Women and Political Participation In Nigeria Democracy

Women and Political Participation In Nigeria Democracy.

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This research work investigated the women and political participation in Nigeria democracy. To carry out these two basic assumptions were formulated and tested. That women has impacts toward Nigeria political.

That women has impacts toward democratic system in Nigeria. Women whom ignorance are made not to aware of their civic and political and other rights had been discovered to see no reasons to stories for equality and balance of gender equity.

They are rejected among their mates for being too big and also rejected among their mates for being too small and in production.

This is why they form their group where they think they can seek inference in their member in this group they learn many things of which would help them to become a useful person in the politics of Nigeria.

In spite of the various efforts put by the women and by the Vann’s government in Nigeria to balance gender equity and equality, women were not being going adequate franchise.

This made to have godfather. Therefore they participated in politics either directly or indirectly with the interest of holding a particular office. They have row made enough efforts to impacts on the politics of Nigeria and to ensure the sustainability of democratic process in Nigeria.


Women participation in politics over the years has taken a new shape and stages. However, the leadership role and political actionism by women has not just started in Africa, according to history.

As far as the late 19th century, Oakley (1982), Queen Saraumiya Amina was well known as a leader of the people of Zaria especially in her role in warding away the Kwara-Offa invaders.

According to Adeyinka (2001) Ransome Kuti Funlayo in the 1940s also led by the Egba women in Abeokuta protesting against unreasonable taxation and exploitation of women.

She also formed the Nigeria women society. Her first Major step in the political carrier was the formation of Abeokuta ladies club in 1944, which aimed at doing charity work raising the standard of womanhood in Abeokuta by encouraging adult education.

The pre-Beijing activism also saw the establishment of the national women’s movement, led by chief (Mrs.) Adegoke through whom Nigerian women’s problem were first taken to international forum in forum Montreal, Canada in 1952. Oluwole (1999).

The movement which led to the establishment of the National Council of Women’s Society (NCWS) in 1958 also attended another forum in Helsinky Finland in 1958: Halkin and Bay (1972:39) argued that Nigeria women had wielded political power before the advent of colonial rule.

To them, Africa women lost political as well as economic status under colonialism. The writing of Leacock (1962:41) Kodney (1972:248) aid Burserup has categorically asserted that colonialism resulted in the determination of the status of women relative to that of women.

Several investigations have cited particularly area in which impendent female participation has deteriorated as a result of colonial influence.

This damage done to the status of women at the onset of colonial rule has lead to assumption of women in terrorist in the public decision making Mrs. Olujunmi, e.t.c. also became the speaker of house of representation in 2007, although she was later impeached and replaced by male counterparts. Hon Dimeji Bankole.


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