Work-Based Skills for Enhancing School-To-Work Transition of Metalwork Technology Graduates of Technical Colleges in Kaduna State

Work-Based Skills for Enhancing School-To-Work Transition of Metalwork Technology Graduates of Technical Colleges in Kaduna State.


The study was designed to determine work-based skills  for enhancing  school-to-  work transition of metal work technology graduates of technical colleges in Kaduna state.

Five research questions and five null hypotheses were developed inline  with  the purpose of the study. The five null hypotheses were tested at the probability of

0.05 level of significance. 61 structured questionnaire items wee developed and used for the study, while 3 experts were engaged to face validate the instrument.

The instrument was pilot tested on 8 respondents who are not part of the population for the study and the reliability coefficient of the entire instrument was 0.82.

A  Descriptive survey research design was used for the study, the respondents for the study were 100 made up of 27 metal work technology teachers and 73 metal work technology industrial supervisors.

The major findings of the study include among others that involving students in work-based skills experience in the field of metal  work technology especially in the area of fabrication welding skills, machine work  skills, foundry technology skills.

Forge work skills and  metal  work  technology  finishing skills should be encouraged in metal work technology Departments of technical colleges by involving students on workplace experiences, organized workshops, field trips and students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES).


TITLE PAGE                                        i

APPROVAL PAGE                                       ii

CERTIFICATION                              iii

DEDICATION                      iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                  v

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                         vi

ABSTRACT                                                               x


Background of the Study                                                                1

Statement of the Problem                                                              7

Purpose of the Study                                                                    9

Significance of the Study                                                                9

Research Questions                                                                       11

Hypotheses                                                                                 12

Scope of the Study                                                                       13


Conceptual Framework                    15

  • School-to-work transition 17
  • Vocational Training System as a Key to Smooth Transition from School-To-Work 19
  • School-based learning activities that will enhance school-to- work transition of metalwork Technology graduates of technical colleges     21
  • Work-based learning, participation and learning ecology          24
  • Importance of Skill development 26
  • Skills development training 29
  • Academic skills 30
  • Economic development and industrialization                          32
  • Productivity improvement and efficiency training 33
  • Vocational and apprenticeship training                                  34
  • Work-based learning activities that will enhance transition from school-to-work of metalwork technology graduates of Technical Colleges 34
  • Community-based-learning activities that will enhance school-to- work Transition of metalwork technology Graduates of Technical Colleges 39
  • Government-based-learning activities that will enhance school-to- work transition of metalwork Technology Graduates of technical Colleges 42

Theoretical Framework       44

  • Social Cognitive Theory 45
  • Person Environmental Fit Theory 46
  • Developmental Theory 49
  • Social Learning Theory of Career Counseling 50

Review of Related Empirical Studies                 52

Summary of Review of Related Literature                    55


Design of the Study                57

Area of the Study        57

Population of the Study                 58

Instrument for Data Collection              58

Validation of the Instrument         59

Reliability of the Instrument       59

Method of Data Collection               60

Method of Data Analysis                 60


Research Question 1                                   61

Research Question 2                          63

Research Question 3                              64

Research Question 4                             66

Research Question 5                         67

Hypothesis 1                                      69

Hypothesis 2                           72

Hypothesis 3                                                          75

Hypothesis 4                                             77

Hypothesis 5                            79

Findings of the Study                                                 81

Findings of the hypotheses                                  86

Discussion of the major findings                                        87


Re-statement of the problem                                      91

Summary of procedure used                              92

Summary of major findings                                 93

Implication of the Study                             95

Conclusion                                       96

Recommendations                                        97

Suggestions of further studie           98

REFERENCES                                       100



 1.1 Background of the Study

The of any country yearning for technological Advancement  and in the World depends on its achievement in the field of Technical and vocational education.

Technical and Vocational according to  Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) (2004) is the of education which leads to the acquisition of practical skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.

and Vocational education provides training designed to prepare individual to enter into a paid employment in any recognized occupation.

Technical  and Vocational  education  is any form of education whose primary purpose is to prepare people for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

The major aim of technical and Vocational education is to provide  education  for self reliance.


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