WPLN Leadership Program in USA 2022-23 | Fully funded

Young leaders from all around the world can participate in the WPLN Leadership Program in USA.

As a result, women will have a greater presence in the public sector. This networking platform assists women in becoming well-educated, well-organized, and well-inspired in order to pursue positions in public offices at all levels throughout the United States.

Women will be able to become more enthusiastic leaders as a result of this. Multiple state-based groups are trying to discover, engage, and train young women to strengthen their personalities, and this WPLN Fellowship program is for them.

The WPLN provides women with the skills they need to gain advanced knowledge and access to current resources in today’s competitive world.

The WPLN provides women with the skills they need to gain advanced knowledge and access to current resources in today’s competitive world. Furthermore, students have access to a network of like-minded individuals who are eager to assist them during their time on the WPLN global pathway.

The WPLN Non-Profit Fellowship 2022-2022 in America is aimed at involving fellows in the network’s capacity building efforts in order to prepare women to run for public office.

Each woman fellow will be assigned to a single partner organization in one of the four states: New England, Michigan, Georgia, or Louisiana.

The goal of this program is to give quality mentorship from professional women leaders and other specialists to fellows.

Furthermore, this fully supported fellowship program aims to equip individuals with hands-on experience so that their practical abilities can be enhanced to match the market requirements of non-profit organizations.

The fellows will also gain practical experience by assisting the training partners with activities such as design, marketing, brand building, and data management.

What we demand from you is your passion for giving women wings to fly in the air. You will be able to accelerate the organization’s objectives in the required ways under the supervision of the program administrator and training partner.

You’ll be able to draft the state prospectus, which will establish the status of women in government positions.

You’ll be able to help with formulating and implementing state-based program events, such as Facebook live, in-person training, or any other method that addresses a large number of women.

Their aims simply require your written and vocal communication because the choice of your words is the only tool that can improve or decrease women’s strength.

You can meet with your supervisors at least once a week and devote at least 10 hours each week to completing the assigned responsibilities.

The fully-funded women’s leadership program in the United States of America is dedicated to making fair adjustments for you.

This women’s leadership curriculum is specifically developed to meet the needs of many parts of society, including those who are differently abled.

The Women’s Public Leadership Network, as an equal opportunity organization, provides a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds, personalities, experiences, ethnicities, religions, and perspectives to join together and work as a team.

This innovative worldwide leadership program encourages everyone to apply because it thinks that variety of viewpoints leads to better and more reasoned discussions, pragmatic decisions, and results that benefit the world’s communities.

WPLN Leadership Program in USA 2022/23

Host University

  • Women’s Public Leadership Network.

Host Country

  • United States Of America

Position Description

Under the supervision of the Program Administrator and in partnership with their state-based WPLN partner Executive Director, the Fellow is responsible for accelerating the WPLN State Partner’s mission in their city/region through the following activities:

  • Create a state prospectus that examines the status of women in public office in the state to which the Fellow has been assigned.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of two state-based program events (ie: Facebook Live, in-person training, etc.) to reach more women.
  • Write at least one blog post per semester, on a subject germane to the work of the WPLN State Partner.
  • Help the State Partner organization implement a signature fundraising luncheon event in Q1 of 2022.
  • Design organization marketing materials to support these and other programs as needed, along with other communication needs.

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Duration of the program

The WPLN Fellowship is eight months long, September 1, 2022 – April 30, 2022. Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of $1,250 for a total of $10,000 over the Fellowship period.

In order to fulfill the responsibilities of this fellowship, Fellows must be able to:

  • Attend in-person Fellowship kickoff training in Washington D.C. over Labor Day weekend, September 3-5 (travel expenses covered by WPLN). 
  • Meet with their supervisor during standard work hours at least once a week. 
  • Spend an average of 10 hours a week, at least half of which will need to take place during standard business hours of 9-6 pm. 
  • Beyond required meetings and training, Fellows have flexibility managing time in executing their role and other responsibilities.
  • Attend the WPLN National Summit April 28-30, 2022, location TBD (travel expenses covered by WPLN), which will also include a “Fellowship Graduation” event.
  • Attend the designated State Partner signature fundraising luncheon in Q1 of 2022 (travel expenses covered by WPLN).

Opportunities and Benefits

  • Expand your professional network 
  • Meet women leaders nationally and in your home state
  • Build professional skills in both the political and non-profit realms
  • Receive professional mentorship from WPLN State Partner Executive Director and WPLN staff
  • Virtual Brown bag lunches 2x a semester to build your professional skills and networks 
  • Attend WPLN Fellowship kickoff in Washington, D.C. with tour of capitol and opportunities to meet with women leaders (expenses covered by WPLN)
  • Attend WPLN’s annual National Summit (location TBD) with Fellowship Graduation ceremony, with a special  lunch and certificate upon completion (expenses covered by WPLN)
  • If your academic institution can provide credit for the internship we can work with you to facilitate that process

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  • Passion for WPLN mission, specifically, and civic engagement, generally
  • Highly organized, self-starter who can work virtually and consistently meet deadlines
  • Computer literate, fully proficient with MS Office suite and Google drive
  • Strong knowledge and proficiency with social media applications (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat); graphic design skills and experience with Canva a plus
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to build and sustain mutually beneficial relationships 
  • Experience with relationship building via in person and phone contact consistently
  • Strong project management skills, especially remotely 
  • An affinity for working with a culturally and politically diverse community
  • Political experience a plus 


To become a WPLN Fellowship member, you must complete the application by June 30, 2022.

Applicants who are selected for a final interview will be asked for a letter of recommendation in the latter half of July. 

To apply please complete the following information here*. Applications are due by June 30, 2022, at 5 pm PST.

Finalists will be interviewed in the third week of July with final interviews by August 1.  

 WPLN is committed to making reasonable accommodations for all employees. Anyone with disability related barriers is encouraged to apply.

WPLN is an equal opportunity employer fully committed to creating an environment and team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, styles, and experiences.

We encourage all to apply because we believe a diversity of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.

*If the link to the application does not open, please copy and paste into your browser: https://share.hsforms.com/1GJz4cOdiTM2weS0Q5WGB-Q54wr8. Please reach out to the WPLN team at hello@womenspublicleadership.net with any questions.