Who is an Automotive Engineer? What Skills Are Needed to Become One?

Who is an Automotive Engineer? Automotive engineers work on cars, motorcycles, and other commercial vehicles. They design, manufacture, distribute, market, and sell these vehicles.

They also take care of problems after the vehicles are sold. Automobiles are now an indispensable part of our lives. Automotive engineers are the ones who build such cars.

What skills are needed to Become One?

This time, we will introduce the job description of such an automotive engineer, what skills are required, and the future potential.

1. Job Description

The main work includes product planning, automobile design, manufacturing, production technology, design, new automobile technology and product development, automobile tests using, and production of parts themselves. As such, the scope of my work is quite wide.

Automobiles have various parts such as the body, chassis, engine system, interior, suspension, etc. Many companies have a system of working in teams, divided into teams for each part.

In this way, it is the job of an automotive engineer to handle all the processes in automobile manufacturing.

2. Required Skills and Education

There are no particular qualifications required to be an automotive engineer, so it is a job that is relatively easy to challenge even if you have no experience.

Qualifications that are advantageous to have included an ordinary driver’s license for basic driving knowledge. An automobile mechanic’s license for which knowledge and skills are useful in manufacturing automobiles. A license for drafting, and others.

Having a Hazardous Materials Handler Diploma will help.

Also, although there is no required educational background, if you have experience and educational background at an engineering high school, vocational school, junior college, or university.

You can apply for electronic/electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, system/control engineering, and safety management, With such knowledge, it is useful in the field of automobile development and research.

Recently, it is said that knowledge of AI (artificial intelligence) technology and IT will be advantageous when AI is installed in automobiles in the future, and when . increase.

In addition, since automotive engineers often work in teams, they are required to have skills in teamwork, communication skills, and creative thinking skills. In the planning and design process, problem-solving skills in the production engineering stage, and information-gathering skills to catch the latest trends in the fast-paced automotive industry.

3. What Places Do They Work?

The main places where automotive engineers work are basically automobile manufacturers or companies that develop products for automobile components, or companies that develop electronic components.

4. Prospects

In the city, public transportation such as trains and buses are well developed, but cars are still a necessity in daily life for people with children, on long trips, with physically disabled family members, or living in the countryside.

The future challenge will be to test whether automotive engineers have the skills to accompany EVs as they become more popular, but basically, they will not disappear forever in the future, and the automotive industry has a market size

It is said to be a secure occupation due to a large number of industries in which the model is largely based.


Automotive engineers are said to have a stable future and income and to be able to change jobs easily. It is said to be a rewarding job for those who love automobiles, love manufacturing, and want to contribute to society.

The company is also looking for people with no experience. So this may be an easy industry to break into, depending on your own learning attitude, flexibility, and motivation.

Why not take this opportunity to consider this as one of your future career options?

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