Youths and Drug Abuse in Nigeria: Challenge for The Nigerian Churches


Drug among youths in Nigeria has been a to the youths and the society in General. The consequences of drug abuse are not only on the individual user but also on his or her offspring, family and the society.

This work is expected to create , expose and provide useful to people especially to the Nigerian youths on the effects of drug abuse and the challenges for the Nigerian churches towards drug abuse in Nigeria.

Chapter one is an introductory chapter. It discusses the usefulness of drug in the life of a living thing and how it is being abused in Nigeria by the youths. The second chapter reviews the works of authors on abuse. The third chapter explains much about drug.

There are a lot of substance like alcohol, cannabis, heroine etc and most of them were discussed including their abuses, uses, effects, causes of drug abuse etc.

Chapter four discusses the challenges for the Nigerian churches on drug abuse in the Nigerian society. In this chapter, the researcher dwelt on what the church should do to control or stop drug abuse in Nigeria.

If the Nigerian youths should stop abusing drugs, they will be useful to themselves, their families and the society in general.


Title Page: — — — — — — — — — — i
Requirement Page: — — — — — — — — — ii
Approval Page: — — — — — — — — — iii
Dedication: — — — — — — — — — — iv
Acknowledgements: — — — — — — — — v
Abstract: — — — — — — — — — — vi
Table of Contents: — — — — — — — — — vii

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study: — — — — — — 1
1.2 Statement of Problem: — — — — — — — 2
1.3 Aim of the Study: — — — — — — — — 3
1.4 Significance of the Study: — — — — — — 4
1.5 Scope of the Study: — — — — — — — 4
1.6 Research Methodology: — — — — — — — 5
1.7 Definition of Related Terms: — — — — — — 5

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Chapter Three: Drug Abuse

3.1 Commonly Drug Abused Substances: — — — — — 15
3.2 Causes of Drug Abuse: — — — — — — — 46
3.3 Social Effects of Drug Abuse: — — — — — — 50
3.4 Some Prominent Victims of Drug Abuse: — — — — 52
3.5 Drug Abuse Prevention or Control Measures: — — — 52

Chapter Four: The Church’s Role in Controlling Drug Abuse in the Nigerian Society

4.1 Preaching: — — — — — — — — — 71
4.2 Prayer: — — — — — — — — — 72
4.3 Seminars/Teaching: — — — — — — — 73
4.4 Recreation Centres: — — — — — — — 73
4.5 Employment: — — — — — — — — 74
4.6 Reward/Punishment: — — — — — — — 74
4.7 Connection with NDLEA or any other Drug Control Group: — 75

Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusion

5.1 Principal Findings: — — — — — — — — 76
5.2 Contributions to Knowledge: — — — — — — 77
5.3 Recommendations: — — — — — — — 78
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research: — — — — — 79
5.5 Conclusion: — — — — — — — — — 79


1.1 Background of the Study

Drugs are commonly used by everybody whether young or old. Drugs are not only useful for human beings; they are also useful for animals for good health. Human beings give drugs to their animals when  they discovered  that they are not healthy.

Drug is an effective substance in the life of any living thing to cure sickness and to make life healthy. It is true that drugs are used for beneficent therapeutic purposes, effective substance for good health,  but they  are being abused by people especially youths.

They use it illegally and unlawfully, thus it becomes harmful to the body. The impact of drug abuse among Nigerian youths has been considered a moral decadent. Drug abuse has made the face of the Nigerian youths rough and brought shame to our society.

The Nigerian youths are deliberately using drugs illegally, unlawfully and intentionally.bMany of our youths ignorantly or knowingly depend on one drug or the other for their daily activities.

According to the statistics provided by World Health Organization (WHO), drug including alcohol and tobacco, have caused a lot of road accidents and have claimed more lives than other sicknesses suffered by mankind.

As International Drug Trafficking is gaining strength, the international cooperation against drug trafficking is steadily  loosing  strength and lacking organization.


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Achebe, C. (1983). The Trouble With Nigeria. Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd.

Ackerman, R. (1983). Children of Alcoholism. London: Calif Learning Publications.

Adelekan, M. L. and Adeniran, R. A. (1991). “Rehabilitation and Follow-up Issues in Drug Abusers Managed at the Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Abeokuta, Nigeria”. West African Journal of Medicine. The Kings Publishers, Ibadan: Pp. 334-380.

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