need to stay down. When one door closes, a window opens.

56. If a door closes, somewhere, a window opens. – Alexander Graham Bell

57. As they say, one door closes, and another opens; a window opens.

58. Sometimes, when a door closes on your dreams, a window opens, and you’re one step closer to your new path.

59. There will always be another door open for you if one closes. And there’s always a window to look out of if one doesn’t have a door.

60. Keep your head up and move on from rejection. They’ve opened a window for you to do something bigger, better, and brighter.

61. Create your own windows, and don’t let anyone tell you that they’re wrong.

62. You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.

63. This is your year. What are you waiting for?

64. Appreciate what you have, and let go of what you don’t.

65. When one door closes, a window opens…or, in this case, doors.

66. When one door closes, another window opens. It’s your choice what you do next.

67. When one door closes, another window opens.

68. Challenges and obstacles are stepping stones to success. When one door closes, another window opens.

69. Never underestimate the power of an open mind!!

70. You can’t see the rainbow until you let go of the clouds.

71. Never let your past dictate your future.

72. Rise and shine! Coffee is calling.

73. Look for the things that seem impossible now but will be easy at some point in future.

74. When one door closes, a window opens. And so it goes, our lives begin to end. But then the rains come, the wind blows, and new flowers grow. And then we realize that life is good.

75. When one door closes, another window opens; if you don’t find it, look harder. There’s always a way to get over the hill.

76 When one door closes, another window opens, And so begins the journey we call life. As you cross paths with life’s obstacles, You will find that they are stepping stones to success.

77. When one door closes, another window opens; they’re not the boundaries of your world. They’re a path to a simpler one, And one that’s filled with more of you.

78. When one door closes a window opens, Through the window’s frame, And a brighter day will come, And we will have to say, “Those obstacles we’ve overcome Will give us strength to do Things we never thought

79. One door closes, and another opens. And you’re about to learn how to make the most of every chance you get.

80. When there is a will, there is a window.

81. We all run into roadblocks and detours, but with a positive attitude, anything is possible.

82. For every closed door, there’s a window. For every maybe in life, there’s a definite.

83. Don’t let a closed door hold you back. Reach for windows when they open.

84. We all have setbacks—that doesn’t mean we need to stay down. When one door closes, a window opens.

85. Sometimes, when a door closes on your dreams, a window opens, and you’re one step closer to your new path.

86. There will always be another door open for you if one closes. And there’s always a window to look out of if one doesn’t have a door.

87. There will always be another door open for you if one closes. And there’s always a window to look out of if one doesn’t have a door. There’s always an opportunity for you to dive into even when you’re faced with a setback

88. I’ve seen so much poverty, so much suffering, I’ve seen so much suffering, But there’s always another door open, and there’s always a window to look out of There’s always an opportunity to dive into

89. If a door closes, And a window opens, And you have to decide, What’s more important?

90. When one door closes, another one opens, and people in life who gain wisdom and experience can open that door and walk through it. Be grateful for what you have because as they say, if you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to

91. When one door closes, a window opens. And you’re in a world you never thought existed. You have to find the key, it’s waiting there for you. Opportunities will come your way, don’t give up on

92. There is always another door opening for the poor and the needy, for the tillers of the soil. As long as the sun shines and the rain falls, there is always a window for us to look out of and a door for us to go through

93. When God closes a door, he opens a window, so stay sensitive

94. When one door closes, another opens. Expect that new door to reveal even greater wonders and glories, and surprises. Feel yourself grow with every experience. And look for the reason for it.

95. When one door closes, another opens, And behind that door is a window, And through that window, you can see, The glories and wonders of the world.

96. When one door closes, a window opens, And things I’ve overlooked I can now see. When one door closes, another opens, and the wisdom I lacked I now possess.

97. When one door closes, I always expect the window to open, And the invitation should be accepted.

98. When one door closes, a window opens; it’s not the end of the world, But the end of one world, Perhaps the beginning of another.

99. There was a time when I heard the truth, and now my mind is filled with questions, and I’m confused I’m the person who used to be And now I’m the person I used to be.

100. Whenever the time comes that you miss an opportunity, never stop your way, as better opportunities lie ahead of you when you don’t give up and keep striving.

Though windows are no doors, the sentiment is the same. You just need to find the open window or create one for yourself — even if you have to break down a door to get there. So never give up and expect good things to happen because they will.

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