Wishes for Congratulations to My Niece on Her Graduation

Graduation from school is a major moment in time, an exciting time full of new possibilities for the future. It is a time to enjoy the accomplishment and to take pride in another milestone for your family.

One of the great moments in family life is when children leave their parents, head off to acquire knowledge and then graduate. It’s the culmination of years of hard work and study, and it’s a big day for all.

Your niece is graduating. What does that mean? Graduation is a big deal for her, and it makes you proud and happy about what she has accomplished. It’s a day when she needs all the love, encouragement, appreciation and congratulations from her dear uncle or aunt.

You’ve got to make it memorable for her. You’ve got to make her know how much her family can be there for her. You’ve got to motivate her for greater achievements. And if you have not been available for her over time, this is a good moment to make amends.

With the awesome collection of congratulations to my niece on her graduation wishes here, you’ve got the right lines to celebrate her. It only takes you to copy and send.

I cannot believe my baby girl is graduating! You bring so much happiness to all of our lives. It has been so much fun watching you grow up over the years. My sister and I are so proud of you. We will always be there to celebrate you on your big days. I wish you greater achievements. Congratulations, dear niece.

1. You graduated from college with a Master’s Degree. I am so proud of you, my sweet niece. Not only did you succeed in the classroom but also in life. Your mother and I love you so much and can’t wait to see what lies ahead. We are so proud of you and know that this is just the beginning of your success! Congratulations!

2. Hey, baby girl! I want to congratulate you on your graduation! I’m so proud of you and know you will do amazing things in life. You are the strongest person I know and I look up to you. Last but not least, I love you with every bit of my heart and I wish you many feats. Congratulations, dear niece.

3. I just wanted to take a little time out during my busy schedule to let you know how proud of you I have always been. You are my niece, but you are so much more than that. Even though I am not there to see your big day with you, know that I am there with you in spirit. Congratulations!

4. Couldn’t be any prouder of my beautiful niece!!! I love you more than words can describe. The world is your oyster now, anything is possible. Wishing you the best life has to offer! Congratulations and best wishes.

5. To my beautiful and smart niece, the night you were born I felt a complete sense of joy and happiness. You’re always smiling and laughing, and I know you will do great things. Just please try not to grow up too fast because I wish to see you as my little girl for as long as possible! I love you, baby girl. Congratulations on your graduation!

6. There are no words to express how proud I am to be your uncle. You’ve worked so hard and I know you will be successful in everything you do. I’m so incredibly proud of you and love you with all my heart. Congratulations on your graduation!

7. Wow! What a long journey it has been. I watched you grow up into the beautiful young woman that you are today. You’ve worked so hard to reach this point, and all of the people who love you are so proud of you. Congratulations as you graduate.

8. I know how hard you worked to get to this day. I’m so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. I’m also truly thankful for the improvement you made in your life. You turned into a beautiful and wise lady and I wish that your future is very bright and full of love and happiness. Congratulations!

9. I am so proud of you. I am also a proud parent. You did it! I am so glad you reached this stage in your life and can carry on your dreams. I will always be here for you and love you no matter what, till the end of time. You mean the world to me and my family, so don’t forget. Congratulations on your graduation.

10. I remember the day I held you in my arms after you were born. You had a full head of hair that was blonde and curly. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Now, all these years later, I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up. When I look at you now, I don’t see my little niece any longer; instead, I see this beautiful woman that has achieved feats. Congratulations on your graduation, dear.

11. I am so proud of you You did your very best and your hard work paid off. You amaze me more and more every day and this is just the beginning. Your future will be filled with joy and success and if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to continue doing what you love and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because you can.

12. graduation day – day full of happiness and love, is precious to your family. You make us proud on this special day. Sometimes I don’t tell you enough but may I tell you now how proud I am of you. Congratulations on graduation.

13. I can’t believe that my little niece is already graduating from high school! Your parents and I are so very proud of you and we all love you. All the best to you in college and all the rest of your life! Oh, I cry daily because I miss your smiling face.

14. Today is a big day for you, and I am very proud of you. Whether you are graduating from high school or college it is still a milestone in your life. Now that you’ve reached this goal it is time to move on to bigger and better things in life. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, I love you more than anything.

15. Congratulations to my sweet niece! I’m so glad you were able to graduate with honours! I know Daddy is so proud of you too. You are an honour student in our hearts! I have always been so proud of you, ever since you were a baby.

16. Hopefully you have a great day and a great time with your friends. Just a little love from afar, thinking of you and I hope that you will achieve all you want in life. You are very special to me and I love you.

17. You are the light of my life. One day I hope I’ll be as beautiful and smart as you. Just continue to be the intelligent and beautiful person I know you are and you will go far in this world. I love you and am so proud of you.

18. You are the light of my life, the joy of my soul. I am so proud of you! You are bright, intelligent and beautiful. I know you will achieve great things. I love you so so so much. You are everything to me.

19. Your journey has been long and I have witnessed it every step of the way. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish next. You have a bright future ahead of you, go be a rockstar.

20. Finally! I can’t believe it. you are an amazingly smart, funny, strong, beautiful young woman. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. You are my sunshine, the air that I breathe! Congratulations baby girl.

It’s hard to believe that you are already a senior. Look at me, talking about you because you’ve grown up so fast! You have been a joy to watch grow for the past 18 years. I love you and wish you the best of luck in college. Congratulations on your graduation, darling niece.

21. It’s finally here! You’ve just made my life so much better and fulfilled my uncle duties. No longer do I need to keep your class notes. From now on I can see you sitting atop that stage as the best of the best. I am very proud of you. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures, not that I would understand it anyway.

22. After grad school, you will be travelling across the country interviewing for a promotion. You have been working so hard for this and I am so proud of you. I wish you much luck and happiness.

23. Congratulations to the smartest, most beautiful and best niece in the world. You are such an inspiration to us all! From your first word, your first sentence and your first steps, we knew you were special.

24. My sweet niece, today is your day. After so many years of hard work you finally get to walk on stage and get the one thing, every child dreams of having… their diploma. You are truly amazing and I am more than proud of you! I am more than happy you chose us for your graduation, I love you so much.

25. You are now an educated woman, now I want to make you the happiest woman alive. I am so proud of you Niece, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to see you graduate. I love you more than words could ever express.

26. I wanted to wish you all the best of luck on your graduation. I am so proud of you because you are the most amazing woman I have ever met.

27. Your love and respect for others is just proof of how great you are! I am so proud to be your relative and your friend. You mean the world to me and I hope this day will be unforgettable for you! On my name and in my heart you will always be special, no matter what. Good luck with everything, I know you will make people around you happy.

28. I am so proud of my beautiful Niece. You have worked so hard in school and dedication is shown in every resume. I hope the future will be filled with success….not without a few failures along the way! Congratulations!

29. Your Aunt and Uncle are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! You can do anything and we know that. We hope you know just how loved and appreciated you are. Keep loving life and know we will always be here to support you.

30. With this scroll comes a wish from me, your uncle. I hope you continually soar toward your dreams. As you now embark on the next phase of your life, I wish for happiness for you and your family. Congratulations on a job well done.

31. Today is a day we will always remember because it marks the beginning of an exciting next chapter in your life. While we officially watch you walk across the stage and receive your diploma, we will all be thinking about how far you’ve come and all the love and effort you’ve so generously shared with each of us.

32. Let it be known that I don’t want to accept the fact that you will be graduating-I want to make sure everyone knows that I’m in denial! It seems like yesterday when you stepped off the bus at high school in your mommy’s arms. Graduation is bittersweet for me, although I don’t like sweets.

33. This type of relationship is rare. There are no words that are capable of expressing the love that both of us have for each other. Right now it’s just about being together. When time goes on, our love will last forever, happy graduation.

34. You and your accomplishments and graduation and all the trappings and whatnot. The day has finally come when you can say to yourself: “I did it! I ROCK!”

35. Congratulations on your graduation, my sweet niece! I’m so proud of you. You have worked so hard to get where you are now. I couldn’t be happier for you. I hope you know I would do anything to make sure your life is full of happiness and success! I love you always.

36. I am so proud of my wonderful niece. She is amazing and I’m glad I will be able to see her now that school is over. I am very happy for you and all that you achieved. I love you and can’t wait to celebrate this great milestone with you and the rest of the family.

37. Wishing you good luck in your future endeavours. I have always been proud of you. You have always been a superstar in my eyes. Keep that smile on your face! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

38. I am so proud of you, my sweet niece! You are an intelligent, beautiful young woman and I know you will continue to do amazing things! Over the last few years, I have watched you grow into the beautiful woman that you are. You excite me with your creativity and ambition. I love that you pour yourself into everything that you do. The world is your oyster.

39. As I write this letter, my eyes are filled with tears. I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished in the short time you have been here on Earth. I cannot wait to see what college holds for you. You are strong, determined and I know you will shine like the star that you are.

40. A million times congratulations. You deserve this more than anyone I know and love you. To be able to watch you grow and mature and succeed makes me so incredibly proud and happy. I can’t say thank you enough to you. Love always.

First off, I want to say congratulations! You have gone through so much in this past year and you deserve to graduate. You did it and we did it! This family is proud of all our achievements and will never forget the incredible amount of love, support, and encouragement we gave each other. Dear niece, I wish you many graduations.

41. Today is a special day and I am so proud and happy for you and your accomplishments! I’m just so happy that we will share this moment together with smiles and hugs! I love everything about you and my life couldn’t be better now that you are in it!!!

42. Congrats on your advancement into graduate school! I can’t tell you how proud I am of you and how happy this makes me. I know you will always do what makes you happy and find success in whatever endeavour you pursue, and I love that about you! Celebrate hard tonight and take a deep breath – we made it!

43. It is with great confidence that I can stand in front of our family and friends to proclaim with unwavering certainty that you are the smartest, most caring, kind-hearted, independent, beautiful woman in the world. Congratulations on your graduation!

44. Today you have put an end to a journey that began in preschool. I have watched you grow into a beautiful young lady. You have accomplished so many things in your short time on this earth and I am so very proud of you. Congratulations, dear niece.

45. Today I watched you cross the stage you were so brave. You are now an adult; soon you will be grown. As your sister I always will believe in you, you are one smart cookie. I am so proud of who you have become, and that is why you are my hero.

46 I am so proud of the person you have become and excited for what lies ahead. I love you and your truly amazing spirit. May God continue to bless you.

47. You are an amazing, beautiful girl full of determination. Your intelligence is one of your best traits, along with your kind thoughtful heart. I’m so proud of you for working so hard to get where you are today. You are destined for greatness my darling niece. I hope this brightens up your day.

48. I am so proud of you! I can’t believe my little niece is graduating. You are one of the smartest girls I know and I couldn’t be happier to see you succeed. I look forward to watching your career journey grow, but more importantly, I can’t wait to watch how you grow as an amazing woman. Congrats lovely.

49. Graduation was the best day of my life. I’m so proud of you. You are amazing! I love you so much, more than words can say.

50. I know the past few years have been hard on you, but you did it! You did it all by yourself! It took hard work but never once did I doubt that you could do it. You are an amazing young woman and I am very proud of you. I love you to the moon and back, niece

51. How proud I am to be your Aunt? It makes me smile just thinking about it. I know how hard you’ve worked for this day and all the stress that comes with it. You are outstanding, amazing and beautiful. Love you!

52. I am so happy to have had you as my sister all these years. I’ve always known that you were very smart and talented; but now I realize that your kindness, compassion, and loyalty are all part of what makes you such a special person. I love you very much. Have a wonderful summer!

53. I am so proud of you, I thought I know everything about you, but after reading your book I had no idea all the things you have had to overcome. You are so strong, beautiful and smart. I love you so much and don’t ever forget that. I am here for you always.

54. I’m so happy to see you achieve your goal. You are the brightest star in my life, and I am so proud of you! Your mother and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!

55. She is a beautiful young lady and made me so very proud. She started college with a dream, a goal and a plan. She has exceeded all our expectations with her hard work and determination. I am glad I had the chance to share with her the joy that reading brings me every day, especially Harry Potter.

56. I am so proud of you. I don’t know how you did it, but you made it. I’m not sure if you understand the true greatness within the person that you are. You have been through more in your life than many adults can imagine and yet, here you are living a success story. I am so happy about everything you have accomplished. Congratulations!

57. I am so proud of you. I know that you are going to conquer the world. You are my bright shining star that lights up every room you walk into. I love you more than lox, bagels, cream cheese and all other bagel varieties combined!

58. Your amazing artwork is so stunning! I am so excited and proud of you. It’s true that you deserve all of the praise and more. I am so lucky to have you as a niece and I love you more than you will ever know. You are such a special young lady and I hope that you find great success and happiness in life! Congratulations.

59. Your smile could light the world, your laughter could fill it. Your love has made me smile through all times, you are my greatest gift! Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you and this is only the beginning too. You are what I never knew I always wanted. I love you.

60. A college degree is not the end of your life. It is more of a beginning. I was so excited to see your name on this list this year. You are an amazing young woman, I am so proud of all you have accomplished. I am happy to call you, my niece.

There is no better feeling than the day you receive your diploma and fate has brought us here to celebrate this very moment. I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. I can’t wait to see where your destiny takes you and I will be right by your side. Here’s greeting you happy graduation, dear niece.

61. My Niece! I am so proud of your accomplishments and all your accomplishments to come! I love you and can’t wait to see where my little girl grows up and the amazing things that happen in her future.

62. I am so proud of you and all the hard work and effort you put into getting your education. You can be anything you want to be and I know you will go very far. You are a wonderful role model for your brother because he looks up to you. Love you lots!

63. You have been a big part of my life even when you weren’t. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you accomplish in your life. You have a bright future ahead of you. The best is yet to come. Love you.

64. Congratulations, my love and your families have worked so hard and I am so proud of you. I wish my classes were that easy and not full of stress! You deserve the best in life and I hope you will always know that I will always be here for you. We all love you so much girlie…

65. I’m so proud of you. Sending love and hugs from coast to coast! I wish we lived closer; we would party hardy and often! You’ve come such a long way baby and I couldn’t be more proud. Love you tons.

66. Congratulations on your graduation. It has taken two years of hard work, but you’ve graduated! It may only be high school, but I’m still incredibly proud of you. You are the first one in our whole family who has graduated from college; I couldn’t be happier for you! I know it is an exciting time for you right now; with the world at your fingertips.

67. I couldn’t be more proud of you if you were my daughter. You are an inspiration to me, and everyone around you. The one thing I love most about you is your work ethic, never give up no matter what happens. Keep your head up and only look forward! You’ll go far, don’t let anyone hold you down.

68. I wish you good luck. I love you. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We are so lucky to have you as our niece. I love you with all my heart and can’t wait to see where your journey takes you. I look forward to the day that we will meet again to celebrate your success.

69. You were always the smartest person that I knew. Academically you were as gifted as anyone I ever met. Just as you always said, you achieved the highest honours and went further than any of us could have imagined.

70. My advice to you is to go after what you want in life even if it scares the living daylights out of you. You are an inspiration to this family who is so proud of you.

My beautiful niece, I want you to know that the sky is the limit for you. You are so smart, beautiful and talented. I hope that everything that life gives you will be better than what you imagined…and maybe even more. Accept this card for your graduation. It’s a token of my love for you.

71. I’m so lucky to have a niece as wonderful as you. I am so proud of everything you have done and look forward to watching you continue to grow into the strong, compassionate person that I know you are. You mean more to me than anything in the world!

72. Congrats on your graduation. It means so much to me to see you get through this tough time. I know you’ll do great things. Love, your aunty.

73. A joyous day for your family and friends, we want you to know we are so very proud of your accomplishments – and even more – we are so excited for your future. With much affection and love.

74. As you begin your new phase of life, I’m excited to see what lies ahead. You’ve worked so hard and I’m so proud of everything you have accomplished. Through the tears and struggles you have carried on with a smile on your face and a never give up attitude.

75. I respect you so much and I believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to! Good luck with the next chapter in your life! We are all so proud of you.

76. Your joyous day is here, This day to you I give. More than just a piece of paper, It will be to you a blessing if you use it wisely. Just stay focused on your dreams And your future will begin. I love you so much.

77. I am so proud of you. After all the time and energy it took to get this far, I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of your accomplishments.

78. You have been a blessing from the day I first met you and I couldn’t be happier with your success today. I love you with all my heart and can’t wait to see where life takes you next.

79. As you enter this next stage of your life, my heart is filled with joy for your success. I am so proud of you and you have made me so happy.

80. I treasure our relationship and that we are family. Thank you for embracing who I am and always loving me unconditionally. Your happiness is all I want, I love you.

Congratulations on graduating! I’m so proud of the beautiful, intelligent, talented woman you have become! You are truly one of a kind…you are “AMAZING”! I love you with all my heart. Here’s a note from your darling aunt, wishing you the best. I love you, my favourite niece.

81. Congrats sweetie! You’re amazing and you deserve all of this so much! I’m so proud of you. I will always support you keep reaching for your dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. You can do it.

82. It’s not every day you graduate with honours, but today is your day. I am so proud of what you have accomplished. It shows that anything is possible with hard work, perseverance and determination.

83. Congratulations my brave, sweet, beautiful niece. You have worked so hard to get to this day. I am so incredibly proud of you and the woman you are becoming. I wish you all the love and happiness in the world and will be cheering you on no matter what life has in store for you next.

84. I am so proud of you! I can’t wait for you to come home so we can celebrate. I love you so much and I will be thinking about you as you cross the stage to accept your diploma.

85. You are such a remarkable young woman and your accomplishments will only keep adding up. You have accomplished so much and you have so many more goals to achieve and I know you will do great things in the future.

86. I love you so much and can’t wait to watch you change the world. Congratulations on your graduation, baby girl I am so proud of you baby sis. I don’t know if there is a more beautiful, intelligent young woman in the world.

87. You have accomplished so much at such a young age and it is all thanks to you or your hard work and dedication. I love you so much, sweetie.

88. I am so proud of you. You have been through so much on your journey, but after graduating from college you have overcome your hardest struggles.

89. I will miss being able to see you on a daily basis, but know that you can call me on the phone whenever you need me. I love you more than words could ever tell.

90. I don’t think it’s possible to love you any more than I do right now. You are the strongest, most amazing woman I know. You never cease to amaze me with your accomplishments and your resilience.

To my sweet niece, I am so proud of you! You are intelligent, strong and full of potential. I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish in life. I’m saying this to let you know how much I have your best interest at heart. Much love to you and congratulations on your graduation.

91. I know you will do great things and I can’t wait to watch you succeed in all you do! I am so proud of you, baby girl. When I look at you, I see the beauty within and feel such pride.

92. You are an outstanding success because of all your talents and skills; the way you work with people, love what you do and respect those around you. And it is no surprise that you have achieved this honour easily and joyfully.

93. I have always told you that your bright future and accomplishments were within your reach. You shine like a brand new penny and that shines every day. I am so proud of everything you

94. I just want to tell you that I am so proud of you. You have overcome so much in your life and gone through so many challenges to get here. You just graduated high school at 16 years old! I know this has been a long time coming, but I promise you are worth all the hard work.

95. You’re always going to be my little girl, but It is time for you to spread your wings and take flight. You have grown into a beautiful, intelligent young woman and I am so proud of you. I know that if anyone can make it in this world, it’s you.

96. I am so proud of you. You always had such a big heart and it shows in all your accomplishments. I love you so much and so so very proud of you!

97. I wanted to take this time to thank you for having the audacity to be yourself when everyone around you tried their hardest to change you. Congratulations.

98. For always following your heart when everyone else led you in the other direction. For taking all the hate in stride and smiling in its face. Most of all, I want to thank you for being my baby niece, who I love very much.

99. Congratulations! I am so proud of the woman you’ve become and all that you’ve accomplished. You deserve great things and I hope that your young and beautiful life is filled with all that you wish for. God bless and good luck with everything! I love you

100. You’ve done it again, my beautiful niece! You have graduated and now you can soar to new heights. I am so proud of you and thrilled you are part of our family. Best wishes on your journey and may all your dreams come true.

Family stand for and celebrate one another, and graduation is one of the best times to celebrate a family member. The graduation of your niece is as special as that of a biological child and I’m glad you are here because you acknowledge that.

Well, with the graduation wishes, messages and quotes here, I hope you have got the right words to make your niece feel as special as your child on her graduation day.

You can share this post with friends and family to celebrate their niece too.

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