You Will Never Be Happy Quotes

You will never be happy because what you want always exists only in your imagination. Does that sound depressing? It should be because the perception is based on false hopes and expectations. You think you have to have one thing or another to be happy. The solution is simple: face reality, and it will set you free.

The hardest part about moving on from someone is accepting that you might never be happy with anyone else. During the difficult time of getting over someone, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and wonder if anyone else will ever love you the way your ex did. But after you’ve experienced a painful breakup, it can be hard to think beyond it.

If your happiness is based on people’s commendation, then you need to realize that you will never be happy. You will never experience happiness in your life because man is unpredictable. These you will never be happy quotes show more about why you will never be happy.

You will never be happy. That is hard for anyone to say to their friend, family member, or lover — and I’m not saying that’s the case here either. It’s just part of being human today: we constantly strive for more attention, influence, views, love, and money that may never be achieved.

1. You will never be happy if you continue to chase what happiness is. Be content with who you are right now, and try to do something good for somebody else.

2. You will never be happy if you compare your life to others. Be grateful for what you have rather than always looking for the next best thing.

3. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will not find it that way because it consists in being yourself—in the fullness of your own most potentialities.

4. You will never be happy until you love yourself well enough to let go of the things that no longer serve you.

5. We are not our circumstances. We are the result of our actions. You will never be happy until you stop making excuses and become accountable for your own life.

6. You will never be happy if you compare yourself to others. You must find your path and live your own life.

7. You will never be happy if you continue thinking like a victim. Change your thoughts, change your reality.

8. You’ll never be happy if you continue to search for happiness where it cannot be found.

9. You will never be happy if your happiness depends upon what you can get. The more you give away, the more you have, even though sometimes it may not seem like it.

10. You will never be happy if you think you must be perfect to be appreciated. You will never be happy if you hold on to the past for fear of repeating it.

11. You will never be happy if you are trying to fit into someone else mould instead of creating your own.

12. You will never be happy if you continue to search for happiness. If your happiness depends on something outside yourself, then you are not really in control of your destiny

13. You will never be happy if you continue to search for the answer. Look within yourself and find the answer there.

14. You will never be happy until you know you are sufficient and that your worth is not dependent on what other people think of you.

15. You will never be happy if you believe happiness is better than misery. You will never be happy if you expect to be appreciated for your talents and never try to do a worthy deed.

16. You will never be happy if you continue to find yourself seeking.

17. You’ll never be happy if your happiness depends on something you don’t have

18. You think you’re happy? You will never be happy. You keep thinking that your life is perfect until something or someone makes you realize it’s not.

19. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness is. You will never live if you don’t take a risk and try new things

20. You’ll never be happy if you compare your life to someone else’s. Live your way, and find the things you like about yourself.

21. You will never be happy if you stay in the past, are worried about the future or are afraid of life. Be happy now.

22. You will never be happy if you continue seeking happiness outside. Happiness is within. It is found by looking within.

23. You can be happy when you’re rich, or you can be happy when you’re poor. You will never be happy unless you take advantage of everything life offers.

24. If you are unhappy, it is because you want to be. You will never be happy until you are happy with yourself and create the life that you desire.

25. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness is. Happiness is the by-product of living your life on purpose.

26. You will never be happy when you keep looking outside yourself. You will never be fulfilled if you don’t bring that happiness within.

27. You will never be happy if you continue to think about what you don’t have, the money that isn’t here yet. The implants aren’t there yet.

28. You will only be happy when you stop wishing for things and begin working on your present to improve it.

29. You’ll never be happy until you truly understand that you alone are responsible for your happiness.

30. I love how we can give a little bit and end up with so much. You will never be happy if you’re not willing to risk the chance that she might be happy with someone else.

31. You will never be happy. You’re always comparing yourself to others.

32. You will never be happy when your happiness depends on something outside yourself.

33. You’ll never be happy if you keep looking for what you lost and searching for what was. You were happy yesterday because of what you expected or hoped for today.

34. You have to be willing to put your heart into it, and you will never be happy if you don’t put all that you are into the thing you love.

35. You can’t be happy when you’re always focused on the negative or complaining. Happiness is not found in the circumstances but in yourself. You will never be happy if your mind is always in a state of worry and fear. Focus on something else and get a new perspective on life.

36. You will never be happy if you compare yourself to others. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

37. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness is. You must accept yourself just as you are and then build upon that.

38. You’ll never be happy if you continue to seek outside approval. Happiness is a choice—make it yours today.

39. You will never be happy if your happiness is dependent upon the condition of others.

40. No matter how good or bad things are going, they will never be as good or bad compared to how you feel when you’re happy.

41. You will never be happy if you continue to search for meaning because life is too short.

42. You will never be happy if you always seek happiness. You will find it by looking for sadness.

43. You will never be happy if you’re looking for happiness. Happiness will find you when you’re not looking for it

44. Live life to the fullest; you will never be happy if you are going through the motions.

45. Happiness is a journey. You will never be happy and successful at anything unless you are willing to work for it. Always remember this, and focus on the task at hand instead of what it will be like when completed.

46. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness used to be

47. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you look for someone to make you live. You must develop the ability to love yourself as much as you love others because that is all life asks of you.

48. Happiness is a choice, not an accident. You will never be happy unless you make happiness a priority in your life.

49. You will never be happy if you continue down the same road. So change it and make your life what you have always dreamed

50. You will never be happy if you continue down the same road. So change it and make your life what you have always dreamed

It’s not enough to be happy; you will never be truly happy unless you are a good person. If you are a good person, others will love you. Everything will fall into place for you. You’ll be free from your fears and worries, as well as everyone else around you. That is why you must be good and positive in life.

51. You will never be truly happy unless you are a good person, and you can never be a good person unless you change your life daily.

52. Life is a series of choices, some better than others. You will never be truly happy until you have learned to choose wisely.

53. It’s a rare moment when we become truly happy. It’s also an instant that lasts only for a moment.

54. Happiness is a choice we make. Sadness is when we don’t choose happiness.

55. You will never be truly happy if you’re always looking in the rearview mirror.

56. You will never be truly happy if your happiness depends on another person.

57. You will never be truly happy until you truly love and lose.

58. You are not happy because you have a good job, a nice house, or a new car. You’re not happy because you have great friends or a supportive family. True happiness is the result of integrity and character—not material things.

59. You will never be truly happy if you keep looking for what happiness offers outside yourself.

60. You will never be truly happy if you think only of yourself. To be content and enjoy life, you must have faith in something outside yourself that can never be found in the self.

61. You will never be truly happy unless you love yourself; what others think of you matters little.

62. Happiness is finding your place in the world. It knows who you are and what you stand for, even if no one else does. You will never be truly happy until you do.

63. Happiness is not about being content but knowing what to be grateful for.

64. Happiness is not something that you obtain or chase after. It is just the absence of sadness.

65. You will never be truly happy if you continue to look in the mirror. You must face life and take it as it is, not as you wish.

66. We’re all trying to be happy. Most of us give up on our goals and dreams because we don’t know how to achieve them. You will never be truly happy if you are not pursuing something meaningful

67. You will never be truly happy if you wait for someone or something to make you so. Be happy now and enjoy life.

68. You will never be truly happy until you love yourself.

69. When you’re sad, everything looks green. When you’re excited, everything looks red. You will never be truly happy until you give up looking for the one thing that makes you happy and starts finding things that make you feel good about yourself.

70. We live in a culture that tells us that happiness is the goal. But are we really happy? You’ll never be truly happy until you lose your fear of rejection and embrace your potential to succeed.

71. No matter how much you accomplish, you will never be truly happy until your goals become so simple that the meaning of life is obvious: it is to live a life filled with truth, love and laughter.

72. You can never be truly happy unless you do what you love.

73. You are the only one who can make yourself truly happy. You will never be truly happy if you don’t stop setting artificial standards and focus on your own needs.

74. It’s easy to be happy. Happiness is your birthright. It’s choosing to live this way that makes or breaks you.

75. The only way to find the truth is to find happy people.

76. You Will Never Be Truly Happy Until you recognize that Freedom Is Part of the Price You Pay For Success

77. You will never be truly happy until you make the happiness of someone else your own.

78. Happiness is the only reality. You will never be truly happy until you’re no longer looking for happiness.

79. Happiness is not something that happens to you; it’s something you choose.

80. Happiness cannot be found in comfort zones. It’s a choice, and the way you choose makes all the difference.

81. Life is a journey, not a destination. You will never be truly happy until you’re doing what you love— and being who you are.

82. You will never be truly happy until your work gives you the greatest joy

83. You are not a mistake but an opportunity. You are not a tragedy but a triumph. You will never be truly happy if you do what someone else wants you to and believe what they tell you.

84. You always say you want to be happy, and you’ll do anything to make it happen. But in the end, you are never truly happy until you’ve faced your demons and become a stronger person on the other side.

85. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. If you want to be truly happy, you need to let go of the things you can’t control and focus on the ones you can.

86. No matter what you say or do, you will never be truly happy. Happiness is a journey. It’s not found in any moment or place but rather the result of changes over time.

87. Happiness is not always a warm feeling that comes from within you, but it’s the result of your accomplishments and growth.

88. You will never be truly happy. That’s the sad truth, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to be content with what you have.

89. You will never be truly happy unless you are alone amidst a crowd.

90. You will never be truly happy. This is a simple fact, but it does not make you less of a person. It does not mean that you will be unhappy forever.

91. You will never be truly happy until you stop comparing yourself to others. Be comfortable with who you are, where you are and what you’ve done. Always remember that there is a reason why God has given you the blessings you have.

92. When you’re feeling down, just remember that you will never be truly happy until you let go of the past and embrace the present, future, and potential.

93. Happiness is a choice, not an outcome. You will never be truly happy with anything less than your best self.

94. The only thing we can be sure of is that nothing will ever make us truly happy.

95. It has been said that you can’t be truly happy by chasing after things. What you chase will catch you up, and then you will be in a trap of your own making.

96. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It comes with the years, and when it does, you’ll know it – whether as an adult or not. The only way to be truly happy is to be true to yourself.

97. Sometimes, truth is more than a knowing look. It’s the moment when you realize that you’re not truly happy.

9 You will never be happy until you can look at yourself in the mirror and not hate what you see.

99. You will never be truly happy because you can’t forget the past, so don’t try to. Accept where you are today and think about how far you’ve come.

100. You will never be truly happy until you put your efforts into making others happy.

You will never be happy if you expect something outside of yourself to make you happy. This could be a person, a possession, your job or anything. It will never work out how you want it to, so accept that now and start looking within. Find happiness within yourself.

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