Wishes for Congratulations on Becoming a Minister or Pastor

I have heard it been said over and over again that the pastoral calling is a higher calling, and yes, it is indeed a higher calling? Have you ever wondered how it feels like when you have your burdens and responsibility with no one to share with?

Yet, you have to carry and share the burdens of others? You sincerely cannot imagine it. But that is part of what the pastoral calling entails. Don’t you think that newly ordained pastor needs your words of inspiration for ministry work?

With the demand on the pastorate, men who are being called into that office need to know that people around them have value for them and the challenge they are about to accept. Consider sending these congratulations on becoming a minister or pastor messages before or even after his ordination? It will go a long way.

It is with great delight that I choose to join the host of others to congratulate you on the occasion of your ordination as a pastor. May the love of God and His unfailing grace see you through even as you accept this divine mandate. Congratulations, pastor! The rest of your journey shall be ordered by the Lord. Congratulations!

1. Accepting the challenge to live the rest of your life to serve others in God is such a great step to take. You are really a great example to all of us. Congratulations on your ordination as a pastor. May you find joy and satisfaction in the ministry.

2. Congratulations on your ordination as a pastor. With this great calling, great satisfaction and happiness shall come forevermore. Your ministry will transform lives.

3. Your life of faith and dedication is worthy of emulation, and I am not surprised that you are receiving the higher calling to serve your creator even better. Congratulations, pastor.

4. As a family, we are pleased, and we choose to felicitate with you as you get ordained today. Congratulations, pastor. May the kingdom of hell be scattered by the sceptre of righteousness in your hand.

5. Congratulations, pastor! May you live the rest of your life serving the Lord, and may you continually remember this day and feel its speciality. The kingdom’s assignment prospers in your hand.

6. Congratulations on your ordination as a pastor. May your contribution to the body of faith by many, and may your company be so great. Fresh oil is released upon you for greater exploit. Many congratulations, pastor!

7. This is a higher calling that you have accepted. May your desire to see the work of the Father flourish not be cut short and may your expectations for ministry all be met. Congratulations, pastor!

8. Now that you have accepted the high calling, may you be endowed with wisdom, knowledge, insight, and foresight for the work of the ministry, and may the work prosper in your hands. Congratulations, pastor!

9. This is an honour that is well deserved. You have worked really hard in the last five years to merit this honour, and now that it is done, may you never have any reason to run out of this calling. Congratulations, pastor!

10. Congratulations, pastor! The work of the ministry flourishes in your time. I wish you many successes in the faith. Testimonies and breakthroughs shall abound. Congratulations, once again.

Every day, they say, is a chance to change your life. Your life is a perfect expression of this saying. Your zeal towards seeing others get better cannot just go without being rewarded. Now that you have been called to a higher calling, I can only send you my words of congratulations. Congratulations, Pastor.

11. Congratulations on being ordained as a pastor. Your exemplary lifestyle has won you many disciples and sons worldwide that you do not even know. May you lead many on this righteous path even as you have been ordained. Congratulations, pastor!

12. What better way could have been devised for you to continue the legacy you have been building than to ordain you? it is now official that you are a servant of God. The work of the ministry has become even easier. May you prosper and excel in it. Congratulations!

13. Sooner or later, you will be asked to tell the story of how you overcame, and you will look back only to tell the beautiful experiences of how you witnessed Christ before your ordination. Even now, I hope it will only get better. Congratulations, pastor! I wish you all the best of luck and God’s speed.

14. Congratulations on your ordination to the pastorate. My best wishes are with you even as you accept the call to the ministry. May you never know a better yesterday, and may every day be filled with an abundance of God’s grace and mercy.

15. As you begin this race, may the grace of the Lord be made sufficient to you. May you not fumble, and never falter, for the Lord will arise for you and plead your cause even as you serve Him. Many congratulations on your ordination as a pastor.

There are not enough words for me to describe just how important you are and what a powerful influence you have been and will continue to be to as many as come your way. No wonder God choose to call you to a greater harvest. I believe that even now, you will do better. Congratulations on becoming a Minister.

16. Being ordained as a full-time Minister is such a great milestone in your life, and it really calls for celebration because you have just received a higher calling and foregone the lesser calling. Congratulations on becoming a Minister.

17. For you to have been ordained means in the eyes of God, you can be trusted with delicate matters and responsibilities. Of course, this is after many pieces of training and dealings. To God be the glory for you scaled through. Congratulations on becoming a minister.

18. The news of you becoming a minister reached me, and all I could say was, “this is a good way to start.” Yeah, it is a good starting point and as you have started well, receive the grace to finish well. Congratulations on becoming a minister.

19. Many are called, but only a few are chosen. Thank God you are one of the chosen few. May you not fumble. May you not misbehave. May the enemy not triumph over your soul and ministry. Congratulations on becoming a minister.

20. It is only by the mercies of the Lord that you become a minister. May you receive the knowledge that will guide, guard, and direct your path throughout your earth years. Congratulations on becoming a minister. Best wishes.

21. It is no surprise that you are becoming a minister. Right from time, your life has been such a solemn one worthy of emulating. Even now, as you are becoming a minister, receive greater grace for greater exploits. Congratulations, pastor!

22. No doubt you have worked so hard and prepared for this day both physically and spiritually, and now that it is here, we rejoice with you. Congratulations on becoming a minister. Best wishes.

23. Today is a day the Lord has made that we should be glad and rejoice in it. And indeed, we are glad, and we are rejoicing with you for taking such a bold step of accepting the call. Congratulations on becoming a minister.

24. I love it when I see men who understand their purpose in life. No doubt, you are one of those men, which is why I love you. We have prayerfully waited for this day, and now, it is here. Congratulations, brother, on becoming a minister.

25. Just so you know how much we appreciate your effort in seeing us grow spiritually, here is our little way of congratulating you on becoming a full-time minister of the gospel of grace. Enjoy sufficient grace.

26. For the long hours of dedicated service both to God and humanity, for the commitment and care and support, there is nothing you can get that will be bigger and more satisfactory than this calling. Congratulations on becoming a minister.

27. With joy and gladness in my heart, I felicitate with you as you become a full-time minister of the gospel today. Your kind is really rare in the kingdom. Thank God for the grace over you. May you continue to do exploit the kingdom. Accept my congratulations!

28. For accepting the call to the ministry, may God bless you and keep you in all your righteous endeavours. May you always remember this holy day and be happy. May the promises that bind this calling never fail you. Congratulations, dear pastor.

When I heard the news of you becoming a pastor, I was glad. How can I forget so soon our days of living and witnessing together? I can’t forget in a jiffy how much passion and zeal you had for the things of the kingdom, it can only become better, and yes, it has become better. Congratulations, pastor.

29. A very big congratulations to you, man of God! You shall rejoice forever because this is the day that the Lord has made. May your joy know no bound. Keep enjoying God. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

30. I want to take this precious moment to congratulate you as you get ordained today. Silver or gold, I have none, but the little I have that I can give, I give. Congratulations on becoming a pastor. We love you.

31. This is nothing but a dream come true. Who could have thought? This is really well-deserved. Congratulations on becoming a pastor sir. You will succeed.

32. Woah! Just like that. If I had been told, I would deny it. Certainly, dreams can come true. How can I forget so soon all those childhood pranks when you will say you want to be a pastor when you grow up. Congratulations on your dream coming true. Congratulations, pastor.

33. I join the host of others to congratulate you as you become a pastor. Indeed, nothing is impossible with God. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, and the Lord will use you to reach the ends of the earth. Many congratulations.

34. I wish you heaven’s blessings even as you become a pastor. May you enjoy the dew of heaven. May the favour of the Lord be with you and a thousand of your generation. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

35. If I take this precious moment to congratulate you on becoming a pastor, it’s not going to be a bad idea after all. Congratulations pastor. I wish you the blessings from heaven as you get ordained today.

36. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God before whom you stand day and night is with you. We felicitate with you as you get ordained as a pastor today. We are praying for you. May the good Lord be with you as you serve in His vineyard. Stay blessed!

37. Through the mercies of the Lord, you have come this far and His mercy will see you through. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

38. Let me seize this opportunity to say congratulation, pastor, as you get ordained today into the service of God. This is a confirmation to you that God really wants you as part of His end-time army. Many congratulations, pastor.

39. God’s work done in God’s way at God’s own time, never lacks resources. If you faithfully carry out this mission that He has committed into your hands, you will never lack. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

40. The Lord desire so much to use you as part of His mission but your will has made this possible. Thank you for yielding to the Lord. Congratulations on becoming a pastor. May you forever remain relevant. Congratulations, once again!

When your mates graduated and left you in the seminary, I said to you “very soon, you will see why God made you wait,” I hope you are seeing why you are being ordained as a new pastor while some of your mates are still there. I believe it’s good to say congratulations on becoming a pastor.

41. All I want is to wish you all the best as you start this journey of serving God. May life fortune smile on you and may you do ministry in a prosperous way. Congratulations on becoming a pastor. God bless you.

42. As you get ordained today, I wish you blessings from above. Nations will come to your light and Gentiles to come to testify to the name of your God. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

43. Becoming a minister of God is not an easy thing. It is more like signing a death warrant for oneself, but if people of old did it and were successful, you will not be an exception. Receive great grace. Congratulations, pastor.

44. Yes, the years are many, but the Lord God of Heaven Himself has held you by the hand and brought you this far. May He continue to guide you even as you take a step higher in the works of the ministry today. Congratulations, pastor! God bless you abundantly.

45. May the Lord keep you in perfect peace even as you choose to serve a higher calling. May you not get wounded all in the name of protecting God’s sheep. Congratulations, pastor!

46. May the good Lord fill you with the wisdom and knowledge to lead His people to a greener pasture and greater heights in spiritual matters as you get ordained today. Have an amazing day as you celebrate. Many congratulations!

47. Let God fill your heart with peace as you get ordained today. His peace that surpasses all understanding shall be your lot such that when you look back, all you will see is God’s grace. Congratulations, pastor! May the peace of God be upon you.

48. Today, as you get ordained as a pastor, the hand of the Lord will take you, keep you, preserve you and lead you on to higher grounds. Never again shall you be called desolate, for the Lord will give you a new name. Congratulations, pastor!

49. Each time you have to look back on this day, you will always have reasons to thank the Lord. May your cup continually run over, and your oil never run dry. Congratulations on becoming a pastor.

50. May you continually be used according to the Lord’s purpose. May your purpose of existence never be found wanting. Congratulations on your ordination, pastor. God bless you

Do you really desire to put a smile on your pastor’s face on his ordination? Do you want to leave a good impression on his heart forever? Try sending him any of these special congratulatory messages, and you will be seen as a superhero. It works every time!

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