Women and Local Government Development

Women and Local Government Development.

Table of Contents


This research work examines the contributions of women in the development of local government areas using Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State as a case study.

The study critically reviewed the dominant issues on the role and contributions of women in the development of local government areas, gender equality and women empowerment in Epe Local Government and generally in Nigeria.

This study maintains that women are the most vulnerable group in Nigeria, thus, their social, political and economic lives have been seriously affected and neglected in the society dominated by men.

This is because of the socio-cultural beliefs which impinge on their rights and insupportable attitudes of men as well as the general un-civilization of the Nigerian society towards gender equality and women empowerment.

The data used in this study was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary method/sources were research instrument (questionnaire) and oral interview. Some research questions were asked as a guide to the respondents.

The questionnaire contained (twenty six) structured questions designed in both open and close ended style. In addition, the questionnaire was validated and administered accordingly.

Secondary sources of data collection on the other hand, included textbooks, journal, government documents and internet materials. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study in data analysis.

The study adopted simple percentage, tables, chi-square statistical analysis and descriptive method for data analysis.

The data analysis revealed that: that the women in Epe Local Government Area have made an appreciable  contribution in the development of the area especially in agriculture, education, healthcare services,

vocational/entrepreneurship skills and micro-credits assistants to the needy; poor economic capacity and inadequate access to resources affect women’s contribution and participation in socio-economic development in Epe Local Government;


Title Page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi

1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 7
1.4 Significance of the Study 7
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study 9

2.1 Literature Review 10
2.1.1 The Nature of Local Government 11 Defining Characteristics of Local Government 13
2.1.2 Position of Women in Nigeria’s Development 16
2.1.3 Women and Grassroots Development in Nigeria 18
2.1.4 Strategies for Enhancing the Contributions of Women in Development Process 19
2.1.5 Women Empowerment: An Explication 19
2.1.6 Understanding the Importance of Women Empowerment in
Local Government Development 23
2.1.7 Struggle for Women Emancipation in Nigeria 26
2.1.8 Women Organizations in Nigeria 28
2.1.10 Objectives of Women Organizations/Association in Nigeria 36
2.1.12 Problems Militating Against the Women and their Contributions in
Grassroots Development in Nigeria 36
2.1.13 Prospects of Women in Grassroots Development in Nigeria 40
2.2 Hypotheses 43
2.3 Operationalization of Key Concepts 44
2.4 Methodology 45
2.4.1 Research Design 45
2.4.2 Sources of Data Collection 46 Primary Source of Data Collection 46
2.4.2. 2 Secondary Source of Data Collection 46
2.4.3 Population of the Study 46
2.4.4 Sample Size and Sampling Technique 47
2.4.5 Instrumentation 48
2.4.6 Validity and Reliability of Instrument 49
2.4.7 Method of Data Analysis 51
2.5 Theoretical Framework 52

3.1 Historical Background of Epe Local Government 64
3.2 Geographical Location of Epe Local Government 65
3.3 Socio-Cultural/Traditional Life of the People 65
3.4 Economic Activities of the People 69
3.5Educational Achievement of the Local Government in the State 72
3.6 Political Life of Epe People 77
3.7 Clinic and Maternity Centres in Epe Local Government Area 85

4.1 Data Presentation 86
4.2 Findings 134

5.1 Summary 139
5.2 Recommendations 141
5.3 Conclusion 143
Bibliography 145
Appendices 151


 Background to the Study

Occurring concurrently with the evolution of local government is the critical awareness that local government could be a veritable vehicle for development at the grass roots level of the nation.

This is because the federal government of Nigeria came to a full realization that many local communities lack basic essential amenities, which the federal and state governments could not conveniently provide due to distance, (Obi, 2009:204).

These functions were therefore, assigned to the government at the periphery, of which every local government happens to be one.

Local governments, therefore, were charged with the vital roles of creating changes in the orientation of individual in their communities.

Olowu (2000) also is of the view that they (local governments) are responsible for providing the communities with essential services/projects that would help to make life more meaningful, thereby, curbing rural-urban migration.

In this regard, Onah (2006), argued that for the local government to effectively perform the assigned roles, it must be close to the people it is governing, study them, and identify their socio- economic problems/needs.

Local government should also show commitment in providing these needs to communities, as well as, ensure the sustainability of the socio-economic development is provided.

In this organized commitment effort too, everybody, regardless of his/her gender is expected to be given the opportunity to participate effectively.


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