Yahoo Mail – – Sign In

This Yahoo Mail Post is for users. This article is about Yahoo Mail corporation Sign up and Sign in,  For the search engine, see Yahoo! Search. For other uses. Yahoo Mail is a free service provided by an American company called Yahoo. Did you know that Yahoo email service is one of the very primogenital email service provider company in the globe? According to It is the 3rd-largest-web-based email services with over two hundred and eighty one million users as of December 2011 and 4.6million in 2013. According to yahoo and wikipedia news sources, roughly 700 million people visit Yahoo websites every new month. Yahoo itself claims it attracts “more than half a billion consumers every month in more than 30 languages.” It has been in use since the October 1997 (about 17 years ago). 

Several users has commented that they enjoy using the mailing system and because of this, Yahoo Mail has been regarded to be one of the fastest email service among others. Since so many users make use of it, Yahoo decided to add other services like Yahoo Cars, Yahoo Business, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Answers and much more. Yahoo also had its own chat rooms called Yahoo Messenger where userse had the chance to login to Yahoo chat rooms and make new friends around the world. Yahoo messenger was one of the most popular chat rooms in the history before emergence of Twitter and Facebook. Yahoo Mail is now a big competitor of Google Email Service known as and offers Yahoo Mail Registration, Login and Yahoo Mail Sign in options.
2. Storage Capacity of Yahoo mail is a huge 1 Terabyte.
3. Little or Basic Uploading File Limit for one file is 25megabyte in Yahoo mail but you can increase it to 100mb per file via the Attach large files option in Yahoo Mail.

Yahoo holds the right to expire your account after six months of inactivity i.e you dont login to or in this time period. After that you can retrieve your account but emails and data would get lost.

Spam and Virus protection is enabled in Yahoo mail to save the user from any virus.
    Yahoo mail displays advertisements on the main email screen page.

Yahoo Mail Sign Up Process
Yahoo Mail Sign up is pretty easy, lets see the easy way on how to register an account on yahoo mail.

Step 1:
The very first thing to do is to open or or in your favorite browser.

Step 2:

Just Click on the Create new Account button on the page and you will be given a detailed form to fill in your personal details to make a new yahoo email address and it will require things like 

Name and Surname

Username to be used

Gender – Either Male or Femal

Password. ****************

Fill in the details properly and choose an easy to remember username wisely.

Step 3:
When complete, click on Create Account button at the bottom and you will directed to a page congratulating you that your Yahoo mail account has been created and that now you can do the Yahoo Mail Sign in and use your email to send and receive emails on your email address.

Yahoo Mail Sign In Procedure

Yahoo Mail Sign In is very simple to do and you can do so by simply opening your desired browser and type in, or and simply type in your registered username and password for your Yahoo Mail Account.

This will land you to the yahoo mail page where you have Inbox, Compose, Draft, Sent Mails, etc. It is at this juncture that you can now compose new mails to send it to your friends and family with your new email account. All the messages received to your yahoo email ID can be seen in your inbox menu and your sent messages will be displayed in the sent box, saved messages will be in draft etc.

The above procedures is the easiest way to complete a create an account on yahoo and log in to Yahoo Mail and enjoy premium email services by Yahoo.

These are the yahoomail login website address to create a new yahoo account and to Sign in Successfully. – Sign in to Yahoo!

Yahoo Mail Mobile Services 

This is to show you that yahoo also uses mobile phone and table in accessing yahoo products. Yahoo Mobile provides services for easy email, instant messaging, and mobile blogging, as well as information services like news, searches and alerts. Services for the camera phone include entertainment and ring tones etc. Read more from the links below/

Did you know that Yahoo introduced its Internet search system, called OneSearch, for mobile phones on March 20, 2007? The results include news headlines, images from Flickr, business listings, local weather and links to other sites. Instead of showing only, for example, popular movies or some critical reviews, OneSearch lists local theaters that at the moment are playing the movie, along with user ratings and news headlines regarding the movie. A zip code or city name is required for OneSearch to start delivering local search results.

The results of a Web search are listed on a single page and are prioritized into categories.

As of 2012, Yahoo used Novarra’s mobile content transcoding service for OneSearch.

On October 8, 2010, Yahoo announced plans to bring video chat to mobile phones via Yahoo Messenger.

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