You Are Showing Your True Colours Quotes

Most of us wear masks of some sort in our daily lives. On the job, at home, with our friends and family, we are different people. As hard as it might seem to believe at times, the real you is hidden under your social mask. We are good at presenting multiple faces to society and to the world, but sometimes we get tired of it and just want to be ourselves and let our true colours shine through.

It’s easy to lose the courage to express our true opinions. We strive to be liked, but as a result of this, we suppress our truths and feel ‘lost’ in the crowd. Developing an opinion different from the majority needs you to show your true colours. This requires courage but ultimately demonstrates confidence.

If you need some quotes around this, for yourself or someone, check the collection of you are showing your true colours quotes below.

You are showing your true colours. The world sees you as an individual, and they will see the attributes you choose to show them. You are showing your true colours by being you. Let your true colours shine through, not for others but for yourself.

1. You are showing your true colours; let them shine. Your true colours are like the rainbow; they come in every colour of the spectrum. Shine like the sun.

2. You are showing your true colours, and no one else matters. Show the world who you really are because you deserve to be seen.

3. You are the colour of your clothes. The person you want to be is inside them. The only colour that can never go out of style is you.

4. Your identity does not define you. It’s only made up of what you decide to show the world. The world needs your unique perspective. And you’re the one who should be colouring it. You are showing your true colours.

5. You are showing your true colours. You don’t have to be something else to be something better. Be who you are and let the rest fall into place.

6. Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd, as you are showing your true colours to the world. Your true colours will shine through; all you have to do is let them.

7. Let your true colours shine through. Your true colours shine through when you’re at your best. Your true colours will shine in the light.

8. To be great, you have to start by being yourself and showing your true colours. Embrace your strengths, don’t let them define you. If you’re not first with your best, you’ll always be second best.

9. You are showing your true colours. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone take them from you. Your style shows your true colours.

10. Your true colours will shine when your heart shines. Your true colours will attract others. When you wear your heart on your sleeve, you can’t help but make an impact on the world.

11. Your true colours have nothing to do with how you look on the outside. They’re what you see when the lights go out, and all that matters is the inside.

12. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that you are who you are and not what you want to be. But if you can accept yourself for exactly who you are, then your real colours will shine through.

13. You are showing your true colours. Don’t let anyone tell you how to live or what to believe. You will never know what you’re capable of until you try.

14. Your true colour is the one you wear when no one is looking. There’s nothing more beautiful than the way you shine. You are the colour of your life. You are the game, and you will be your everything.

15. You are showing your true colours. No matter how many times you’ve been told to be something else, you always find your way back to being who you were meant to be.

16. You are showing your true colours. What a beautiful, brave and optimistic you! You can’t hide your true colours. Your actions, words and habits will always be revealed.

17 You are showing your true colours, not by wearing a shade or two, but by choosing which colours you want to live in.

18. Don’t let the world tell you what to be. You are who you are, and your true colours will shine on. Your true colours will show if you want them to.

19. When you’re ready to go all in, the only colours that matter are your true colours. You can’t refuse a rainbow. It pours out of your heart, and it paints the world with rainbows.

20. Always be true to yourself, even when no one else is. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do — because you are the only person who can decide that.

21. Your true colours are the ones you express when nobody is watching. Our true colours will show not what you say or do, but how you live.

22. You are being true to yourself; it’s what makes you unique. Let’s get to know each other better by painting our own colours. Let who you are, shine through.

23. The true colour of your courage is not revealed until you are willing to do what others say you cannot do.

24. There is no greater feeling than showing your best self and being unapologetically you. It’s ok to be yourself. You’re a star just the way you are.

25. You are showing your true colours. You can choose any one of them or create your own unique design to make it personalised.

26. You are showing your true colours, and so are we. Showing our true colours is all about being who we truly are. It’s showing out and being proud of who you are.

27. With every step you take, you are showing your true colours. Don’t be afraid to show your true colours; you never know what people will think.

28. Be your true colours, show up and be the best version of yourself. No matter how hard you try, the colours of your true self will always shine through.

29. When you wear your heart on your sleeve, it’s easy to show what matters most to you. You are your own best friend and biggest fan.

30. Be who you are. Be that person who puts others’ needs before your own, who is kind and loving, who is honest and trustworthy. Be your true colours. Everyone else is already taken.

31. You are showing your true colours. The colours that you really are, not those you pretend to be. You are who you are right now. You are showing your true colours today and every day.

32. When you’re being real to yourself and others, you’re showing your true colours. When you’re wearing your true colours, people can’t help but notice.

33. When you love someone, it is not just about them. It’s also about being true to yourself and letting go of the darkness that tries to steal your light.

34. When you’re true to yourself, everyone else will be too. You can’t fake it. You’ve got to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone says—that’s when you’re really beautiful, and that’s when you’ll shine.

35. It’s all about being true to yourself and embracing the colours of your soul. No one ever sees you as you really are. They only see what they want to see, but there is nothing more beautiful than the truth.

36. Always be yourself. It’s the only thing you have to fear. When you finally realize who you are and what you stand for, the world will stop trying to pull you away from it.

37. You are showing your true colours; you are doing the things you love and are passionate about. You don’t have to be perfect; you just gotta be real.

38. You are showing your true colours by making the most of what you have been given. Our true colours are what we are most comfortable in, and it is our job to find them.

39. So, if you’re going through a tough time, don’t lose yourself. Keep showing your real colours. . . . Those who are true to themselves will be true to others

40. The true colours of your soul are revealed when you put your heart on display. You are only limited by the colour of your mind.

41. When you are showing your true colours, people will know who you are, what you want and how far you’re willing to go for it.

42. Oftentimes, we can’t see ourselves fully, but when you look in the mirror and see your true colours, you are a work of art. You are always the one who can make me feel better 10 times a day.

43. The hidden beauty is what makes your colours so vibrant. The best thing about being true to yourself is that you don’t have to be true to anyone else.

44. You are showing your true colours. And that’s all you need to know about yourself. You are showing your true colours. Don’t be afraid of who you really are. Your true colours shine whenever you’re happy and in love.

45. Your true colours will shine with the right light. You may not realize it, but you’re sending out a big message when you wear your heart on your sleeve.

46. You are showing your true colours. It is time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Your true colours shine so brightly that they illuminate their surroundings.

47. Your true colours don’t show until you step out of the light. You are the colour of your light, the shape of your smile, and the melody of your heart.

48. You are the canvas of your life. The paint and brushes are your thoughts, words and deeds. Show yourself what you want people to see by becoming the canvas of your life.

49. When you wear your true colours, the world sees you for who you are. Your true colours shine when you stand out from all the rest.

50. Your true colours shine through your actions, not just on the surface. Be yourself. Be honest, tell the truth, be brave and stand up for what you believe in.

51. You are the colour of your thoughts. You are the heartbeat of your life. You are a living, breathing, glowing being of pure love and light.

52. Your true colours show in the way you treat others; they don’t lie underneath. You can only be your true colours in a world that accepts you.

53. Your true colours don’t fade. They shine brighter than any material they’re wrapped in. Your true colour is courage. And that’s why you’re beautiful.

54. You are showing your true colours by being who you want to be. And that’s even though it can be hard at times.

55. You are showing your true colours. This is the moment when you become more than what others thought and do more than you ever imagined.

56. If you don’t show your true colours, they won’t be revealed to others. What you see is what you get. Your true colours are just that: true.

57. You are the true colours of your heart. Your colours are always bold, beautiful, and uplifting. The true colours of your nature are revealed when you are at peace.

58. When you wear those colours, you can’t help but be yourself. The colours of your soul are so true that you’ve finally found them. It’s better to be true to yourself than to try to fit in.

59. You are showing your true colours in this life. Be careful not to be blinded by what others want you to be.

60. You are showing your true colours, and that’s great! You are showing your true colours. Now let them shine.

61. You are showing your true colours through the way you communicate. We show our true colours when we’re open, honest and vulnerable.

62. When you are wearing your true colours, those who see you know what it means. It’s the colours on your face that really count, not the ones on your shirt.

63. In a world that’s still too often full of hypocrisy and fear, you are showing your true colours.

64. You are showing your true colours when you allow yourself to be vulnerable, brave, and raw.

65. You are showing your true colours when you let go of what others want you to be and find out who you really are.

66. Your true colours are the ones that truly represent you, so go forth and shine brighter than ever.

68. You are showing your true colours. You are unique and beautiful in all of your glorious imperfections.

69. You are showing your true colours. You are yourself, and it’s beautiful.

70. You are showing your true colours; if you are a yellow leaf, you will be kind and gentle; if you are a red leaf, you will be passionate and playful. Let us see which one is the best for you.

71. You are showing your true colours, not in how you dress but in how you carry yourself. Keep it real, and be you!

72. Life is all about showing your true colours and being brave enough to be yourself, regardless of what everyone around you thinks.

73. Your true colours will show after you’ve travelled for a bit. When you let people see what you’re truly like, they’ll love you for it. You are the colour of your life.

74. You’re a rainbow in disguise. All the colours that make up your personality shine through, and you never seem to be the same person twice.

75. You are showing your true colours, shining like the stars above. You are showing your true colours when you make the choice to be fully and completely yourself.

76. You are showing your true colours, but don’t let them fool you. Everyone is looking for their superpowers.

77. Your true colours are always showing, but that’s good. It means you’re not hiding anything from anyone. Make the most of your true colours.

78. You are showing your true colours, you are unique, and it is time to start being proud of who you are.

79. You are showing your true colours, who you really are. Don’t let anyone else define that. You are showing your true colours when you don’t need to impress.

80. It’s time to show your true colours. You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are a force to be reckoned with.

81. Your true colours are reflected in the way you treat your loved ones. Your true colours are defined by who you are, not how you look.

82. You are showing your true colours when you stand up for what you believe in. You are showing your true colours, not what you wear or how you look, but who you really are.

83. When you’re true to your colours, the world becomes a more beautiful place. Your true colours shine through when you are secure in who you are.

84. You are showing your true colours when you’re caring enough to help others and standing up for what’s right. Your true colours are shining through.

85. You are showing your true colours. You’re so sparkly; it’s blinding. You are the one who defines your true colours. Don’t be afraid to express them.

86. Your true colours will reveal themselves when you let them. When you are wearing your true colours, you’ll never be able to hide. Be your true colours, not someone else’s.

87. Be your own light. Be bold in your life and true to yourself. Live a life that makes you feel good about yourself, as well as be proud of who you are.

88. The best way to stay true to your original self is to continue following your heart. Let the colour of your light shine on.

89. Your true colours are what you are, not what others expect you to be. You see the world in your own way. Make sure others see you for who you are, not what they want you to be.

90. You are showing your true colours; you’re not afraid to be yourself. You’re not afraid to be a little bit crazy and a little bit bright and beautiful.

91. You are showing your true colours when you allow yourself to be happy and at peace with who you are, no matter what others say.

92. You are showing your true colours by being yourself, no matter what others may think or say.

93. Be true to yourself, not just the world. You are showing your true colours in the right way.

94. You are showing your true colours when you take risks and face fears. When you are all about what you do, nothing can stop you. Don’t let anyone tell you any different because your true colours show how much you care about what you do.

95. You are showing your true colours. You are a rainbow of different shades and hues, from pure white to black. You sparkle in the dark. And you shine brighter when you’re surrounded by people who truly get you.

96. You are the only person who knows your true colours. You can’t hide behind fake smiles or put on an act, this is your life, and you should be proud of it.

97. You are showing your true colours—the colour of joy, even when you feel like you’re drowning in sadness. The colour of courage and strength, no matter what others try to tell you. The colour of love, because it’s always there for you.

98. When you’re ready to show your true colours, there’s no need to go searching. They’ll find you, and they will shine! Always show your true colours, and do not be afraid of who you are and what you want.

99. You are showing your true colours. Showing my true colours is all about loving myself, being passionate, and living authentically.

100. You are showing your true colours when you have a smile on your face, even though the world is a mess.

Sometimes, when you are talking to someone, you can’t help but notice that their true colours are exposed. It’s hard to hide your true colours. Everyone has his own way of presenting himself to the world, but unerringly, people’s true colours tend to show through.

I hope you enjoyed going through the you are showing your true colours quotes here. Kindly let me know what you think about them in the comments section.

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