MTN Data Subscription Codes and Plans 2022 Updates

– MTN Data Subscription Codes 2022 –

Do you have issues choosing the right Data plan? Are you an MTN user and you’re not aware of MTN data plans? When choosing a data plan for browsing on the MTN network, it is a good idea to make sure you choose a browsing bundle that meets your needs. This post will guide you through on MTN data code

has several interesting data plans offers for all mobile devices, modems, and routers. Read through this article and you will find the latest Mtn browsing data plans codes.

About MTN Data Plans

MTN has numerous which its customers can buy at affordable prices. If you are interested in getting value for your money and cutting down on the amount of money used for for data, then read this article and use it as a guide.

MTN, like other networks, offers daily data plans and weekly data plans in addition to the standard monthly subscription.

The cheapest monthly plans still remain flat 1000 Naira for 1.5GB and 1,200 Naira for 2GB which used to offer 1GB for 1,000 Naira, now offers 1.5GB at the same price.

MTN has updated its internet browsing data plans adding more data allowance and introduce a couple of new data plans that offer more value for money.

You now have several MTN Data plans to choose from. There are cheap browsing plans for entry-level users and mobile phone browsing as well as browsing bundles for medium data and high data users.

This article will provide you with the subscription codes for the various MTN data plans.

What is MTN Data Plan?

MTN data plan is the list of internet data packages available for MTN subscribers. The internet data plan varies based on size and prices, so is the Activation code different.

MTN Nigeria has several interesting data plan offers for all mobile devices, modems, and routers. You can easily find an MTN data plan that meets your specific needs, since there are daily, weekly, monthly, and 60 days/quarterly data bundles available to all new and existing MTN Nigeria customers.

N100 Data Plan

This data plan is the cheapest in the MTN tariff plan. This plan is the lowest that allows you to enjoy 50MB for just a day. For you to subscribe to this plan, you must have up to 100 naira recharge on your phone.

It is cool to use this plan and check out the MTN network in your area, how fast or slow it is. This plan is not suitable for heavy data users. To subscribe to this plan send 104 to 131, data validity is for 24 hours that’s a day.

MTN Weekly Data Plan Code

Price Data Allowance Validity USSD Code
N300 350MB 7 days *131*102#
N500 1GB 7 days *131*142#
N1,500 6GB 7 days *131*143#
N500 750MB 14 days *131*103#





All these data plan codes are for 7 days subscription models, each of the data is valid for 7 days after the date of subscription. Mtn weekly data plan is available in different sizes to fit your needs and budget.

If you are interested in any of the Mtn weekly inter-plan, simply follow the codes below as provided.

  • 350MB Costs #300 Text 102 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 7days
  • 1GB Costs #500 Text 142 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 7days
  • 6GB Costs #1500 Text 143 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 7days
  • 750MB Costs #500 Text 103 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 14days

Monthly MTN Data Plans and Pricing

We have seen MTN weekly tariff plan, now let’s the most prominent data plan which is the monthly plan. These sets of  MTN plan codes are a little more expensive than the weekly data plan.

This data plan is safe, reliable, and fast and serves as long as 30 days of internet experience. There is no limit to the task you can perform with this data plan

  1. 1.5GB Costs #1000 Text 106 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  2. 2GB MTN data plan 2020 Costs #1,200 Text 130 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  3. 3GB Costs #1500 Text 131 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  4. 4.5GB Costs #2000 Text 110 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  5. 6GB Costs #2,500 Text 147 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days MTN data plan
  6. 10GB Costs #3500 Text 107 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  7. 15GB Costs #5000 Text 116 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  8. 40GB Costs #10,000 Text 117 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  9. 75GB Costs #15,000 Text 150 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days
  10. 110GB Costs #20,000 Text 149 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 30days.

MTN N500 for 500MB

This data plan is better than the above MTN data plans, with 500 naira you can enjoy 500MB of data plus an extra 250MB. The 500 megabytes of data is valid for 7 days, that for a week from the day of subscription.

The 250 megabyte is valid for a day and expires once it is 1 am that same day. To subscribe to this data tariff text 103 to 131.

1GB for 1000 Naira for 1GB

This is one of the most popular MTN data bundles, this data plan is the most used. In this plan, you get to enjoy 1000 MB that’s 1GB with a 500MB bonus.

The 1GB data is valid for 30 days or one month while the 500MB is valid for 24 hours. This shows that this plan is a monthly data bundle. To subscribe to this data plan text or send 106 to 131.

MTN N200 for 1.5GB

This plan is one of the monthly data plans that’s for medium data users. This plan is good if you are not using the Internet for a lot of downloads and research. I have used this plan for a couple of days.

The fact is that it wouldn’t reach that one month before it finishes. This data plan offers you 1500MB that’s 1.5GB of data, unlike the 100 naira plan. The 500MB data is not limited, it is valid for one month like others. To subscribe to this plan, text 130 to 131.

Mtn 2000 Naira For 2.5GB

This MTN tariff data plan allows you to enjoy 2.5GB for 2000 naira. This data bundle also offers an extra 1GB which is valid for 24 hours. The 2.5GB is valid for one month. To subscribe to this plan text 110 to 131.

Mtn Yearly Data Plan

400GB Costs #120,000 Text 156 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 1Year

1000GB Costs #150,000 Text 136 to 131 to Subscribe Validity 1Year

MTN Data Plan Code for 500 Naira

MTN data plan code for 500 naira allows MTN users to activate 500MB internet data valid for one week. This data plan is the medium available weekly internet plan available for Mtn users.

  1. If you want to subscribe to this data plan or tariff plan follow the steps below to get started
  2. Go to your text message app on your phone
  3. Open the text messaging app
  4. text 103 to 131

Mtn 2GB for 500 Naira 

Mtn 2GB
for #500 data is a biweekly data tariff plan, it is only valid for 2 days. This data subscription is good for urgent medium purposes like downloading of movies or watching only.

The data plan is available under the daily data plan data category and it costs only #500. This tariff plan is available for rollover, which means you can actually roll over your unused data to a weekly standard.

Here is the hack to get information concerning MTN tariff plan details, *131*1#.

MTN currently charges 5 kobo/kb for pay as you go browsing. Browsing on a pay-as-you-go is expensive for most users. So it is a good idea to migrate to an internet plan using its internet browsing codes as they offer more value for money.

When choosing a data plan for browsing on the MTN network, it is a good idea to make sure you choose a browsing bundle that meets your needs. On this page, you will find the latest browsing data plans offered by MTN.

Finally, We believe this information about MTN Data Plan Code 2021 is helpful to you? Why not share it with your friends out there by clicking on the share button on this website. You can as well subscribe to be updated for further information concerning this topic.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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