You Are the Air I Breathe Quotes

When we love someone, it’s normal we see the person as our world and the reason we breathe. Sometimes, the world just seems brighter when they are around us and a little dim when they are not around us. in other words, they become the source of our existence, the only reason we want to keep breathing and be the air we breathe.

Sometimes, all these emotions bursting inside can be so overwhelming that we might not see the need to express them to our partner or even when we do, we won’t know the right words to use because, at times, words might not be able to capture how we feel about them.

Here are some of the most heartwarming you are the air I breathe quotes to show your partner you love them and that they are the reason you breathe.

I can’t imagine living my life without you. My feelings for you are stronger than a torrent of rapids. In my eyes, you’re the sun. You’re the air that I breathe. And I wouldn’t know what to do if anything ever happened to you.

1. You’re the air that I breathe, the sun that lights up my day. You’re the only one who keeps me this way.

2. You’re the air that I breathe, the music in my heart. You make me so happy, and I don’t know what I would do without you.

3. In my eyes, you’re the sun. You’re the air that I breathe. And I wouldn’t know what to do if anything ever happened to you.

4. You are the reason why I need to breathe. You are my air. I hope you believe me when I say I cannot function without you.

5. I could not breathe without you by my side. You have no idea how important you are to me.

6. To the world, you might be one person, but to me, you are my everything. My life is cheerier because you are in it.

7. To me, you are perfect; my world and my life. You are my everything. I thank God every day for the opportunity to know you and be in your life.

8. You are the reason I breathe. If you see me smiling, it is because you are in my thoughts, which is all the time. You never leave my thoughts.

9. I will breathe you in, make you a part of me, and then we shall forever be together.

10. You are the air I breathe; I can’t live without you. If you were not in my life, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.

11. You’re the air I breathe; you fill up my lungs and let me breathe free. I enjoy this freedom I feel when I am around you.

12. You are the air I breathe, the sun that lights my day, the waves that crash upon my shores. I love you so much, my baby.

13. You are the air I breathe, the space I occupy, my reason to exist. My life is so much better because I have you in it.

14. You are my air. Without you, I can’t breathe, live and survive. You’re the one who gives me the strength to chase my dreams. You’re the reason why I won’t settle for less than what I deserve in this life.

15. You are in my heart, and I will never let you leave, for you are the air that I breathe. And I will never leave you.

16. You’re my air. The water I drink. The sky I look at. Everything that makes sense to me. Your essence is the only thing I can’t live without.

17. You’re my air, my sunlight, my joy. You make me so happy, and my smile is wider and brighter because of you.

18. Your presence makes me feel like I can breathe again. Sometimes, I feel the walls closing in when I am away from you; that’s why I like being in your presence.

19. I’d rather breathe the air that you breathe—than breathe the air alone. I know this might sound weird but breathing the air you breathe so much better.

20. I love you always and forever. You are the air I breathe, the space I occupy, my reason to exist.

21. I can’t imagine my life without your love. You’re my air, my peace and my joy. Please don’t ever leave me.

22. Your presence makes me feel like I can breathe again. Every time you hold me, I feel safe in your embrace. Your eyes have the brightness of a thousand suns. Your smile is enough to brighten even the darkest of days.

23. I will hold you tight, never let you go, and love you until my last breath. I cannot live without you, my very own angel.

24. You are the air I breathe, the space I occupy. You fill my thoughts and make me feel alive. Your presence in my life makes my life more colourful.

25. Without you, I’m an empty shell. Why do you think I am stuck to you like a moth to flames? It’s because you’re my light and sunshine, the very joy in my life.

26. My heart feels calm, the sun seems brighter, and the butterflies in my tummy feel more obvious when I’m in your presence.

27. Take me in your arms; I want to feel your warmth. Crush me to you and become one with me. I want to be totally and completely connected to you forever.

28. My heart beats only for you. You are my reason for existing. I’ve fallen in love with you and only you. I don’t want any other by you.

29. You are my air. Without you, I can’t breathe, and without you, I feel breathless. I love that you are my soul mate, and I am the only one for you.

30. You are the air I breathe. You are the sun that shines on my world. You make me feel alive. What would I not do to make sure we never lose each other?

31. You give me life. The smile on your face makes me want to be a better version of myself. One of my life’s greatest ambitions is to make sure you are always happy.

32. You are my one. My only true love. And I will cherish you forever and forever. I promise you that I will never take your love for me for granted.

33. You are my heart and lungs; my mind and my heart. You make my body tingle and my heart sing. Without you, I am nothing.

34. You are the air I breathe. When I am sad, all I have to do is see you and I feel better. My life is more beautiful with you in it.

35. You’re my world, my life, and my joy. I feel like the luckiest man in the world when you look into my eyes.

36. Until you came along, I didn’t know what it was like to feel whole again. It’s like I was incomplete and then you put the final piece of me back together.

37. You make my heart dance with your simple smile and beautiful eyes. I will forever hold you in my arms and protect you from harm. It is my duty to love you and honour you for all of eternity.

38. You fill my thoughts. I can’t breathe without you. My world only exists because of your presence within it.

39. You’re the reason I fall asleep feeling loved. You’re the reason why I have such an amazing life. My eyes will sparkle every time we kiss and my heart will skip a beat when you call my name.

40. You’re the air that I breathe. You’re the finest wine. I desire nothing more than you. If all I had was you, I’d consider myself the richest man on earth.

41. I live for moments like this, just being together and talking. I inhale your scent and exhale my love.

42. I want to keep you in my soul. You will always be with me. Forever by my side, I will love you always.

43. I’ve fallen in love with you. I can’t live without you, even if I wanted to.

44. Love, you are my air. Without you, I would not be able to breathe or dream. The strength and determination that I have come from your love and encouragement. You push me to become a better person day after day and help me to face every challenge, no matter how big, reminding me that together we can do anything.

45. You are the air I breathe. You are my sunshine. Without you, I would be nothing. Without you, I’d be empty and alone.

46. In your arms, I feel like I can take on the world. You inspire me to pursue my dreams and succeed because I want to be a better person for you.

47. You give me the love I need to thrive. Before you, I didn’t know a love this genuine existed. You are my beacon of hope, my happily ever after.

48. You are the wind beneath my wings and you give me the strength to keep going when I feel like giving up. And, without you, I’ll never be able to achieve my goals in life.

49. You are my world, my life, and my joy. I love you so much and I will always love you. You are mine always and forever.

50. You are the air that I breathe; without you, I don’t know how I could go on. I am just glad I don’t have to ever find out.

51. I will help you to reach for the stars. I will carry you through your darkest hour. Let me help you shine. You are the air I breathe.

52. The world would feel empty without you. You make everything brighter, more fulfilling and joyful. I can’t imagine living without you.

53. I will be the light. Brightening up your darkness, making you feel alive. I’m the person who fills your emptiness and removes all of your sadness.

54. I breathe you in every day, my darling. Your beauty brightens up my life every moment I am with you.

55. I find myself happier and more alive whenever I feel your presence.

56. Don’t ever let go. I’ll forever be yours. My life has more meaning because you love me.

57. We are meant to be together, my dear. I can feel it with my entire being. My heart beats for reasons unknown, but I know they have something to do with you. Your presence makes me giddy.

58. I will always be yours. You don’t have to ever care about me leaving because I will love you till infinity.

59. In my mind, you exist. In my heart, you live. I desire to love you and be driven by you.

60. For you, I’ll be the one to bring you bacon when you are sick, hold your hand by the fireplace when it’s cold, and blow bubbles with you when the world seems too crazy. I will love you in your best efforts and worst failures.

61. In my eyes, you are my sun, shining over and guiding me onward. If ever anything were to happen to you, it would be like the very air has been taken away from me, and I would not know what to do.

62. We’re soulmates, fated to be together; forever. Just in case you were wondering, you are stuck with me forever.

63. There’s no one else in the world like you; what you have inside of you is one-of-a-kind and something special and unique.

64. Love is all around us. There’s no greater joy in life than finding your soul mate, the person you can’t live without.

65. I was born to be loved. I was made for you. I was meant to love you and care for you. Your life is my life. Your heart is my heart. You inspire me to be the best version of myself.

66. You take my breath away. My heart flutters the moment I see you. I want to hold you forever.

67. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world. I don’t know what I did to deserve your love, but I am grateful for it.

68. I breathe you. Our souls are woven together. I live for your smile. You are my soul mate, the only one for me.

69. When I think about you, my heart skips a beat. When I see you, it skips even more beats. And when I miss you, it aches for you.

70. I fall asleep in your arms every night and wake up with your warmth every morning.

71. The moment you walked into my life, everything changed for the better. My world became sunnier, and I became happier.

72. When I look into your eyes, I see the stars. When I look at your face, it reminds me of how I feel when I see the stars twinkling on a very dark night.

73. You’re my first thought in the morning and last before I fall asleep. When I sleep, you visit me; even when I’m awake, you stay with me. Every day that passes, my love for you grows stronger.

74. I love everything about you, my world and the reason life is meaningful to me. You are the reason I breathe.

75. You are my air. You are the reason I need to breathe. When I count my blessings, I count you twice.

76. You’re my best friend, the love of my life, and the source of all of my happiness. I don’t know what I would do without you.

77. The thought of you gives me goosebumps. I could stare into your eyes forever, and I die a thousand deaths just thinking about losing you.

78. Everything stops when I’m with you. I am ready to drop everything to spend time with you. You’re my one and only love.

79. You are the sunshine in my life. With you, I can breathe again. You’re the air that keeps me alive. I don’t know how to express my feelings for you. All I know is that my heart needs you, and it needs you forever.

80. I feel like I can breathe the greatest air when I’m with you. You’re the light in my life, and you make me feel incredible.

81. Whenever our eyes meet, the whole world stops. Whenever I close my eyes, all I can think about is you. All I need is one more day with you.

82. What can I say? You add meaning to my life. I don’t think a person could love another more than I love you, you beautiful angel.

83. I long for the pleasure of your love. I crave your gentle touch. I ache to kiss your lips until the cool end of time.

84. Every day that I wake up next to you, it feels like the best morning of my life and the fresh air I can ever enjoy.

85. All that I need is you. The light in my life, the love of my soul. I am nothing without you by my side.

86. You’re the last person I think about before I fall asleep and the first person I dream of when I close my eyes to sleep.

87. Baby, I can’t live without you. You’re the reason I need to breathe. Don’t ever think of leaving me; you are stuck with me forever.

88. Breathe in, breathe out You can be my air. No, actually, you are already my air, the only reason I breathe.

89. In my eyes, you’re the sun. The air that I breathe. And I’d die without you. My life would be meaningless without you in it.

90. You’re the sugar in my tea. You’re the scent of rain. If a day ever passes where I’m not thinking about you, I don’t know what I’ll do.

91. When I see your beautiful face, it warms me from the inside out. You’re the love of my life, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you.

92. You are the air that I breathe. You are the light that I see. You shine brighter than the sun. You’re my everything, and I would be lost without you.

93. You’re my entire world. In fact, you’re better than that because the world isn’t perfect. You’re the most perfect of things. I’d rather have your flaws than perfection in any other.

94. Fractionally, you’re the sky to me. And the whole of my universe. My heart is yours forever, baby.

95. I’d do anything for you. I want to spend forever with you. I want to wake up beside you every morning for the rest of my life. I love you, and will until the day I die.

96. I couldn’t imagine life without you. When I want to get away from the troubles of everyday life, you’re always there for me. You make me laugh and smile and teach me to be a better person.

97. In my heart, you’re the starting point of all my dreams. You’re the reason I wake up every day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

98. The only thing that I need in this life is you. You’re my reason to breathe, smile, and love every day of my life.

99. You are my air. I can’t breathe without you. You bring me to life, and you bring more colour to my life. I love you.

100. I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met. You are my air, and without you, my world would cease to exist.

101. If I ever lose you, no amount of oxygen will bring me back to life. You are my air.

102. You’re my first thought when I wake up. And you’re my last thought before I go to sleep. You’re the reason why every day feels like a lifetime.

103. I can never run out of reasons why I need you in my life. When I feel like I have 100 reasons, I see that I have still yet to exhaust all the reasons.

104. You guide me into timeless love, and you make each moment memorable. Your presence is a favour, one that I don’t take for granted.

105. There’s nobody else but you that I can think of. My love, I can’t imagine life with anyone else but you.

106. You inspire me to be a better person. You’re strong, intelligent, and kind—everything I could ever hope for in another human being.

107. Our meeting may have been by chance, but our love was meant to be. Let me love you, beloved.

108. I’ll be your breath if you’re mine. I enjoy the world a lot better because you are in it, and I enjoy my life a lot better because you are in it.

109. I just want to breathe you in. I love your smell; I live for your smile, and I am only happy when you are happy.

We hope these you are the air I breathe quotes have been able to capture and explain how much you love your partner and how they are the reason you breathe. Please, don’t forget to comment and share with loved ones. Thanks.

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