Who Inspires You Interview Questions 2022 and Sample Answers

– Who Inspires You –

If someone were to ask you, “Who inspires you?” We all have certain role models. These are role models for us. They are also those who motivate us. Also, they are persons we aspire to be like in our lives.

These people can be our parents, friends, famous singers, and artists, or scientists, activists, or entrepreneurs who put a dent in the universe.

Who inspires you is one type of questions often asked during an interview. And knowing how to answer it plays a role in getting a job.

What is an Interview?

An interview is essentially a structured conversation where one participant asks questions, and the other provides answers.

Also, in common parlance, the word “interview” refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee.

The interviewer asks questions to which the interviewee responds, usually providing information. That information may be used or provided to other audiences immediately or later.

Also, an interview may also transfer “information” or answers in both directions.

Additionally, interviews usually take place face-to-face and in person. And in some, the parties are separated geographically, connecting by methods such as video conferencing or telephone interviews.

Interviews almost always involve spoken conversation between two or more parties.

Why Question “Who Inspires You?” is Important

The interviewer is asking for your self-assessment of what motivates you. Note that most people cannot correctly self-assess on motivations.

As such, the intent is to find out what you at least think motivates you. However, there are often new insights learned about the candidate by asking this question.

The Best Approach to Answering this Question

Do not talk about money. Focus on doing interesting work, recognition, tools to do your work, and/or the opportunity for future advancement.

Also, if you are asked “What about money?” as a follow-up question, note. You can simply acknowledge that money is important. But if you are doing interesting work, you know that the money will follow.

Take Away “Who Inspires You Interview,” Tips

1. Avoid famous historical figures, celebrities, and unimpressive individuals.

2. Also, use mentors, teachers, researchers, and family if they have relevance to the industry.

3. If you were made from a test tube on the day of the interview, make someone up.


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Who Inspired You Interview Question and Sample Answers

One common job interview question is “Who inspires you?” As is usually the case, the goal with this question is to judge your own preparedness for the interview and how well you answer these types of personal questions.

Wrong Answers

It is difficult to be wrong about who inspired you, especially if you are being honest. However, stay away from the following people:

1. Extremely famous historical figures.

2. Celebrities.

3. Inappropriate Individuals (My best friend Scruffy, the janitor).

None of these answers will impress the employer. However, remember that you are not just trying to “answer the question.” You are trying to win the job.

Therefore, there are some figures that may be good, correct answers but will not have the effect that you want.

For example, your grandfather may have marched against oppression, but unless your grandfather mentored you in the skills you need for the job, he may not be the best answer.

Right Answers

Answers will contain an individual that inspired something about you that is perfect for the job. For example, you can say:

No person inspired me more than my college economics mentor, Dr John Smith. With his help, I could receive hands-on training in applying economic theories, and his instruction has easily fuelled my passion for the industry.

This answer basically picks a respectable figure. And it shows why they inspired you and also integrates reasons you are fit for the job.

Points to Emphasise When Answering this Interview Question

There is something to do when answering this interview question. When responding to the “who inspires you” interview question, choose your examples carefully and with an eye to what your response will reveal to the hiring manager.

1. Choose someone who truly inspired you in order to ensure a more authentic response.

2. Also, discuss a figure that is appropriate for the position you are seeking.

3. Additionally, provide specific examples of how this person inspired you.

4. However, you don’t have to tell a long story here. But provide some context about your own personal characteristics that led you to admire this person.

Who Inspires You: Mistakes You Should Avoid

Here are a few tips to avoid sabotaging yourself during your response.

1. Don’t choose a widely known and beloved figure unless this person truly is your idol. Otherwise, you risk sounding canned and unconvincing.

2. Also, keep your answer clear and avoid explaining too much. Just tell the employer why you like this person and stop so that you avoid rambling.

3. Furthermore, don’t pick a person with a tragic or morbid life history unless you are using him or her as an example of someone who overcame great hardship.

4. However, if you choose a family member, and there’s nothing wrong with doing so, be sure you have a good explanation, so you avoid sounding overly sentimental or insular.

We believe this article has been of help to you. Equally, learn how to answer this question. However, ensure you follow and share the above tips.

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