You Are Always in My Heart Dad Quotes

Throughout our lives, there are many things that we will lose, gain or be given. New jobs, new homes, new friends or a new family member and a whole lot more. But certain things that you have or lost in your life will never leave your heart and one of these is a father.

There are many things to be said about the love of a child for a dad; from the love between them when the dad is alive, to the pain that comes with the loss of a dad. Having your dad with you could be so amazing that when you are away for one reason or the other, you miss him and always have him in your heart.

On the other hand, to lose a father is to lose one of your best friends. To you, It could be to lose the person who always said “I love you,” first. Your dad may have been there for every one of your victories, and countless times provided advice when you didn’t know where else to turn. He has stood by your side at the best and worst moments in your life and holds a spot that can never be replaced in anyone’s heart.

When you love your dad so much, every day seems a little harder since he left. You love him dearly. And you want him to know that you will always be there for him. Or that he will always be your heart. So I’ve come up with a list of most touching quotes for your dear dad. They are in the collection of you are always in my heart dad quotes below. They are perfect to express your feelings.

Sometimes I don’t say what’s on my mind. It takes a while to find the right words that perfectly convey my feelings. But I always knew you loved me, and you knew I loved you too. I miss you, dad and you are always in my heart.

1. Daddy, you are always in my heart. I wish we could be together more often, but that’s not possible. I want you to know how much I love you and how proud of you I am.

2. Dad, you inspire me in so many ways and your work ethic is amazing. You are a great role model for me and I am glad you are part of my life. You always have a place in my heart.

3. You may not be here physically, but I feel like you are always in my heart. Though it’s been years since you passed away, I love and miss you every day. You were a great dad and role model.

4. Dad I will try to be like you in every way because you were so proud of me. Every day I spend with you is a reminder of the wonderful man that you were and how much you love them. You are always in my heart.

5. I am so lucky to have a dad like you. You are the most caring and generous person I know. There aren’t many people like you in this world; you are truly one in a million. I hope I can love someone as much as you do when I finally find that special person. For now, I will always love you and you’ll always be in my heart.

6. I don’t know what to say so I’ll just say this. I love you. Your words of wisdom are something I always think about. Dad, you are one of the most important people in my life and having you here has made me a better person. I always have you in my heart.

7. I am still here, still with you but far from home. I miss your laugh and our old family home. We used to be as close as two people could be, at least that’s what it seems like now. Don’t worry this doesn’t change anything between us, I will always be your little girl no matter how old I get. I love you, daddy!

8. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You have shown me how to love and how to be loved. I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you, that is more like a father to me. Thank you for all the things you do for me, you are always in my heart, dad.

9. We accomplished everything we set out to do: You saw me grow up into the young man I am. Because of you, my life is fuller, richer, kinder, happier and more meaningful. There is a piece of you buried deep in my heart, it’s the piece that never grows old.

10. I really miss you. I’m sorry that we have gone so much time without talking. I know it hasn’t been easy on you either. You are always in my heart, dad.

11. You are always in my heart and thoughts dad. Your love shines through the darkest days. I miss your laughter, your kindness and your walk into the room. But most of all I miss you being here with us to celebrate you on father’s day! I love you with all my heart and soul.

12. When I look at our life, I can see that you are the most important person in my life. I love you so much, dad, you’ve taught me so many valuable lessons in life. You will always be in my heart, one way or another. Our love is forever!

13. Been thinking about you all day today. You are so important to me and I love you so much. I know that things haven’t always been easy for you, but you still managed to give me the world. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are, you will always be close to my heart.

14. I don’t ever want to let you go. I don’t ever want to lose you. I’m sorry that I haven’t said it enough, and even sorrier that I had to learn how precious you really are from losing you so early in life. I love you so much Dad, and miss you more than words could say!

15. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything. You have always been an amazing father, and I love that you are the father of my kids. With everything in my heart, I love you forever!

16. I hope you know that I will always love you, and miss you. I just want you to know that I wish with all my heart that you were here right now dad but you are always in my heart.

17. It has been a year since you left and a hole in my heart remains. When things go wrong I think of you and the lessons you taught. You always did your best and now I will too. I miss you, dad and you will always be in my heart.

18. You set such a good example for your children and you always loved us. All I ever wanted was to make you proud. You were a great dad and role model, the best I could ever ask for. You are at peace now, with all my love. You are always in my heart.

19. Daddy, I love you. I am going to miss you so much. I know God will take care of you and keep you safe. And he will also keep me safe until I can come home to see you. I love you, daddy, always remember that you are always in my heart!

20. I miss you every day and love you more each time we talk, I’m so grateful to have you in my life, dad. You are always in my thoughts and I love you very much.

21. Thank you for always being there for me growing up. I hope I made you proud. I love every little thing about you dad.

22. Even though you’re gone, you are always in my heart dad. I think of you every day and I know you’re watching over me. You were a great father and an even better friend. I miss you so much but will carry you with me forever in my heart.

23. Dear father! I have loved you throughout my life. And I will always remember the man that you are. Now and until the end of time! –Love, your daughter.

24. Dad, I miss you so much. I would give anything to have one more chance to hug you and tell you I love you. Although you didn’t get to see me grow up and become a man, your legacy still lives on in me today. I will always be your son and I will never forget the love you gave to me freely.

25. I know there are only a handful of days left until you leave again. I miss you and your ghost haunts my dreams every night. I hope that you come home safe so we can watch the sunset together once again. I love you and keep your head down until you come home to me dad.

26. Always remember that I love you, and will always be here for you. I will miss the times we spent together talking about our hopes, dreams and aspirations. You are my inspiration and my hero. You have taught me so much in life; thank you for showing me how to live dad.

27. I love that you are always there for me dad, I don’t know what I would do without you and your love. You have shown me what it means to be a strong, confident and independent woman.

28. Dad thank you for everything you have done for me throughout my life, I couldn’t ask for a better father, and I love you with all my heart.

29. I remember growing up my dad would always say “I love you” at bedtime, but now that you’re gone I miss telling you those words. He always told me “love is a gift to give and not to receive”, but I miss receiving it from him every day.

30. You were the greatest man I knew. Dad, you were so full of life and love. When I was a little girl, I felt like you would run through walls for me! You taught me to always be kind-hearted and to have love in my heart. You were the best dad anyone could ever have.

31. You are always in my heart dad, I love you so much! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I wish I could give you a thousand hugs and tell about a million times how much I love and miss you.

32. I’m lost without you, I just can’t seem to find my way. You are always in my heart and everything in this world reminds me of you.

33. Dad, I always carry you in my heart. I miss you more and more every day. I cherish your memory and the lessons you taught me. It’s hard to not have you here with me, but I know that you are with me in spirit. I’ve tried to keep your spirit alive in me and make sure that it stays with me. I love you and always will.

34. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you. You are my everything and I can’t imagine a day without you in it. All of my friends love you and so do all of my family! I just want you to know, that I love you with all of my heart and I’ll never forget any moment we shared together.

35. You know the truth dad, I love you. I miss so much about you and I appreciate how you raised me. But I miss your voice the most, forever in my heart.

36. Today is the day I will miss you the most. We have now been apart for 2 years and I still live with the pain of your death. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about you and wish you were alive to see my life. I love you, dad!

37. I love you so much. I feel like I am missing half of me without you, and I don’t ever want to. You are the most wonderful dad in the world and the best friend I’ve ever had.

38. I love how we are so close dad, how we can just talk so easily, how we can go for days without seeing each other but still feel like we’ve been together for years. You mean the world to me and I thank God every day that He led me to you.

39. I adore you, dad You are my life, my world. You make me complete. I want to be with you always and forever.

40. I will always remember you dad. I know that you are watching over me and I will always love you. I miss your laugh, your smile and your presence!

41. You may be gone but you are never forgotten. I still love and miss you every day. You will always be in my heart! Dad.

42. A father’s love is something no one can explain, it’s more than emotion or reason, a force from God we call it. There’s nothing you’ll need for my love for you will always be. We’re so much alike and I can’t wait to see the man that you become.

43. I know you are in a better place with God, but I still miss you terribly and I love you very much. I still remember our time together. We had a lot of fun together, we laughed and joked, and we watched lots of movies together.

44. Dad most times I remember our talks where we talked about anything imaginable. You encouraged me to be myself and helped mould me into the man I am today. You were my best friend and I always felt at ease when we were together. You’re always in my heart, dad.

45. You are the perfect father, friend and role model. I miss you more than I could ever put into words. You were taken from us too soon, but your love and light live on through my heart and soul. I have never felt more honoured to have been your son! Love you!

46. Although I only knew you for a short time, and that your life was tragically cut short, you were loved by all those around you. I was so fortunate to have known you and loved you for half of my life that you were here. You will forever hold a special place in my heart…

47. You don’t know how much I miss you. Every time I close my eyes, I see you smiling and it makes me smile. It’s been hard to not have had a father in my life but even harder not having the one I love!

48. I don’t think my heart could ever be the same. I love you as much as anyone can possibly love someone else. I feel so unbelievably lucky that we found each other. I am in awe of you every day. I hope to continue to make you proud and live up to your expectations. Miss you, dad.

49. You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day dad.

50. I love you more than ever dad, and though you aren’t here physically, I feel your presence every day in my heart. Goodbye for now…

51. Today is your birthday. We all miss you and wish you were here, but I know that you are always in my heart dad, I miss you.

52. I miss you so much. I wish you were here this Valentine’s day. Every year I think about you and hope that somehow, someway that we can talk and laugh like the good old days. I love you dad and until we meet again, fly high my dear soul.

53. I am so lucky to have had a father like you. You were more than just a dad, you were my best friend. I could always talk to you no matter what and you were always so loving and fun. Every day I miss you like crazy, but I know in my heart that you are watching over me and are protecting me.

54. I love you more than I could ever tell you, dad. My heart is so full from all I feel for you that it sometimes feels like it’s bursting out of my chest. We have been together through the good and the bad. You’re always in my heart, Miss you dad.

55. You’ve been gone for a very long time, but I still think of you every time I look at the sky. No matter what happens, you will always be my dad and I will never forget you. You’re always in my heart, I love you!

56. To my father. I just want you to know how much I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so lucky every day that we are together. I wish for you to be happy always.

57. You were the greatest dad in the world, and I know that you are now an angel watching over me. I love you always!

58. You have always been in my heart and I have always had an ache for you. It seems that the older I get, the more this ache grows. I miss you so much, dad.

59. Dad, you will always be in my heart. I love you so much and miss you so much. You are the best dad in the world!

60. Where do I even begin to describe who you are to me? You’re my rock, my hero, the man I look up to, the one I admire above all others. Seeing you in person is better than a million phone calls or texts, and hearing your voice on the other end of the line brings me more joy than I could ever put into words. I miss you, dad.

61. You are loved more than you will ever know, and though I’m miles away, you are always in my heart. Love and miss you dad.

62. Dad, you’ve always been my hero. I am so fortunate to have been born into this family with such great parents. I’m going to miss you so much. You are always in my heart and thoughts. I love you, dad!

63. I look up at the stars tonight and wonder if you are looking down at me too. If that’s the case, I want you to know how much I love and miss you. You will always be in my heart. I know that I’ll see you again someday. Until then, please watch over me for both of us, okay? I miss and love you, dad.

64. I miss you so much. I wish you were here. You would love the man I’ve grown into. I look like you and act like you in so many ways, it’s hard to imagine life without you, but even though you are gone my love for you will always live on. Miss you, dad.

65. I love you more than you will ever know, and that will never change. Without you in my life, there is a hole. But with you, I have a reason to move forward and know what true happiness is. You are the best father anyone could ask for. I love you so much, daddy!

66. Every night I pray that you are watching over me, I think about how much I miss you dad every day and wish I could see your smiling face.

67. You taught me about unconditional love, how to be a good and honest person, to love completely without judgment, and how to be compassionate towards others. I am so proud to be your daughter. I love you and miss you so much, dad.

68. You are the one who cared for and raised me. All my memories of love, safety, warmth and support come from you. The most important thing I learned from you was to be a good person. Because of that, I found my true love, I love and miss you, dad.

69. I love you, dad. If someone had told me when I was your little girl that one day you would be gone, I wouldn’t have believed them. I miss you, dad.

70. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and how much you meant to me and still mean to me. I miss the days when we were together. Miss you, dad.

71. I love you. I miss you, you’re always in my heart. I wish I could have told you enough. I will love you forever and beyond.

72. You’re amazing and you’re always in my heart, dad. I love and miss you with all my heart. I am so happy that God made me in your image, no one else could possibly be better. I’ve never met a man like you who is so thoughtful and sweet. You are the best dad anyone could ask for.

73. You were a great dad, a loving husband and the best father-in-law anyone could ever ask for! I love you and miss you every day.

74. I just wanted to thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me when I needed you. You have always supported me in my ambitions and dreams and I appreciate you so much. You are the best dad ever and I love you so much!

75. You have made my life wonderful and exciting. Thank you for everything you have done for me and the love and support you have always given me I never take it for granted. Miss you daddy, I love you!

76. I love you, dad. I so wish that you were still here with me. Your death has left an emptiness in my heart and soul, but the lessons you taught me will stay with me forever. I will always love you dad and look up to you for everything!

77. Even though you are with the angels above, you will always be in my heart. I will never forget all the adventures we shared in life. Your love and guidance kept me strong through difficult times. One day I will join you and see you again. Until then I say, “I love you, daddy”.

78. You were my dad and my best friend. You made me believe in love, marriage, family & more. I am who I am because of you! You’re always in my heart, forever! I love you and miss you so much.

79. You’re always in my heart. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, and everything in between. Your happiness is the only thing that matters to me. I love you, daddy!

80. I miss you, I love you and I wish you knew how much every day. You were always my hero and gave me all the courage in the world. I will forever be your little girl and look up to you. You’re always in my heart, dad.

81. My dad passed away today. Every time I think about him it brings me to tears because I realize how much I miss him. His death came too soon and his life was cut short. I wish he was still among us, I miss you so much, dad.

82. I don’t understand why you had to leave. It still feels like yesterday that I saw you. I miss your smile and the way you made me feel like there was no obstacle in my way. You are always in my heart, dad.

83. There are so many things I could say to you and never be able to express them all. I will just try my best and hope that you know how much you mean to me and that I love you with all my heart and soul. I miss you, dad.

84. You were the best dad any kid could have. I could always count on you. You have been gone a long time, but you live on in my heart. I hope you dance in heaven, and sing your favourite songs with the angels. I love and miss you so much, every day, dad!

85. Daddy, I miss you more and more every day. You showed me what it felt like to be loved and for that, I’ll always be thankful. You’re the greatest dad in the world and I will never stop loving you. You are always in my heart, wherever you are now.

86. Dad I wish you were here to celebrate with us. I hold you close in my heart every day, and will forever miss you.

87. You have always loved me, you have always been there for me… you are the best dad in the world, and I am so thankful that I got to spend these 20 years with you.

88. Always missing my daddy. Keeping him always in my heart. Love you daddy! You were always there for me, guiding me. You were always there for my sister, teaching her.

89. You were the greatest man I ever knew. I will always be your little girl, and I will never forget the love you gave me. I will always love you, forever dad. You are always in my heart.

90. You have been my strength during the most difficult times in my life. I love you with all my heart and soul, dad!

91. You are always in my heart and I never forget how much you mean to me. I hope we can spend more time together often. I miss you, dad.

92. You are always in my heart. I wish there was a way you could stay with me forever and never leave. You are everything to me and I love you more than you know. You have been the best dad anyone could ever have dreamed of having.

93. Dad, you were the best dad in the world. I don’t know what I would do without you. Your love and support will always be with me as long as I live. You are in my heart every day and every night. You will never leave my heart because you are my hero!

94. Even though you’re not with us, you are in our hearts! And I know the day will come when we will be together again. I love and miss you so much, dad!

95. The tears come and go, but you will always be in my heart. I know you are proud of me, but I would have never been here if you hadn’t spent those nights teaching me how to throw a ball. I will always love you, and somewhere out there you are smiling down on us.

96. Though you may be gone from this world, you are always in my heart and mind. You are my hero and the man I want to become. I miss you.

97. Thank you for being the best father in the world and for all the love and support you’ve given me through my years of growing up. I wish that I could have thanked you sooner before you have gone. I will always remember you and love you forever, thank you.

98. Dad, I know you are always here with me. I can feel you in my heart and hear your wisdom from within me. Your words are engraved in my soul and will be with me for the rest of my life. I love you, dad.

99. Thank you, dad. I don’t know where I’d be without you, and I’ll never stop thanking you for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve always been my hero and a great example of what a good man should be. I miss you, dad.

100. Daddy, today is your special day, a day we set aside to honour the person who has touched our lives in such a wonderful way. We miss you, dad.

Hope you found these you are always in my heart dad quotes helpful. These thoughts and words are the perfect way to express your feeling. It’s heartwarming to know that your father will always be in your heart, no matter where you are, because you will forever be a part of his.

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