You Are Always in My Thoughts Quotes

Being in someone else’s thoughts is always a great feeling. It gives you hope that you’re special, and you often wonder what they might be thinking about. To be in someone’s thoughts isn’t just a way to say that you’ve crossed their mind. It also means that they have a positive association with you.

But it can also be frustrating if the person who is in your thoughts doesn’t know how you feel about them. We often fall for someone when we are in their presence. Likewise, we can’t stop thinking about someone even when they are absent from our life.

Being in thoughts of someone is a great feeling. Sometimes people don’t express it as much as they should, so here is a list of you are always in my thoughts quotes to show how special it is to have someone in your thoughts all the time.

You are always in my thoughts. I smile when you walk into the room and I want to laugh out loud when you’re acting goofy. I miss your goodnight texts, your whispers straight into my ears when we’re in bed and your small-minded jokes that never fail to make me smile.

1. You are always in my thoughts. Your smile, your giggle. Everything about you is exactly what I need. I love you so much that it hurts, and every day I find more reasons why. I could lay here next to you forever and never get tired of holding you close. My heart is only yours, I love you always!

2. You are always in my thoughts and in some way, and I love you because with you I feel like a better person. I hope that someday, we will stand in front of each other and that we will both be a little less crazy and a lot happier.

3. I am yours, you are mine. No matter what distance lies between us we will always be together in each others’ hearts. You are always in my thoughts, even when I’m apart from you for a short time. You are the one that makes my heart skip a beat and the reason I can’t sleep at night.

4. You are always in my thoughts, even when I’m not by your side. You haunt my fantasies and pervade my dreams, so I look forward to endless days spent with you.

5. You are always in my thoughts, even when I’m not with you. The whole universe could explode tonight and I’d still have my arms wrapped around you. I love you.

6. You are always in my thoughts and my heart. You make my life so much more colourful and I love you for it. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life.

7. I think about you every day and night. You’re always in my thoughts and I love thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you again, to hold you again, to hear your voice and laugh with you. I love you, baby.

8. There is not a time when I am not thinking of you. I am always reminded of our love and all the wonderful things in life you bring to me. You are the best man I know and I love you with every beat of my heart.

9. I’m always thinking about you. This world would be empty and meaningless without you, my love. My heart skips a beat every time I think of you. You are the one I want to spend my life with, forever and ever.

10. People say that love hurts, but it feels so good. You are always in my thoughts and your smile lights up my day. I love you!

11. You are always in my thoughts, and I am constantly thinking of you. I could never love anyone as I love you. Our relationship savours more with each passing day. I know that you feel the same way, and we will always have a special place in each other’s hearts.

12. I think of you often, you are always in my thoughts. Without a doubt, you are the love of my life, and could never be replaced. Every time I look at you my heart melts and I get butterflies. Thank you for coming into my life and for being so wonderful to me.

13. You are always in my thoughts, you have a special place in my heart. You will always be there for me when I need you the most. If there was one thing I could wish for it would be to spend more time with you and share all the love we have in our hearts.

14. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are always in my thoughts, filling my mind with beautiful memories. I can’t escape the thought of you and it fills me with a sense of desire that is beyond compare.

15. I’m always thinking about you, whether I’m at work, home or school. You are constantly in the back of my head and never leave. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I can’t stand that we are apart for so long, but I would wait forever as long as I knew it was with you.

16. I love you so much. You are the love of my life! You always come to my mind, and I think about you every day.

17. I am so glad that you are a part of my life. I think about you every day and I miss you when we are apart. I am so lucky to be with you, sweetheart.

18. I may not be with you right now but my thoughts are with you every second. I may not love you the same way you love me but the love I have for you is strong and everlasting.

19. My love for you goes beyond the definition of words. Being with you completes me and I just want to be with you forever.

20. I love that you are always in my thoughts. You are a piece of me. There’s always a part of me that is missing when we’re apart. I don’t know where I begin and you end. Every day, my love for you grows as I see what a wonderful person you are. I just want to hold you in my arms forever…

21. You are always in my thoughts and on my mind. I miss you. I love you. We will see each other soon! Miss you so much, my love.

22. I have so many things I want to say to you. You are always in my thoughts and my heart. I love you with all my heart.

23. You are never out of my thoughts and even when you are, I think of you. I will be there for you and love you forever. You are my soul mate. To me you are perfect, your imperfections make you perfect to me.

24. You are in my thoughts every day and night. No matter where I am, I love you until the end of time.

25. Thoughts of you fill my heart and mind every single day. No one or nothing else compares or can even come close to the love I have for you. You are my everything and I am truly grateful we crossed paths.

26. You are always in my thoughts, I think about you all the time, no matter where I am at, in whatever I’m doing! I miss you!

27. Some of my most precious moments in life are when I’m lost in the depths of your eyes only to find myself wishing our love would never end. You’re always on my mind and you don’t even know it, which is why I’m thinking of you right now. I want nothing more than to be with you forever. I love you, baby girl.

28. I’ll never think of anyone else. You are the only one for me. The words I love you are not enough to describe how I feel about you. There is only you, nothing compares to our love. We’re in a league of our own and no one can compete with our heart-warming bond. You are my everything, my lover and my soul mate. How lucky am I to have found you?

29. It seems silly to say I miss you. I haven’t seen you for months and I send you messages every day. But still, every single day your face sneaks into my thoughts… Your quirks, your little mannerisms, how you greet people when they pass by you. Everything about you is so familiar and comfortable that it keeps me warm inside. And that’s why I still say I miss you even though we’re not together.

30. I think about you all the time, right now I’m picturing you and that smile. How it sets my heart on fire and makes me melt. Your presence is so comforting to me, I feel at home when we are together. It’s hard to put into words how much you mean to me, but know that I will love you always.

31. You are always in my thoughts. I think about you as soon as I wake up, as I fall asleep, and every second in between. Your love overwhelms me. My life is so much better because of you. You are the love of my life and I thank God for you every day!

32. You are always in my thoughts. You can see what I am thinking because you are always there. I fell deeper and deeper in love with you. It is like we were made for each other. I know this will sound corny but I think you have my heart forever, and if anyone hurts you or breaks your heart, they will have to deal with me first.

33. I can think of nothing but you, my love. You are always in my thoughts and even when I dream of you, you have never left my mind. My heart aches for you, to be near you is all I wish for. I love you with all my heart and soul. cherish the love we share forever more.

34. I hope you know that you are always in my thoughts. I am thinking of you, wishing that we were together sharing a romantic dinner. I miss you so much.

35. You’re always in my thoughts, I love you today, yesterday and forever.

36. You are always in my thoughts and my heart. I have never felt this way before and I am so thankful every day you are in my life. You are my everything and forever will be.

37. Think of you today and always. You are always in my thoughts, my heart and my dreams. I LOVE YOU!

38. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you with all my heart dear.

39. You are always on my mind. I can’t get you off my mind even if I wanted to. You are an angel sent from heaven above, a gift from God himself. I can’t wait to marry you and wake up next to you for the rest of my life. My life is better because you are in it!

40. I’m not sure where I would be without you. Your love fills my heart and makes me want to be a better man. I want to make you smile every day in any way I can, just so you will know how important you are to me. You are the reason that each day is a joy for me just to live. You are my soul mate, I’ve never loved anyone else, and as long as your love shines upon me I can face anything that comes.

41. You are always in my thoughts. I never stop thinking about you. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you soon. I’ll keep you in my heart forever!

42. You are always in my thoughts, I miss you, love you and think about you every day. I can’t wait to see you again.

43. You are always in my thoughts. The moments we shared have etched a special place in my heart. I look to the future and think of you! You are my inspiration! My wish is that this Valentine’s Day will find you with lots of kisses and good cheer!

44. We should never be apart. I love you, you’re always in my thoughts and dreams. There’s not a single day that goes by that I don’t think of you, it’s impossible not to because you are always on my mind.

45. I know I’m not the easiest person to get along with. I say things that people don’t want to hear and I tend to be quite blunt. All I want is to make you happy and spend time with you. If that means that we need some space at times, then we can work that out.

46. I miss you when I’m away from you, and I love you when we’re together. Our love is like no other; it’s unique and bound in my heart. Thinking of you keeps me company; a constant thought of the one I love most. You are in my thoughts always, especially at night before I sleep.

47. You are so important to me, I am always thinking about you. You never leave my thoughts, even when I am waking up in the morning. I love you!

48. I thought about you today. I thought about you yesterday. There is nothing I can do but think of you. You have taken over my heart, mind and soul. You are always on my mind, sometimes I slip and say your name without realizing it. When you are with me it feels like nothing else in this world matters, when we are apart it feels as if everything else no longer exists.

49. I love you so much it hurts. You are everything I ever dreamed of, and more. I cherish the moments we spend together, and the memories we create. I look forward to a lifetime of happiness with you by my side. I love you now and always.

50. You are always in my thoughts, you are the sunshine after the rain, the smile after the tears and I love you!!!

51. You are always in my thoughts, and never far from my heart. I hope that you know how much joy you bring me, and how lucky I am to have you in my life. You make every day magical. I love you so much!

52. I thought about you today. You are always in my thoughts. I can’t wait for the day that we hold each other again. Every day I think about you and every night I dream of you.

53. You’re in my heart, you’re in my soul. Whenever we are apart, I feel so blue. Your love keeps me afloat when I am falling to my doom. You’re always in my thoughts.

54. You’re always in my thoughts, every waking moment and in my dreams. Yes, I miss you, but that’s why I search for ways to make this time apart easier to bear. I love you, and I always will.

55. You are always in my thoughts, even though we’re far apart and I miss you so much.

56. I feel like you are always in my thoughts. I am never away from you. I feel like you live inside me, a part of me. Wherever we are, whatever we do, your love is with me always.

57. Whenever I’m not with you I am always thinking of you. You are the most important thing to me and the love of my life. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

58. The thought of you stays with me every minute of every day because you’re always on my mind. I love you more today than yesterday, but never as much as tomorrow.

59. I am always thinking of you. I dream of you at night. In the morning I can’t wait to hear your voice, and when I do I walk on clouds all day long. You are more special than you realize; I just wanted to let you know that I love you very much.

60. You are always in my thoughts. I want to say thank you for all that you do. Your love is like sunshine, warming my heart and making me happy. I hope you know how much I love you.

61. My love for you is infinite, my thoughts of you will never fade away. Your beautiful face and angelic soul are forever printed in my heart and mind. I promise that even when the world seems hopeless when the clouds hang low and thick on the horizon of my life, I will still hold you close in my heart. You are the one, who makes it all better.

62. I was thinking about you today. I always do this because you are in my heart and my thoughts are never far from you. I am deeply in love with you and cannot continue to live without your company.

63. My thoughts are always with you. My mind stays focused on you throughout the days. If I attempt to distract myself, I just keep coming back to you. It’s like I’m addicted to the way you make me feel. I can’t fight it any longer. My love for you is and will always be true.

64. My thoughts were of you, as I watched the sun come up and then wished it back down again. You are my dream come true!

65. Missing you and loving you always, I hope by now you’ve fully realized that I am never going to let you be because you are always in my thoughts. You’re always in my heart.

66. I know that you’re always in my thoughts. You’re the one that warms my heart and keeps me smiling every time I think of you. It’s not hard to say that I love you, because it’s true.

67. From the moment I wake up to when I go to sleep, you are always in my thoughts. You sweep me off my feet with your smile and your eyes. You are one of a kind and I am lucky to have found you! I can’t wait to spend years with you, loving each other.

68. My favourite place to be is in your arms. I love you, and you are always in my thoughts!

69. I can’t stop thinking about you. Every morning when I wake up, and every night before I close my eyes, your face is the first thing that comes to mind. I know we don’t see each other much these days but I know that no matter how much time goes by we will always be able to pick up where we left off.

70. Every day I think about how much you mean to me and how lucky I am to have you in my life. You have been with me through it all and have loved me for who I am. During all the ups and downs in life, you are a constant that keeps giving me strength. I love you and I never wanna lose you.

71. You are always in my thoughts, and I miss every minute we’re apart!

72. You are always in my thoughts, even when I’m not near you. It may be late at night and I just want to hear your voice. It is so hard to sleep some nights because I miss you so much! I love how you make me feel, that feeling inside of wanting nothing else but to be around you every second of every day!

73. I’m glad you are always in my thoughts, on my mind and in my heart. I cannot explain how much I love you, it’s beyond comprehension. I will be good to you and protect you from the nightmares that invade my dreams, so you can rest peacefully.

74. You are always on my mind. No matter what I am doing, you are a part of that. When I wake up, you’re the first thing to cross my mind. You probably don’t even know what I am thinking right now. Just a shock, and then it disappears…everything disappears when I think about you this much.

75. We have been together through so much and I am so thankful for every minute we’ve shared. I will always love you, be there for you whenever you need me… You are always on my mind and in my heart.

76. My thoughts are with you. I love you. I remember the first time we met, and all of our special moments together like it was yesterday. I will carry your smile with me always and every day when I close my eyes and think of you. You are my one and only.

77. I never want to leave your side. My heart beats only for you. I am always a daydream away, dreaming of our next moment together. You are the love of my life, the only one for me. I love you very much.

78. You are always in my thoughts, no matter where I am. If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.

79. Deep down inside I am praying that you feel the same way. I hope so because you are always in my thoughts. You mean so much to me.

80. I love you so much and I feel your love with me throughout the day. You are always in my thoughts. Even though we are apart, it’s like we are together every minute of every day. I can’t wait for us to be together soon!

81. You are always in mind, darling. I hope you’re having a great day and know that I love you more than anything!

82. I am always thinking about you. I know that you are somewhere in my thoughts even when we are apart. You have left a permanent place in my heart and I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile again. I find myself thinking about you often and wondering how you are doing. Millions of miles and endless time won’t keep me from thinking of you.

83. I always think about you, I am just far away. Maybe it’s a long way to reach you, but my mind has travelled through the air from you and is enraptured with the thoughts of meeting again. I love you so much and can’t wait for our next date!

84. I may not tell you every day how much I love you and how wonderful you are. I may not tell you every hour or even every day, but rest assured I am ALWAYS thinking of you!

85. My mind will always wander to you, remembering all of our special moments together. I can’t get any of them out of my head. You are so beautiful. I love you so much!

86. You are always in my thoughts and I am always wishing you were here with me. Missing you is all I can do today. Past the point of loneliness I am ~ so missing you, but all of a sudden…’ll be next to me and my heart will beat faster than ever…that moment when I won your heart I was thinking that we both would never die.

87. You constantly cross my mind, every day. I want to be with you forever, there is nothing more than I crave. I miss your smile, the sound of your voice, the touch of your skin. There is no other place I would rather be than in your arms, our hearts beating as one.

88. Thinking of you never stops. I love you so much it hurts. And when I’m with you the pain goes away. I will always love you, and there is nothing either of us can do about it.

89. I can’t stop thinking about you. I need you soo much, even if we are far from each other, a part of me will always be by your side. My sweetheart, I miss you so much!

90. I think about you every day. I know you will always be there for me, no matter what. Your presence warms my heart and the whole world glows brighter with you in it.

91. My love grows stronger for you every day. You have a very special place in my heart and I can’t imagine anyone else being there. I think about you when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I think of you in the middle of the day while working and busy with things. You are always on my mind- ALWAYS!

92. Every time I get a chance to stop and think, your smiling face dances through my mind. I know that no matter what goes on in my life, as long as I have you by my side, everything will be all right. You make my life complete and I love you infinitely!

93. You are always in my thoughts because my heart can’t stop loving you. From the moment we met, I was hypnotized by your stunning eyes and beautiful smile. You are my soul mate and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There is nothing that compares to our love.

94. Though we are far apart, I can’t stop thinking about you. Your smile, your touch, and your laugh. Oh, how I miss them! I dream of being in your arms again, but until that day occurs, I will continue to think of you every day. Always know that you are the love of my life and that I love you with all my heart.

95. It was meant to be. You are my soul mate and best friend. I will never leave your side again.

96. I am thinking of you right now, how much I miss you and how much I love you! You are always in my thoughts. Now, close your eyes and dream about me… dreaming about you. love you always.

97. You’re always in my thoughts. You are the most special person in my life. I will love you until the end of time, but until then I promise not to take one moment for granted. I love you!

98. You are in my thoughts every minute of every day. I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. Your love has made me into a better person. I am so lucky to have you and know for sure that this is forever. No matter what there will always be us!

99. I think of you every day. You are always on my mind, even when we are apart. There is no other place I would rather be than in your arms. I cannot wait to see you again.

100. I always think about you. The moment you wake up, the moment you go to bed. If I could only see your smile I know everything would be all right. Your embrace is what keeps me going, the one thing I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. When I’m with you my stress disappears, and all I can think about is being by your side.

101. I’m always thinking about you, wondering how you are. I think about the future and what it holds for us. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms forever. I love you!

102. I may not be with you, but I’m always with you in my thoughts. My love for you is greater than words or thoughts could hope to describe.

103. I dream of you every night and think of you every day. I am happier when we are together. You are always in my heart and my mind. I will never stop loving you as long as I live.

104. I know that life can be very busy and I’m always so blessed to see your beautiful face on my phone or desk, but I hope you know how much I think about you and long for you. You mean the world to me and can’t wait to see how our lives will unfold.

105. If you could read my mind, you would know that I love you so much. My mind is constantly filled with thoughts of you. From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, and even in my dreams, I am thinking about you.

106. I always think about you. I carry a part of you inside me, and it makes my heart feel so light. You are my best friend and my number one supporter. You are the one I want to share everything with. I hope this note reminds you that I love you!

I hope you liked these you are always in my thoughts quotes above. Please feel free to send as many as you like to that special person who is alwayson your mind.

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