Where and How to Locate a Mammograms Near Me

– Mammograms Near Me –

Mammograms are vital to the health and longevity of you and your loved ones. Early detection of breast cancer can increase a woman’s five-year survival rate to 97 percent. 

Continue reading as this article will explain in detail all the need-to-know questions you may have on mammograms and how to locate mammograms near you.

What Is a Mammogram?

IU Health Cancer Centers recommends mammograms for women. Women with or without a family history of breast cancer should consult their doctor to see if they should begin screening sooner.

Mammography is a test that uses X-rays to create images of the breast. These images are called mammograms.

A radiologist trained to read mammograms studies the images and looks for signs of breast cancer.


Digital Mammograms Near Me

In the past, mammogram images were stored on film (film mammography). Now, mammogram images are usually stored on a computer (digital mammography).

This makes it easy to share digital images with another radiologist for review.

Since digital images are viewed on a computer, they can be lightened or darkened, and certain sections can be enlarged and looked at more closely.

How are The Mammograms Near Me Used?

1. Screening

Breast cancer screening tools are used to find breast cancer in a woman with no  or symptoms.

Overall, mammography is the most effective screening tool used to find breast cancer in most women. It can find cancers at an early stage when the chances of survival are highest.

2. Follow-up

Mammography can be used as a follow-up test when something abnormal is found on a screening mammogram or a .

A mammogram used as a follow-up test (instead of screening) is called a “diagnostic mammogram.”

Although it’s called a “diagnostic mammogram,” it can’t diagnose breast cancer. It can show whether the abnormal findings look like breast cancer though.

If the findings look like they could be breast cancer, you’ll need a  to diagnose and confirm (or rule out) breast cancer.

Getting A Mammogram

If you’re getting a mammogram for the first time, you may have questions about what to expect (before and after).

Learn about , including information for women who have breast implants, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have a physical disability.

Where to Get Mammography Near Me (Local Support Organizations)

Several national cancer-support organizations offer financial assistance or offer access to free mammograms.

If Medicare does not yet cover you, you have a low income, or you’re uninsured, check with these organizations for help:

Low-Cost or Free Mammograms Near Me

You are eligible for free or low-cost screenings if you meet these qualifications;

1. You have no insurance, or your insurance does not cover screening exams.

2. Certain women who are younger or older may qualify for screening services.

3. You are between 40 and 64 years of age for breast cancer screening.

4. You are between 21 and 64 years of age for cervical cancer screening.

5. Your yearly income is at or below 250%

Reasons For a Mammogram Near Me

1. Mammography may be used either for screening or to make a diagnosis.

2. Women older than 30 years should undergo diagnostic mammography if they have symptoms, such as a palpable lump, breast skin thickening or indentation, nipple discharge or retraction, erosive sore of the nipple, or breast pain.

3. A mammogram may be used to evaluate breast pain when physical examination and history are not conclusive.

4. Women with breasts that are dense, uneven, and/or very large may be screened with mammography, as the physical examination may be difficult to perform.

5. Women who are at high risk for breast cancer or with a history of breast cancer may be routinely screened with mammography.


Preparing for A Mammogram Near Me

You will need to follow certain guidelines on the day of your mammography appointment.

1. You can’t wear deodorants, body powders, or even perfumes.

2. Also, you shouldn’t apply any ointments or creams to your breasts or underarms.

Because, these substances can distort the images or look like calcifications, or calcium deposits, so it’s important to avoid them

What Do Mammography Results Mean?

1. Images from a mammogram can help find calcifications, or calcium deposits, in your breasts. Most calcifications aren’t a sign of cancer.

2. The test can also find cysts — that is, fluid-filled sacs that may come and go normally during some women’s menstrual cycles — and any cancerous or noncancerous lumps

3. Each category has its own follow-up action plan. Actions on the follow-up plan may include gathering additional images, continuing regular screenings, making an appointment for follow-up in six months, or performing a biopsy.

4. Finally, your doctor will review your results and, therefore explain the next steps to you during a follow-up appointment.

Hope this information was helpful. Please share with friends and family who want to know about mammographies near them. Keep visiting our page for more educating informations.

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