Your Life Your Rules Quotes

There is a lot of stress, depression and anxiety in modern society. It seems like we have more freedoms but we are also under more pressure. It can be hard to define what we should do in these modern times. You could end up living life other people’s way instead of living how you please.

How you live life should be entirely in your control; it doesn’t matter what others think. Life is short, so we all should enjoy it. But there are some people who care more about people’s opinions of them. This shouldn’t be so, as we all have our lives to live.

It’s very unhealthy to prioritize people’s opinions of you. You should enjoy life while you can. And if there’s a rule you don’t like, break it. The world is changing. Where is the fun in being limited to only certain things? If there’s something you want to do, go and do it (just make sure it isn’t illegal). Your life is yours to live not anyone else’s

Below are some your life your rules about living life your way and doing what you want when you want to.

Live life by your own rules, because at the end of the day, it’s your life. people’s opinions should not matter to you and you should not let them bring you down. It is your life and you are a key determiner of what you let into your life. Live your life by your own rules.

1. Live life on your terms. Don’t let anyone else choose what you do with your time.

2. Live life by your own rules. It’s your life, your choices; your mistakes, your lesson.

3. Your dreams don’t have to fit into anyone else’s timeline. Do you, and don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle.

4. The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. So, live life by your own rules.

5. You’re never too old to play in the rain (there’s no need for an umbrella). Live life on your terms.

6. Living the life you want requires taking a few chances, but we think all the risks are worth it.

7. Never live by no one’s expectations except your own, and be proud of it.

8. Be your kind of beautiful. The first step in gaining control of your life is to take control of what you take in. Never be apologetic about who you are.

9. The only person you need to impress is yourself. Do your own thing. Live life by your own rules.

10. People will always try to stop you; they will always try to dictate how to live your life. Don’t pay attention to them. Be unstoppable.

11. Where you’re going is a lot more important than how fast you’re getting there. You do you.

12. It’s time to start living life on your terms. Quit being a people pleaser. Do what you want.

13. There’s no such thing as a perfect job. But there is such a thing as enjoying what you do. Just do you and do it in style.

14. It’s your time, it’s your hour, it’s your moment. Do whatever you so wish, as you’re the owner of your life. Live life by your own rules.

15. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, all that matters is you get up again. Keep grinding.

16. If your heart is set on something, don’t let anyone stop you. Own your truth and live by it.

17. Believe me, genuine happiness is impossible without living life on your terms. So do you, and the world will adjust.

18. Live life on your terms. Be inspired to choose what you want to do every day and then keep doing it.

19. Live life on your terms, never apologizing for doing so, because you own your life. Run your life as you please.

20. You came into this world alone and you will leave it alone. Relationships are just a recreational thing during your lifetime, so don’t let them dictate how your life should be run. Live life by your own rules.

21. Live your own life, instead of someone else’s. Live your best life and remain full of yourself.

22. If you’re living the life you want, don’t wait for other people’s permission to make it official.

23. There’s no such thing as free time. There’s only life, and you make time for the things that are important to you. Do what you want.

24. You don’t need anyone’s approval to be you. Don’t care about keeping it real.

25. Life is about living on your terms, telling your story and not giving a hoot what people think. Live your best life by doing it your way, not anyone else’s.

26. Live the life you want, not the one others expect of you. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

27. You are in charge of your happiness, but you can’t always be your muse. Take the time to appreciate others.

28. Live life your way. You do you and do what you love. This is your life, live it.

29. Life is short. So, you do you, be happy and if anyone doesn’t like it then they can go back to the place they came from.

30. You don’t even have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance. Remove anyone who’s not aligning with your way of life.

31. You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behaviour and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to annoy you, then it’s time to leave.

32. You’re too smart to take the advice from people who are unhappy with their own lives. Live life by your own rules.

33. Do your thing and don’t care if they like it. Not everyone will understand your journey, and that’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of; it’s yours.

34. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re thirsty, drink. When you feel like saying something, say it. live life by your own rules, and be unapologetic about it.

35. Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life. It’s completely up to you how amazing your life is. You can do whatever you want to do.

36. Don’t let anyone or anything ever take away your joy. You have every right to a beautiful life. Live life by your own rules.

37. Break the mould, and don’t set limits to what you can achieve. You do you and shake off the haters because they don’t matter. Live life by your own rules.

38. It’s not about making a perfect decision, it’s about living your life on your terms and rules.

39. Do your own thing. Don’t move in the lines. You can do anything you want, as long as you put your mind to it.

40. When you begin to cut out the things that don’t serve your journey, that is when you begin to truly live. Live life by your own rules.

41. The only true way to be happy is to live life on your terms. Try and see that it’s the best.

42. Come over to the side of life where you don’t have to pretend to like someone for the sake of fitting in.

43. Do what you love, stay true to your values, and be around people who make you happy—life is too short to do otherwise.

44. Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. Life is not a dress rehearsal. There are no second chances, so do it all, have it all, be it all.

45. Be the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. Live life on your terms. There’s nothing wrong with being different.

46. Living your life on your terms is the best revenge. The choices you make today will be your life tomorrow. Choose wisely!

47. Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality. Get out there and get your own.

48. Stop waiting around for permission to live your life as you want. Own it. Love it. Live it your way; ain’t nothing bad about that.

49. Live your life the way you want to be remembered. Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy the wild nature. In life, you only get what you ask for. So, live life by your own rules.

50. If you love someone, tell them. If you want something, get it. Don’t waste your time doing anything that doesn’t make you happy. Life is too short to be unhappy with yourself and what you do. Live life by your own rules.

51. Be busy that you don’t have time to worry about who doesn’t like you. Be too busy loving the people who love you. Live life by your own rules.

52. Define your happiness. Be you, unapologetically. Find your way, and things will fall in place. Live life by your own rules.

53. Do what makes you happy. Don’t care about what others think, because their opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Live life by your own rules.

54. If you want to stand out, be different. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Be your definition of beautiful.

55. Life’s too short to settle for anything less than what you love. Live life on your terms, and enjoy while at it.

56. Sometimes you just have to live your life the way you do, please. Life is more fun when you’re not trying to fit in. Do your own thing.

57. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. So, Sometimes you just have to live your life, but be good to others.

58. Live on your terms. Enjoying life on your terms is not self-indulgence, it’s self-preservation.

59. Live life the way you want it not the way others want it. Always do what you think is best for your life – even if that means ending a friendship or relationship.

60. You are your energy, your thoughts and feelings, your character, and a unique blend of all the people who have touched your life. Always remember that you are more than enough.

61. You can’t please everyone, so you have to do what makes you happy. Don’t live life on their terms; live it on yours.

62. Your life; your rules. Do it your way. Do what you love, be who you are. You don’t need permission to do the things you love.

63. You can’t please everyone. Never apologize for who you are. Live life on your terms. Don’t worry about what others won’t, just do you.

64. Life is short. Live it your way. Dress however you want. Talk however you want. Live your life, do what you love, and don’t let anyone stop you.

65. Life is way too short to be anything but happy. Do whatever makes you happy; it’s your life.

66. Do what you want. Be who you are. Setting your terms is the key to happiness. Just do it your way.

67. Know what you want and how to get it. Do things your way. Stop getting in your way.

68. Make your choices and stop letting others make them for you. It’s your life; don’t be scared to live life by your own rules.

69. Be the boss of your own life, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what you want, wear what you want, eat what you want. Who cares what anybody else thinks?

70. Life’s too short to spend it trying to fit in, get caught up in drama and whining. Go where you feel the most alive.

71. There’s a difference between knowing you want to do something and doing it. There is no point in knowing what you want if you aren’t going to go for it.

72. Stay true to yourself and don’t be afraid to embrace your individuality. Define your terms of life, and do what feels right.

73. It’s your life. Stop making excuses and just live it. Life is short. Don’t treat yourself like an afterthought. Remember to do the things you love and always put your best foot forward.

74. Life is too short, to not do what you love. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Just do it your way.

75. We don’t all have to live the same life. Create your own, be different, and do what suits you best. Live life by your own rules.

76. Take your time. Do what you love and do it well. Follow your path, and know that the world is here for all of it.

77. Don’t let anyone tell you what they think is right for you, because it doesn’t matter. Stop communicating with people who don’t inspire you.

78. Be your person. Live life on your terms. You don’t need permission to live your best life.

79. Live your life how you want to live it. Don’t let society dictate how or when you should do things.

80. Do what you want. Live life on your terms. Do not fit into anyone’s life; make your own, instead.

81. Define your style. You don’t have to follow trends or anyone else’s rules. Just do you and live life by your own rules.

82. Be your boss and start living life on your terms. Live your best life; unbothered and blissfully happy.

83. You’re the only one who can decide to live a life you love. Do what you want. Wear what you like. Drink what you want. Say what you think. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

84. You can either continue to live life on other people’s terms or you can start living. Let the good times roll, on your terms.

85. Live with the vibe that you want, not the one others want you to have. Live life by your own rules.

86. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people—the ones who belong in your life—will come to you and stay.

87. Do what you want, and don’t ask for permission. You only have one life; have the courage to live it on your terms.

88. Find your way. Be yourself. Live life on your terms. Life’s too short to hold yourself back from living it out loud. Stay bold, stay you.

89. Do not allow anyone to take away your happiness and freedom. Live your life as it pleases you, not as it pleases others. Live life by your own rules.

90. Live life unapologetically with no regrets. Do what makes you happy. Be your kind of beautiful.

91. Do what you love, not what they tell you to do. Don’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. Do what makes you happy, and live life by your own rules.

92. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. Don’t let anyone tell you how it’s supposed to be done. Live your life the way that pleases you.

93. Do what you want, when and where you want to, how you want. Do whatever you want. Just remember who walked away and who came back.

94. You don’t live to please others, so why should you wait for others to be ready? Live your life as it pleases you. Do what makes you happy.

95. Do what you want when you want with no regard for others. Do what makes you happy, and don’t let others influence your choices.

96. Don’t let people tell you your dreams are too big or too unrealistic when you can achieve them. Live the life you want.

97. You’re in charge of your life. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for living it your way. Do what feels right for you; that’s the only way to live.

98. Don’t live to please others. Do what makes you happy because your happiness matters more than anyone else’s. Live life by your own rules.

99. Live your life for yourself, not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked stop you from being yourself.

100. Try less, create more. Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your method. Live your life so when you look back, you will have no regrets.

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