You Are the Best Friend Anyone Could Ask for Quotes

Friendship is like a mirror. You can only have a good reflection if you are a good friend. You are the best friend anyone could ask for — and here’s why! Everyone needs good friends, but you are especially great at being supportive and sticking with each other through thick and thin. In life, people come and go, but the best friendships last forever!

A true friend would never judge you for what you wear or how much money you make; they would never care about such things. A true friend would give advice when asked but never force it upon someone else if they did not want it. They would listen without judgement and offer support without reservation.

You are my best friend anyone could ask for quotes is a collection of heartfelt, funny and wise quotes for people who have loved and lost their best friends. These touching passages will make you smile, laugh or cry, but they will never fail to remind you that the most important person truly loves you in your life: You!

You Are my Best Friend Anyone Could Ask for Quotes

You are the best friend anyone could ask for because You are loyal and trustworthy. You never judge me based on what other people say about me or what I haven’t done yet in life. You always support me no matter what choices I make, even if they aren’t exactly what you would have done yourself! What’s more important than having someone to share your life with? Someone who’ll stick by your side, no matter what.

1. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, and I am so happy to have you.

2. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always being there and showing me a good time.

3. You are the best friend anyone could ask for—accepting me as I am, understanding me without judgment, and being there through thick and thin. I love you more than you will ever know.

4. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Someone who’s always there to listen, to care, and to help you out of the toughest jams; someone who’s always got your back, no matter what; someone who loves you for you and doesn’t play games. That’s what I call a true friend.

5.  If I told you that you are the best friend anyone could ask for, would you believe me? You are.

6. If you’re reading this, consider yourself the most important person in your life. You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, and I appreciate you so much.

7. You are the best friend anyone could ask for because you love me and let me love you back. You’re always there when I need you, and you don’t care that I’m not perfect. You love everything I am and everything I do, and I love you right back just as much.

8. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. And, I hope you know exactly how much I appreciate and love you.

9. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for, and I’m so grateful to have you.

10. To a friend who always has my back, no matter what: I can’t imagine my life without you. I’m so glad we found each other. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for.

11. You have been the greatest and dearest friend to me. But as life would have it, all things must change. I still believe that you are wonderful and lovely, and you hold a special place in my heart.

12. Being your friend was the best decision I ever made.

13. You make me laugh. You make me smile. You remind me to Text, my Mom.

14. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you from the moon and back.

15. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, and you don’t even realize it. You’re so thoughtful and kind. I’m glad to have someone like me around.

16. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, and I’m so glad we’re friends. It makes me happy to know you’re in my life.

17. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Congratulations on being there through thick and thin; proud of you. You always know just what to do because you’re the best friend anyone could ask for.

18.  You are my best friend. You make me laugh, comfort me when I’m sad, and always share your secrets. No one could ask for a better best friend than you.

19. I can always count on you to be there for me. You’re my favourite person in the world; You are the best friend anyone could ask for.

20. You are the only person who can control your happiness. Stay positive and never lose your smile in life. You are the best friend anyone could ask for.

21. You’re the type of friend everyone wishes they had. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for.

22. I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and grateful for your friendship. Friends like you are not easy to find, but luckily I found you.

23. You are so good to me, and I love you for it. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for.

24. If the world were a classroom, you’d be my favorite teacher. I can never thank you enough for the impact you’ve had on my life. You talk me off the ledge when I’m in a panic and make everything you do fun. I am so grateful to have met you and crossed our paths. You are a gift. Cheers to being friends forever!

25. You are the best friend anyone could ask for;  cry, a hand to hold when I’m scared, and a heart that understands.

26. You are the best friend anyone could ever have. You can’t talk to a family like you do, you can’t talk to your friends like you do love the way you let me be myself and accept me for who I am even thou you don’t have to because you know everything about me. You’re always there for me when I need someone most, and I hope that I can be there for you too!

27. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You are smart and original, and brave. I’m so lucky to have you as my friend.

28. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You are smart and original, and brave. I’m so lucky to have you as my friend.

29. You are the absolute best friend in the world. You brighten my life, and I’m so grateful for you!

30. You’re the type of friend who will make an effort to see me or call me when I’m going through a rough time. You’ll also keep your distance if you know that I need some space. Most importantly, you make it a priority to be there for me when I need you most.

31. Little moments like these make me realize how lucky I am to have you as a friend. Thanks for always being there for me.

32. You always know how to make me smile, and you always put a positive spin on every situation. I don’t know what I would do without you, but I can’t wait to try.

33. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always being so loyal, supportive and loving. I’m lucky to have a friend like you.

34. You are the best friend anyone could ask for—full of heart, full of life, and so much love.

35. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. You make me laugh and comfort me when I’m sad. You’re thoughtful, sweet, and caring. Thanks for being such an amazing friend.

36. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always being there to listen and be by my side. I love you so much.

37. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Without you and your quirks, I’d be a duller version of myself. Thank you for always being there for me.

38. You are the reason I can be strong when I feel weak, brave when I feel scared, and happy when there is no reason the world needs another smile. Thank you for being my friend.

39. I love you so much—the person you are, your challenges, successes, and your potential. Thanks for always being there for me.

40. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Friends Forever.

41. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. And I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Here’s to being real & honest with each other & always laughing too loud together.

42. You are the best friend anyone can ask for. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.

43. You always know what to say, what to do, and how to make me laugh. You’re my favourite place to go when I need a break from reality. Cheers to the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you!

44. You make me laugh; you make me smile. You always know how to cheer me up when I am down. Thank you for being the best friend I could ask for!

45. A friend in my life I look up to. A friend who doesn’t let me get away with anything and constantly challenges me to be better, lessons I’m so lucky to have learned from. She is the person I can always count on and the best friend anyone could ask for.

46. It takes a very special person to be the kind of friend you are, always there when the going gets rough.

47. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, and I want you to know how lucky I am to be the recipient of your unconditional love.

48. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. There is no one like you, and I am so thankful that we are friends because I love you!

49. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for, and I can’t imagine my life without you.

50. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. The one I can count on, to be honest, and say what I need to hear, not what I want to hear; you’re the one who will always keep it real with me, even if you have to be bold about it.

51. Life is better with friends, and you are the best friend anyone could ask for.

52. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You’ve always been there for me when I need support and encouragement. Thank you for being a part of my life. I’m lucky to have you.

53. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You’re always there for me, and I’m so grateful that your friendship never ends.

54. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You are the person to talk to, who will listen and understand; you are my rock. Without you, I would feel so incomplete.

55. Thank you for always being the very best friend anyone could ask for. I couldn’t have done it without you.

56. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you more than words can take

57. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. You’re thoughtful, loyal, honest, and always there to listen when I need you. You understand me in a way most people can’t. You’re kind and generous and patient; you’ve got my back no matter what, and I don’t even have to ask because I know it’s true.

58. You’re the best friend that anyone could ask for. You’re always there for them, and your friendship means everything to them. They love you for being there for them when nobody else was, and they’re grateful for all that you’ve done for them.

59. Your friendship is the best gift I could ever hope for. All I want is to make you smile for all my days.

60. The best is yet to come. Your friendship is something I’ll always remember. Thank you for being my most wonderful friend. You’re the kind of friend who tells me I’m beautiful even when I’ve had a terrible haircut.

61. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Because of your friendship, I can be myself and express what I feel. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I don’t deserve it. I promise that I’ll be there for you in the future.

62. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.

63. Thank you for always being there to listen, understand and accept me. As they say, “You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for.” I love you!

64. You’re my favourite friend. The fun one. The one people look forward to seeing every day.

65. You’re a breath of fresh air, a constant encouragement, and an unquestionable source of unconditional love.

66. I could never forget all the good times we had together.

67. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. And that’s why I’m so glad we’re friends.

68. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You’re always there when I need you, and you always know just what to say.

69.  You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. Thank you for always having my back and helping me make sense of things when I’m stressed out. You’re caring and thoughtful, which is why you’re my ideal friend.

70. We sometimes have to learn the hard way, but who cares when we’ve got you. You are the best friend anyone could ask for.

71. No one makes me smile like you. No one can have as much fun playing with us. You’re like a fantastic day out in the park. We are proud of you, and we love you so much.

72. You are the best friend anyone could ask for — a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to, and someone who is always there when you need them.

73. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. I’m so lucky to have you in my life, even if your taste in music is questionable.

74. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one who understands me. Thank you for always being there to listen, laugh and make me feel understood. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ask for.

75. You are so important to me, and I couldn’t have dreamed of having a better “best friend.”

76. Your friendship is the glue that keeps me together and makes me feel whole.

77. You have become my soul mate, the one I confide in, the one I seek comfort from, the one who inspires me to grow, and the one I can tell anything and everything without embarrassment or shame.

78. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, the kindest, most loyal person I know. I am so lucky to have you in my life!

79. You’re my best friend. You understand me like nobody else, and you make all my dreams come true. You’re the love of my life, and I’m so glad that we’re best friends forever.

80. You have seen me at my lowest and highest. You have stayed with me through the beautiful times and hardest times. You never left when it was easier to go. That is true friendship, and I am honoured that You are a part of my life.

81. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for—someone who sticks by you no matter what. I’m lucky to be in your life.

82. I’m so grateful to you. You are the best friend anyone could ask for.

83. This friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so lucky we found one another.

84. You’re so much more than a shoulder to cry on. You’re my person.

85. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thanks for always being there for me when I need you most. I will always cherish our friendship.

86. You are the best friend anyone could ask for, you’re always there for me, and I’m so grateful that we have each other.

87. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You always make me smile when I feel upset and laugh how only a true friend can.

88. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for—you keep us laughing!

89. You’re the first person I think of when something good happens, or something bad’re the first phone call I make. You’re the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and the first thing on my mind when I wake up. You’re my best friend.

90. You’re not like anyone else I’ve met. You love me anyway.

91. Today, I’m grateful to have you as a friend.

92. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You always know which movie to watch together, and when to hug them. You know how hard it is to get ready in the morning, so you show up with supplies before they even have time to ask. You’re always there when they need you, and you never fail to make them laugh. They can’t imagine life without you – now tell them how much they mean to you with this Funny Best Friend gift!

93. You are my best friend, listener, and an all-around great person. Cheers to you!

94. You are my favourite friend, and that’s the truth!

95. I would be nothing without you. You are my best friend, my soul sister, and the reason I smile through the hardest times.

96. So glad I have you around to point out when I’m being too weird.

97. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Your friendship inspires me and others around you, and I’m so thankful for us.

98. I could spend hours on the phone with you and never get tired of listening to your voice. You are the best friend anyone could ask for

99. You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on. You’re a great listener, and you always tell me how it is.

100. I am not a jealous person. Sure, I’m envious of friends’ success, but when you’re my friend, I’m happy for you. A friend is different from other people in your life for several reasons: Friends care about what happens to you, even when you’re far away.

101. Many people are worth knowing, but you are the priceless exception.

102. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Thanks for always being there for me and always telling it straight.

103. You’re the best friend anyone could ask for, and I’m so lucky I get to be with you.

104. You’re my favourite person to spend time with. Whenever we’re together, I feel like the luckiest girl alive. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

105. You’re my favourite person to have a conversation with. You make me laugh until I cry and forget about the bad day at work.

I used to think that the world was a great place until I discovered you. You bring out the best in me in every way. I want to be with you always.

Your friendship is something I’ll never take for granted. I’m so grateful that we’ve always been there for one another through the good times and the bad, and I’m looking forward to spending many more quality years with you.

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