Worst Relatives Quotes – Motivation and Love

When you have a terrible relative, it can be difficult to keep in mind that they are, in reality, family. They may be distant or even detached from the remainder of your household. However, what makes them so awful?

Your relatives are the people you can’t do without, but sometimes you just feel like they’re not doing their part to improve your life. No matter what they do, they’re always getting on your nerves or making you feel bad about yourself. Whether it’s your mom constantly criticizing what you wear or your brother bragging about how “good” he is at everything, some relatives make life difficult for everyone around them.

Sometimes, your relatives are the worst. Maybe it’s because you’re related by blood or because they’re just assholes. Either way, it can be hard to deal with them.

In life, you’ll meet a lot of different relatives. Some will be annoying, and some will make you feel uncomfortable. The reality is you can’t choose your relatives, but at least you can pick how you react to them. To help you with this difficult task, I have put here a list of the most awful and funny worst relatives quotes from all over the world.

One of the most annoying things is having relatives who believe whatever they say is right. The worst relatives are the ones who will always have something negative to say about someone else’s life.

1. We’ve all got the worst relatives who are a little on the eccentric side. Maybe they’re a bit of a hoarder or have a questionable musical taste.

2. Worst relatives make the most awkward small talk ever or just can’t help but say something inappropriate to every topic of conversation.

3. Worst relatives are the ones you have to visit even when they know they are not wanted.

4. Worst family members are the ones who have to live with you.

5. At least my worst relatives won’t love you as much as they love themselves.

6. The worst relatives are the ones who think they know what is best for you.

7. Worst relatives are the ones who try to control you and make decisions for your life that only you can make for yourself.

8. It’s hard having the worst relatives because sometimes it feels like they’re not even related to you.

9. Some relatives are related to us by blood, others by choice. Some of them we choose and some are chosen for us. But all of them either make our lives beautiful or ugly.

10. I have relatives who are total strangers. They are the worst relatives.

11. The worst relatives are the ones who make you feel guilty for leaving them.

12. Worst relatives are the ones who call you every day and give you advice but never listen when you need help.

13. The worst relatives are the ones who think they know everything about you because they have been to your house once and heard some stories from your mom or dad.

14. The worst relatives are the ones who want you to spend more time with them than with your friends.

15. The worst relative will ask you over and over again if they can come over to your house, even though they already know the answer is no.

16. The worst relatives are the ones who try to make themselves feel better by making other people feel bad about themselves.

17. The worst relatives are the ones who will always have something negative to say about someone else’s life, but they never realize that they are just as flawed as anyone else in this world.

18. The worst relatives are those who use their family name as an excuse for their own shortcomings in life.

19. The worst relatives believe that because of their bloodline, they deserve special treatment from everyone around them.

20. The worst relatives think taking advantage of people’s generosity for their own benefit is the best way.

21. The worst relative is a relative who can’t be related.

22. If you can’t tell your relatives from your enemies, it’s time to get some new relatives and some new enemies.

23. Worst relatives are those People who don’t appreciate what they have in life

24. I have the worst relatives in the world. They always ask me for money and never send back what they borrow.

25. Worst relatives are the ones who never pay back what they borrow, and he has no problem asking for more money whenever he needs it.

26. The worst relatives are not grateful for the kind things you do for them.

27. Nothing is worse than a relative who doesn’t appreciate you. They should be grateful that they have a family member who loves and cares about them, but they don’t see it that way.

28. Worst relatives are the ones who take advantage of your kindness and generosity and then criticize you for it.

29. The worst relatives are those who would be put in charge of building a ship and then start throwing rocks into the ocean.

30. The worst relatives are the ones When given a choice between two evils; they always like to try the one they have never tried before.

31. The worst relatives in the world are those with a negative attitude towards you and your family.

32. Worst relatives are the ones who often think they know what is best for everyone, but they don’t.

33. Worst relatives are the ones who never cease to give you advice on how to live your life, how to dress or how to do things.

34. Worst relatives are the ones who think that everything must be done their way because they know better than anyone else.

35. Worst relatives are always not grateful for anything you do or say and will always find something wrong with whatever you say or do.

36. The worst relatives don’t mind telling you something is wrong with your house, job, or relationship with your partner or children.

37. The worst relative is someone who says, ‘I told you so’ after something bad happens.

38. The worst thing about having the worst relatives is that they always want to be included in everything you do.

39. The worst thing about worst relatives is that they give you a lot of advice, even the ones they can’t take.

40. “I would rather have my relatives live far away than nearby. They are the worst relatives.

41. “The worst thing about having relatives is that they expect you to follow their example.”

42. The worst relatives can be difficult to deal with, but they can also positively impact your life.

43. A bad relative can teach you important lessons about yourself and how to deal with other people in your life.

44. The worst relative is the one you don’t talk to, and they don’t even bother to talk to you.

45. The worse relative is the one who gets in your face when you’re trying to do something.

46. The worst relatives are the ones who give you a hard time when you’re trying to do something and then get mad at you because they’re not invited.

47. The worst relatives are the ones that make it impossible for you to have a good time with your family.

48. The worst relatives are the ones who give you a hard time when you’re trying to have fun with other people.

49. The worst relatives are the ones who try to stop you from having fun with your friends.

50. The worst relatives are the ones who get in your face when you’re trying to live a happy life.

51. The worst relatives are the ones who give you a hard time when you’ve to do something with your life.

52. The worst relatives are the ones that get in your face and try to stop you from starting your own family.

53. If you want to have fun with your friends, then the worst relatives are the ones who make it impossible for you to do so.

54. The worst relative in the world is the one who tries to stop you from having a good time with your family.

55. The worst relatives are the ones who give you a hard time when you’re trying to make your life meaningful.

56. The worst relative is the one who tries to make your life miserable by making you afraid to be yourself.

57. The worst relatives are the ones that get in your face while you are trying to do something new.

58. The worst relatives are the ones who try to stop you from having fun with your friends.

59. Having no relatives is better than having bad ones.

60. The worst relative is the one who prevents you from new opportunities.

61. The worst relatives are the ones who try to tell you how to raise your children.

62. Some people are so bad that they make the rest of us look good.

63. If you can’t say anything nice about someone, don’t say anything. Worst relatives have no problem saying something nasty about someone.

64. I would have done anything for them, and they would have done anything for me. That was before they became the worst relatives ever. Now I don’t know what to do with them.

65. They are so different from what I remember, but I still try to like them. It’s just that sometimes it’s hard.

66. Worst relatives want you to worry about what other people are doing just to destroy your happiness.

67. Worst relatives Would want you to move to a different table because it feels like your presence annoys them

68. A bad relative is like a bee sting; it hurts for a while, then it’s over, and you forget about it.

69. Only bad relatives can make a good person do bad things, but even the best of people can be made to do bad things by bad relatives.

70. The worst thing about having the worst relatives is that they always want to borrow money from you.

71. The worst relatives are the ones who make your life a living hell.

72. Having the worst relatives in the world makes me feel like I’m in the wrong family.

73. The worst relatives are the ones who don’t live close enough to borrow money.

74. The worst relatives come to your house when you’re least prepared to deal with them.

75. The worst relatives are those who think they are entitled to your time, attention, and money.

76. Some relatives are just awful. We all have them. They always want to sit and talk bad about you.

77. The worst relatives are those who drain our energy and make us feel like we’re not good enough.

78. Worst relatives are the ones who expect you to babysit their kids on holidays or do their laundry for them. And makes it looks like you are entitled to it.

79. Worst relatives are the ones who call you up on your birthday and ask for money right after they’ve made fun of you for being single.

80. Worst relatives are the ones who come over unannounced or never see your house when they visit because they’re too busy talking about themselves instead of listening to what’s going on in your life.

81. The worst relatives are like toe-stubs: even when they’re good, they’re bad.

82. Worst relatives are the ones who can hurt you the most.

83. The worst relatives always make you feel bad about yourself.

84. The worst relatives are not just bad people but also bad role models.

85. The worst relatives are not just bad people; they’re bad people who think they’re good people.

86. The worst thing about having the worst relatives is that you never feel like you can trust anybody.

87. The worst thing about having the worst relatives is that you never feel like you can trust anybody, even those who aren’t related to you.

88. The worst relatives you have are the ones who put you in a bad mood just by existing.

89. Worst relatives are the ones who leave the toilet seat up, steal the covers, snore and fart and belch and make no apologies for any of it.

90. Worst relatives are the ones who think they’re right about everything.

91. Having a relative who’s a total screwup can be annoying, but it’s not the end of the world. After all, your family is bound together by blood, and blood is thicker than water.

92. The worst relatives are the ones who make you feel like you have to be polite with them.

93. Worst relatives think they can say whatever they want about you because they know you won’t confront them about their behaviour.

94. Bad relatives must be tolerated, but good relatives are loved unconditionally.

95. Worst relatives are always there when you don’t need them and never there when you do.

96. The best way to get over the worst relatives is to get under new ones. Worst relatives enjoy it when you’re happy, but they’re not happy when you’re happy.

97. The worst relatives think that they’re better than others, making them feel good about themselves.

98. Worst relatives want everything from everyone else but never expect anything from themselves because they’re too busy looking down on others.

99. The worst thing about having the worst relatives is that they still want to be your relatives.

100. The worst relative in the world is the one who tries to stop you from having a good time with your family.

It’s easy to stay motivated, focused, and inspired with the right quotes. The next time you feel unmotivated or stuck, look at some of these quotes and let them spur you to keep pushing your creativity as far as it will go. You never know what could happen if you use your imagination.

Hopefully, this list of worst relatives quotes above has given you something of use and some inspiration, whether you’re a new or estranged relative. If nothing else, it’s nice to have some things to say when they pick up the phone or to sketch out a present for them. Best of luck.

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