You Will Always Be Missed Quotes

When people we meet in our lives have moved on to the other side, there is always a sense of emptiness that lingers on in our hearts. We feel sad and grieved over their absence. Most times, we realise their worth only after they are gone. That’s why these compilations of missing someone quotes are right here for you, so you can look back and feel a sense of connectivity with them.

It could be in our colleges, workplaces, business or even neighbours. But when it’s time to leave, we miss some special people to us. Using these you will always be missed quotes will help you to communicate how special they were to your life while present.

When it’s someone you miss, the job of finding the best quotes about missing someone comes to you. It also comes when you are looking for messages to help with saying goodbye to a dear relative or friend. This list of you will always be missed quotes will help you as you process the loss or departure of your loved one through writing.

Missing someone is not as easy as we think because one is left with a space left by another person. Dearest, you will be always missed. Your words, quotes and lifestyle are pointers that your memories live on in our lives. You will always be missed.

1. It feels like your death was yesterday. I know life goes on, and you would want me to be happy, but I wish you were still here with me. One thing is sure: you will always be missed.

2. You have touched my life in ways that are hard to describe. Thank you for being you, and I hope to see you again soon. But for now, you will always be missed.

3. I can’t believe you’re gone. You were such a special soul. I wish we could spend one last day together. Dealing with loneliness is not an easy thing. Dearest husband, you will always be missed.

4. Words cannot describe how much you will be missed. I know you are in a better place now, but that doesn’t make it any easier to come to terms with your passing. You will be always missed.

5. You will be always missed. You are in my thoughts always. I miss you and hope that you are okay. You are loved. You were a wonderful husband, a great friend, and an amazing dad. I will miss you always, but your memory will always be in my heart.

6. One more sunrise, one more sunset. One more smile and one more tear, then you would be here. If I had one wish, it would be for you to have another day with me. Dearest husband, I miss you so much. Please don’t forget me in heaven. I still think of you every day. I will love you always.

7. We love you and wish you all the happiness in the world. We hope to see you soon again. They say that time heals all wounds, but on the days when it feels like it’s been always since we’ve last spoken, I find myself missing you more than ever before.

8. You were our best employee and one of my best friends. You will be missed by us all. I haven’t been the same since you’ve been away. Without you, everyday is a struggle to get by. You will always be missed.

9. There’s something in me that fills the hole you left behind. Like a big fat cookie, I guess. Without you, I was hungry for love. You fed me and now I’m full. In your absence, there’s an empty space, you will always be missed.

10. Having a friend like you is rare. You are special and will always be missed every second, minute and hour. I wish I could be there to tell you this in person. Your presence is missed by us all. If there is anything we can do, please.

11. You did not forget to write to me, but I forgot to answer you. Forgive your friend, as I am in a better place right now. I’ll always remember the way we were when we first got to know each other. I’ll always cherish our conversations, our moments together, and the love you gave me.

12. My heart is heavy since you have gone. I never knew that life could be so empty and full at the same time. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months turn into years. Still miss you the same more than ever.

13. We all miss you. You’ve been the best teammate any of us has ever worked with. We learned so much from you, and we remember you everyday.

14. You were one of our best workers, and I know that all of us will miss you dearly. You taught us so much about our work, but you also taught us so much about how a person should be. You will always be missed.

15. In our company of friends, you stand as a special person. In your absence, we can only wish to see you sooner than later. You will always be missed.

16. It is the love I did not give that makes me so sad. Eight years married, and now you are no more. Lost in a whirlwind of pain, confusion and hurt. You will always be missed.

17. They say time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t heal the pain of losing you. It’s no secret that I miss you every day.

18. Remember those times we would go out and have fun? Those days were unforgettable. Until we meet again, so long.

19. Missing someone is harder than it looks. They were unforgettable, and their essence leaves a hole that cannot be filled. You will be always missed, darling.

20. You are irreplaceable. I will miss everything about you. You were a great friend, and I will miss you for the rest of my life. I hope to see you again soon. You will always be missed.

21. There is no one quite like you. You have been an amazing friend, neighbour, and neighbour. You are one of the best we’ve ever known. Your smile is etched in our hearts, and your memories are in our minds. You will always be missed.

22. I can’t believe that it’s been a year since you left. It’s been a hell of a ride without you.

23. If a single flower could represent your friendship, what flower would be the one? There are so many beautiful flowers in this world that are each special in their own way. Surely one of them would be perfect to express what your friendship means to me!

24. I know you’re up there. Living a life full of love, happiness, and fulfilment. I wish I could see you and hug you. You will always be missed.

25. I miss you so much. It’s been months since you’ve been gone. I know that you’re up in heaven, but I miss you & think about you all the time.

26. Even though you’re not around, I still see your face. Time might heal wounds, but it never fills the void of losing a loved one. You will be always missed.

27. I never told you, but you were my favourite teacher. You will be missed by many. I miss you so much and wish that I could see you again.

28. I wish I could go back in time and spend one more day with you. You were RARE! I hope that your soul rests in peace.

29. You are a rare gem, and you will always be missed. A person like you who is always ready to stand for others and support them no matter what is a rare gem to treasure. You are one of the few good friends I have in this world.

30. We will never forget you and the wonderful memories you shared with us. When I’m missing you, I don’t have to go far – I just have to look inside my heart because that’s where I’ll find you.

31. A day is a long time without you. He always brought sunshine to our neighbourhood. He was a joy to be around, always so thoughtful and considerate. His kindness will always be missed.

32. A day is like an eternity since you have gone. You will always be missed. Nothing can ever replace you or the special moments we have shared together. You will always be in my heart. You will always be missed.

33. You have been away for so long, and I miss you. I will always cherish the times we spent just laughing and talking and knowing I had your heart always. I will never forget you. Thank you for the memories.

34. You were all we ever wanted. You made us feel like no one else. You will always be missed, and we won’t move on. I miss the way you used to sneeze, I miss the way you used to breathe, I miss your smile and the happy face you used to show.

35. I miss you. The space where you used to be, is a gaping hole that aches unfulfilled. I miss you. You will always be missed, as now that you are gone, I cannot find anyone to replace your unique style. You will live on in our hearts and memories, and my heart is always with you.

36. I never thought I’d see the day you’d be gone. It still feels surreal that you’re no longer with us. I’m missing you, husband. Our life without you is so empty.

37. I miss you. You may be gone, but you’ll never be forgotten. Life without you is unbearable. I can’t imagine giving you to another woman. But, until then, I will hold you in my heart and never let go.’

38. It’s been months since you have been away. Your absence is felt in our lives every day. You will always be missed. Caring and supportive neighbours are scarce. You are one of the best in town. Your departure has left a void, and you will always be missed.

39. Immediately, it was clear to us that you were someone special. You have shaped this entire company, and our team is better because of your presence. You will always be missed.

40. Missing someone is not easy, but it helps to know they will always be in your heart. You will always be missed, Dad

41. A good friend is rare. A friend who will stand with you through the ups and downs – that’s a rare gem. Best friends hold your best interests at heart. They care when you’re hurting and share in your joys.

42. You cannot be replaced because you are so special in all the things you do. You will always be missed. You were one of our best workers. You taught me a lot of things. You will always be missed.

43. We all know good neighbours are hard to come by. When you moved out of town, our neighbourhood lost a home, not just a house. We know you’re happy in your new city, but we truly miss you.

44. To my dear departed friend, you shall always be missed. As the days pass, there is an ever-increasing longing for your presence and companionship once more.

45. I wish you were here. I miss you so much every day. The fond memories I have of you will always make me smile. Whenever I feel sad, I will think of the happy times we had together.

46. Dearest, words cannot describe what you mean to me. You will be always missed. Your presence cannot be quickly replaced.

47. You made work fun. The office will never be the same without you. I miss you The worst day in my life was when you left, and the best day in my life will be when I see you again.

48. Our flat, once warm and inviting, has lost all its charm. You were our rock. Your leaving has left us shattered. Having a good friend who is always ready to stand for you and support you is rare. You are a rare gem, and you will always be missed.

49. It never gets easier because the pain of losing you is always there. Nevertheless, I know that you are in a better place and one day we’ll get to see each other again.

50. I just want you to know how much I miss you. Everything about you and the way things were between us. We had something special, and it changed my life always. I can’t get over you

51. There are so many things that I would do if you were here. But instead, all I can do is to dream of you and how things could have been.

52. You left a hole in my heart that cannot be repaired. I hope you know how special you were to me. We all miss you so much.

53. You will be always missed. I so wish you were here. I miss you every day. Caring and supportive neighbours that make you feel at home are scarce. You will always be missed.

54. We have a rare gem. I am crushed by my memory because it is so fragile. I look up to you as a perfect example, and you are a king. Dearest, if kisses were stars, I would have a million in the sky for you. You will be always missed.

55. It has been said that every train that passes is one you are on. That may be true, but it’s also true that there are times when someone is missing, and the train passes without their presence.

56. You were my sister, my brother, and my friend. I am who I am today because of you. You will always be missed. You are one of the best in town. Your departure has left a space, and you will always be missed.

57. You will be missed. If only we could hug again, hear your voice and laugh again. You will be always in our hearts. I know that you’re no longer here, but it still feels like we just saw each other.

58. Not many people are blessed with a best friend who is always there for them and who supports them in anything and everything. You are a rare gem, and we will miss you.

59. My heart aches, my body yearns, and my soul struggles. My pain is unbearable. I miss you. My days are so long now that you are gone. You will be always in my heart till the end of time.

60. We hope that you are having a good time and can’t wait to see you again. In my life of friends, you stand out. In your absence, I can only wish to see you sooner than later. You will be missed dearly.

61. You taught me a lot of things. You will always be missed. It seems like yesterday you were here. Today you’re not. You will never be forgotten. It’s been several years since you passed. My heart still aches in sadness.

62. I miss you more than words can say. It’s only been a couple of hours, but I can’t wait to see you again. I’ll be counting the minutes until we meet again!

63. I’m devastated you’re gone and will never forget the times we had, but please don’t worry. I’ll be okay. In our company of friends, you stood out as a special person. Your absence makes us miss you every day. We hope to see you sooner than later.

64. You contributed so much to our success, and what an unforgettable time we had working together. We will never forget you. You will be always missed.

65. You are in our memories, in our hearts. You are missed more than words can ever say. We cherish the memories we had with you. Every day we think of you. And while you may be gone, it’s not goodbye. See you soon.

66. I really miss you, and I just wanted to say that you will always be one of the best friends I have ever had. Since you’ve been gone, it’s only gotten worse. We remember you every day and wish for your safe return.

Your memory lingers day to day and night to night. Some say time heals all wounds, but in this case, the wound only grows wider, and time makes it deeper. I wish we had more time together, but perhaps those are the breaks of life. As much as I hate to admit it, we must move on, but you are never forgotten.

67. I thought of you while I was reading the newspaper. It made me wonder what you would have to say about this. Wishing you were here with me today, but I can’t be sad because your memory lingers in me. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

68. We want to remind you that even though you’re not here and you cannot be with us every day, your presence will always surround us. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

69. Although you are no longer here, we will always remember your impact on us, and for that, we will be always grateful. You will remain in our hearts and never be forgotten.

70. While life will never be the same without you, you will always have a special place in our hearts and our memories. It is amazing how much you meant to us, and even though you are no longer physically with us, in our hearts and thoughts, you will live always.

71. Your smile will always be in our hearts. Your spirit will always be with us. You are remembered every day, but today is a difficult day for those who love and remember you.

72. We shall never forget the fun experiences we had with you. No one can be like you. We will miss the joy that your presence brought into our lives. We miss you so much and think of you every day. Your words will always be in our hearts, and your impact will always be felt and remembered.

73. We will think of you always and remember you fondly. Though you’re gone, we will never forget the memories we’ve shared and your influence on our lives. We miss you so much. You will always be in our hearts and never forgotten.

74. You may be gone but will never be forgotten. There is a hole in my heart that will never be filled. But it’s memories like these that keep you close. Remembering you today brings back pleasant but painful memories. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

75. Your impact and name are written boldly on the tablets of our hearts. You will always be missed, but never will you be forgotten.

76. Every time I think of you, it’s like losing a part of me again. I miss you so much and don’t know what to do without you. I can’t believe this has happened to me. It’s not right. We miss your smiles, your laugh and all the great things you always did.

77. Never to be forgotten, and always in our hearts. We mourn the loss of this great man, and we embrace the hope his legacy will continue to inspire and make an impact on our lives.

78. There is so much sacredness left in your being that even a place as close as our hearts will not be enough to hold it all. We know you are up there looking after us, and we love you for keeping us safe, but we will always miss you, no matter where you are.

79. I try and remember the wonderful times we had together so that your death doesn’t seem as tragic. I still can’t believe you’re gone. I miss you every day. If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

80. You will always be the one who left a deep mark in my heart, and that is because of how special you are. You will never be forgotten, I miss you so much

81. Through the memories we have shared, and the moments you have been there for me, I will always remember you. Our relationship will always be in my heart. The times you spent with us are cherished and never forgotten.

82. The death of my brother affected the life that I used to live. It made me realise how precious time is, and I should make the most of it. You left me and never looked back, but I will always remember you.

83. I wish this was just a bad dream. The most important moment of my life, the day when you and I became one, vanished in the blink of an eye. I still can’t believe that you are gone always.

84. Though you are no longer here with us, I know that your soul lives on. You are not forgotten. Your memory is always in our hearts and prayers. Every day we miss you back together with life.

85. Your memory will always be treasured in our hearts, and your impact will always be felt and remembered. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

86. Give me a hug, give me your kisses, hold my hand and show me that it is real and not just a dream. My heart really wants to see you. The sun is shining today, but it’s nowhere near as beautiful as your smile. I miss you every day. You will never be forgotten.

87. No one can replace you in our hearts. You will always be missed but never forgotten. Every day we think about you and what happened. It hurts to remember you this way, but it brings us comfort to know that you are finally in a better place.

88. We are thankful to have experienced your kindness, care and love, even if it was only for a short time. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

89. No one can take your place in our hearts. You will always be missed, and you will never be forgotten. You were always there for us. We miss you and think of you every moment of everyday. We’re all hurting.

90. The absence of you has only been filled by the memories of being together. We smile, remembering all you brought to us. As time passes, and as you look back, you will find memories to smile and cry over.

91. We will always remember you, but it’s never the same without you here. We hope that wherever you are, you’re peaceful and happy. We miss you as much as we loved having you with us. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

92. I still remember all the great moments we had together. You are always in my heart. We can hold a memorial of you everyday of our lives because you are indispensable to us. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

93. Tears will not bring you back, neither will our wailing. But you will always be missed and remain in our hearts, never to be forgotten.

94. We will never forget you. We hope to see you again. We wish you all the best. You were one of a kind. Your memories will live on always.

95. You will always be in our hearts, even though you’re gone. We feel your presence every day because you made such a lasting impact on us.

96. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you. I hope that they’re looking down on us as we work to make their dreams come true.

97. Distance can’t keep me from you. Wherever you are, I’m with you. You’ll always be in my heart and on my mind. Your words will always resonate in our hearts, and your impact will always be felt and remembered. You will always be missed but never forgotten.

98. We miss smiling into your eyes, chasing butterflies in the rain, sharing our hearts and dreams as we walked and talked. You’re everywhere! We loved you once, and we love you still, always have, and always will. You may be absent physically, but we are with you spiritually.

99. You may no longer be with us, but your memories still live on. You are loved and will always be missed. The memories we shared will never be forgotten.

100. I think of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. Your laugh and smile will live in us always, but right now, we’re still struggling to cope with your loss.

I hope these you will always be missed quotes helped you convey your message with love. Even if they are not physically present with you, you can let them know how much they mean to you.

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